Tuesday, May 15, 2007

In my humble opinion, the constitutional government is the least harmful of the different types of government. The social benefits of stability and security can be obtained even in the face of moral corruption. Public success and private morality are separate. Societies always down through the ages have always progress from an oligarchy ( ruled by a small group of elite rich and powerful) type of government to a democracy type of government ( ruled by and for the people) then as history plainly shows the democracy type government degenerates into a government ruled by a single person (despotism), such has been the case throughout recorded history.
The United States of America before the time of it’s conception was ruled by an oligarchy ( rich merchants, land owners, and the King of England ) type of government which was deposed and a democracy was created by such men as Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, John Jay, and others who names are listed in the United States Constitution. Today, it is still a democracy with a representative type government, but is in serious jeopardy of becoming a Despotism or Oligarchy type of government.
The Republican Party with people like George Bush are in the process of attemping to establish a Despotism or Oligarchy type of government. This calamity begin in the 1980’s with the election of Ronald Reagan to the Presidency of the United States, and was continued by the election of George Bush Sr., and the elites , rich and powerful within the Republican Party. Their efforts were slowed to some degree by the election of a Democrat William Jefferson Clinton to the President, who brought about the strongest economy this world has ever known. President Clinton greatly improved the lives of nearly all the American people. President Clinton was daily ridicule and demeaned by the Republicans who had control and was in the majority while President Clinton was in office. The Republicans refused to lend a hand at anything Clinton was promoting, and demagoged him throughout his Presidency. But notwithstanding the Republicans, President Clinton for eight tears took the United States to it’s highest plateau of excellence the world has every known.
Then the calamity resumed with the illegal election of George Bush the "Decider". The "decider" was not elected to become President, but was illegally appointed by the Republican majority in the United States Supreme Court. Since this appointment of George Bush to the Presidency America’s prestige and standing in the world has drastically and seriously been eroded to the point that the United States has little standing in the world, and is currently bogged down in the country of Iraq where there is an on going civil war between the Shintes and Sunnis people with no end to this war in sight. And at the same time are waging a war in the country of Afghanistan fighting a group of people that are a part of a group of terrorist who bombed the World Trade Center in New York, N.Y. on 9/11.
George Bush the "Decider" took us to war under false pretenses. He took us to war with the blessings of the U.S. Congress by turning over the powers of Congress to declare war to the "Decider" which at the time was ruled by a majority of Republicans. The "Decider" and the "Vice Decider" as well as all the Congress controlled by the Republicans took the U.S. to war with Iraq because of weapons of mass destruction, and that our national security was at risk. All this has been proven to be nothing more than a pack of lies and distortions. The "Decider’s" and the "Vice-Decider" poor planning and the breaking of the nation’s laws has become a disgrace and a plaque upon this nation. The "Decider" said how we would shock and awe, but watching on TV I watched as the bombs and rockets as they begin to fall. I clearly saw the effects of the "Decider’s" shock and awe, innocent men, women, and children being slaughtered and killed is what I saw. This was terrifying to many such as mothers and dads, and grandmas and grandpas. The United States military heric soldiers did as they were ordered, god bless their souls, but at what cost they paid as loved ones prayed and squawed. The "Decider" did a great wrong getting us into a war without just cause.
The want a be tyrant ( Republican approved) "Decider" does not begin his worst abuses until after he has gain total power over the people. Then the people will realize what a monster they have let be born among them. When this happens, the people will want to get rid of this tyrant but the people will find that they are to weak to do so. God help the American people if they should ever forget civil liberty or the ultimate issues that drives the gun control movement: the determination to make armed citizen into disarmed subjects of a powerful, sometimes benign, collection of people who call themselves the government, such as the Republican Party who is trying to some extent to succeed in bringing about a despotism type of government. The warnings are clear and history has shown that these revelation are true and real. God help America if this tyrant or any other should every gain control of the U.S. government and the American people, when just one person by the simple act of pushing a button or issuing an order would send the world into obliteration. Every American should bind together as one to prevent this calamity from ever forming into a despotism (rule by one) or oligarchy ( ruled by a small group of elite powerfully rich).
The United States of America is and should remain a representative democracy which involves the selection of government officials by the people. Representatives may be elected by a particular district or represent the electorate as a whole or a proportional system or a combination of the two, as well as the use of direct democracy such as referenda. The Representatives of the government are and should be elected by the people, to act in their interest, and they the Representatives retain the freedom to exercise their own judgment as how best to do so. This government of the U.S. also includes , free and fair elections, protection of minorities, the rule of law, separation of power between the three branches of government, protection of liberties, freedom of speech, religion, property.


perry6911 said...

It is my opinion the President violations of the public trust through illegal wiretapping program, and his failure to enforce the United States immigration laws and futher, for the pre-emptive military strike against a country that was not a threat to the national security, the Congress of the United States should not begin impeachment of either the President or the Vice-President, but instead censure both the President and Vice-President.

The U.S. Congress should begin censureship actions against President Bush for him authorizing the illegal wiretapping program and his misleading the nation about it. There is clear and convincing evidence of President Bush undermining of the separation of powers and ignoring the rule of law. If this Congress does not at least censure Bush they must and will be held accountable for condoning his actions, and undermining both the separation of powers and the rule of law. Bush is in my opinion in direct violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). The question is not about wheather the government should be wiretapping at all, but that it already has the power and authority to do so under current law, but Bush the “Decider” decided to break the law, and has placed himself above the Constitution and the laws that govern the lives of all American citizens. The President has failed since illegally obtaining the Presidency by the appointment to the Presidency by the Republican controlled Supreme Court of this land. It is my firm opinion that in America Presidents and Vice-Presidents are elected by the people and not appointed or assigned to those offices as in the case of both officials Bush and Cheney.

The ignoring of U.S. immigration laws and the violations that allowed upwards of 20 million illegal immigrants to flood into this country causing great harm, suffering, and cost to the American workers and the American citizens. The majority of Americans in my opinion that were polled four out of five polled support Bush and Cheney being either impeached and/or censured by Congress. It seems the Democrats leaders in Congress have indicated they have no intention of impeaching Bush or Cheney. For a President to be impeached for “high crimes and misdemeanors”, formal charges known as Articles of Impeachment, which states the allegations, are introduced at the House of Representatives where they may be debated and, if consensus for a vote is reached, voted upon then if any of the Articles are approved by a simple majority, then the President is considered “impeached”, and would then be tried in the Senate to determine his innocence. If he were determined to be guilty he would be removed from office and the Vice-President would immediately be sworn in as President, which would be Richard Cheney. The President or the Vice-President could be impeached in one day, in the morning a member of the House could propose one or more Articles of Impeachment and could vote by a simple majority (50%) plus one vote is all that is needed to impeach either the President or the Vice-President in the House of Representatives, and that afternoon the Senate could try the case. A two-thirds vote is needed in the Senate to convict. Ejecting a person from high office is political, not judical. The only punishment that can be administered ny Congress is removal from office. However, if after being found guilty of “high crimes and misdemeanors” and removal from office they maybe tried in a Court for violations of laws that were broken.

President Gerald Ford in my opinion was correct when he said in 1970 that, “ an impeachable offense is whatever the majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at any given moment in its history”. There is no good argument against impeaching a Vice-President based upon the notion that the person of greater authority- the President should take responsibility for whatever happens in his/her administration. The Senate is procedurally bound only by the rules it makes for itself. The House and Senate may determine the Rules of its’ proceedings, justice does not play a part. The President and Vice-President holds onto office at the pleasure of Congress. The Congress have never impeached a Vice-President, but have impeached two Presidents, but the Senate failed to convict either . There was one President who resigned rather than face impeachment Richard Nixon. In regards to Vice-President Cheney there is no reason to hold back impeachment because of prosecution of his former assistant Mr. Lewis Libby for alleged crimes, but any impeachable offense brought forward against the Vice-President have to be be of a type pertaining specifically to him. Futher, the President could not pardon Cheney to thwart the process of impeachment. Cheney could seek a Presidential pardon right now, and Bush could in fact be holding a batch of signed (and witnessed) pardons in his desk at this very moment in advance of Cheney being convicted of any crime. Futher, President Bush would play the Constitution for all it is worth, and use the bargaining chips that Presidential power gives him that he could use in difficult or dangerous circumstances. The Vice-President options would be if impeachment talk begins, would be immediately start correcting any offending behaviors or try to get the President ejected from office, in which case he himself would become President. If a Vice-President dies, resigns, or is impeached, the President can nominate any American born citizen, age 35 or older, but must be confirmed by a majority in both Houses of Congress before the person can be sworn in as the new Vice-President.

The people should begin talking it up and seeking publicity for the idea of persuading a Congressperson to purpose impeachment. There have been numerous calls by the public calling for the impeachment of Bush and Cheney as well as others in this current administration with thousands of citizens who have signed a petition sponsored by former Attorney General Ramsey Clark. There recently has been others in Congress seeking impeachment of the Vice-President and President as well as other high ranking officials in the Bush administration. The Vice-President is in an ongoing civil suit that ask for criminal penalties under the “Racketeer Influnced and Corrupt Organizations Act pending in the U.S. Federal District Courts. The case “Rodriquez v. Bush case is hardly ever mentioned in the main stream media, but it is available on the internet.

A Congressman Dennis Kucinich a Democrat from Ohio has announced a series of charges against Vice-President Cheney alleging that Vice-President has committed a series of impeachable offenses and has introduced Articles of Impeachment against him in Congress. The Ohio Democrat described his move as intended to provide a “defense of the rights of American people to have a government that is honest and peaceful”. Rep. Kucinich excoriated the Vice-Presdent who he said was “ a driving force for taking us into war against Iraq under false pretenses, and is once again rattling sabers of war against Iran, with the same intent to drive Americans into war again based on false pretenses”. Rep. Kucinich submitted as House Resolution 333, The first concerned manipulation of intelligence about Iraq’s threat to the United States. The second concerned manipulation of intelligence on the Iraq-Al-Quida relationship. The last and third concerned manipulation was what Rep. Kucinich called having “openly threatened aggression against the Republic of Iran”. He further went on to say that the charges were “deeply researched” and insisted that his accusations were not just a political stunt, and the charges were not brought forth lightly and weighted his options as a member of Congress and that this path was the most important for him to take.

The Democrats leaders in Congress are saying that “President Bush was not worth the efforts, because impeachment proceedings would be a distraction from passing Democratic policies that would insure the Party’s future political victory, and the election of a Democratic President and improving the majority the Democrats have in Congress. Rep. Kucinich was quoted as saying “ there is a very practical reason each and every charge relates to Vice-President Cheney’s conduct or misconduct in office”, and added “ it is very important that we start with Mr. Cheney because if we were to start with the President Mr. Cheney would then become President. Further, Rep. Kucinich went on to say “we’d have to go through the Constitutional agony of impeaching two Presidents consecutively”.

The indictment or criminal prosecution of a President or Vice-President would impermissibly undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions, and the Vice-President is fair game. While the President is immune from indictment, the Vice-President is not, since the conviction of the Vice-President would not disrupt the workings of the executive branch of government. The Congress should not impeach either the President or Vice-President simpley for the reasons that it would be like the Democrats leaders have stated “ President and the Vice-President are not worth the effort and it would be a huge distraction from passing other important Bills and policies, and would cause the country to have to go through so much turmoil and costs. The way it should in my opinion be handled is for Congress to Censure both the the President and Vice-President and let them sit up in their offices and twittle their thumbs till their terms in office expires, and then bring any criminal and civil charges against either of the two. So, Democrats censure Bush and Cheney and get on with the important business of the people as you promised the American people who voted you into office. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

Purposed Fair Tax Law

The Federal government of the United States imposes a progressive tax on the taxable income of individuals, corporations, trusts, estates, and certain bankruptcy estates. The first Federal income tax was imposed under Article 1, section 8, clause 1 of the United States Constitution, during the civil war, then again in the 1890s, and then again after the sixteenth admendment was ratified in 1913. (althrough there is doubt about its every being ratified). Current income taxes are imposed under these Constitution provisions and varous sections of subtitle A of the Internal Revenue code of 1986, as amended , including 26 U.S.C. ( imposing income tax on the taxable income of individuals, estates and trust) and 26 U.S.C. 11 (imposing income tax on Corporations).

This in my opinion is contrary and in violation of the United States Constitution, (ninth Amendment), thus it is an infringement on that right, income taxation offers the Federal government a technique to radically diminish the power of the states, because the Federal government is then able to distribute funding to states with conditions attached, often giving states no choice but to submit to Federal demands.

There is an alternative way of taxation which is called: “ Fair Tax” a legislation pending now for some time before the U.S. Congress which would repeal the Income Tax in favor of a national sales tax with a rebate that would untax purchases up to the poverty level. First, this bill would have to be passed and become law, and there would have to be a repeal of the Sixteenth Amendment. There is far a long time now been an argument over the fact that the Sixteenth Amendment was every properly ratified? Maybe this question could be settled by the passing of this purposed Fair Tax Bill now pending in the United States Congress.

The Fair Tax legislation if it were to become law would apply equally to all citizens. There would be a rebate given to all household to replace the tax on all new goods and services up to the proverty level, based upon the number of persons in the household. This way everyone gets a pre-rebate which is fair, low income families pay nothing, the middle class pays less than they do now under the current system. The rich over 70K annually pay the same as they pay now. The extremely wealthy who pay barely anything now would have to cough up a lot, lot more than they every have in the past. A simple way to put this new Fair Tax is : the more you spend the more you pay. The Fair Tax would be a much better than the Flat Tax that President Regan proposed in 1986, and if implemented today we would not have this mess we are having today. The transparity of the Fair Tax would be a great watch dog over the Congress, because every time one pays tax it is listed on the receipt from your purchase. This Fair Tax allows an individual to keep 100% of his/her paycheck, it eliminates the regressive payroll tax that hurt the poor, it assures that the wealthiest Americans would help fund Social Security with ever dollar they spend above the poverty level. Social Security funds would be helped very much by this Fair Tax. It would provide funding for Social Security and Medicare at a level much higher than it is today under the current system in place today. The Fair Tax would secure Social Security far into the future. It would eliminate all personal income tax, pay roll taxes, corporate income taxes, gift taxes, death taxes, as well as the IRS.

This Fair Tax if it were to become law, would be overwhelmingly better than the cumbersome, intrusive, coercive, and inefficient tax code currently in place today. It would also be revenue neutral, and would fund the Federal budget much better than the outdated tax code in place today. It doesn’t tax used items purchased, only new items. This Fair Tax is a progressive tax and would greatly improve the lives of folks who are currently being overwhemed by uncle Sam and this illegal appointed President who calls himself the “Decider”, and he should be IMPEACHED for not enforcing the violations of the United States Constitution and the laws therein. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

Ethanol As A Alternative Fuel Source
USA Today argues that U.S. farmers’ decision to plant “corn in place of other crops to cash in on the ethanol craze” will cost the average American because it will cause the price of other crops to increase. This Congress it seems are watering down a proposed bill that would tighten fuel economy standards, and went as far as to say some changes in the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act that was proposed by the Bush administration makes sense and would refrain from any adverse reaction.
Ethanol is an alcohol made from corn, sugar cane, or other plant matter. Ethanol is one method among many others of powering an engine that does not envolve a distilled petroleum product. The growing concerns about the effects of pollution from vehicle exhaust and the Greenhouse effect have greatly increased the interest in ethanol as an alternative fuel. The protroleum industries are vehemently against any source of alternative fuel such as ethanol. But, as many people that are in favor of ethanol far out number the few in the petroleum industries who are strongly against it because oil and gas is that industries life line. But, ethanol would be one alternative fuel that could and would be a reliable way of easying the U.S. dependence on foreign oil and gas supplies.

Ethanol is generally made in the U.S. from corn and denatured, or mix with gasoline during the winter or in cold climates, ethanol is sold in a 75% mixture with 15% gasoline. During warmer seasons and in warm climates, the ethanol used is 85% ethanol with 15% gasoline, and is generally marketed as “ E-85”. There are many good reasons to develop and use ethanol, among which are reduced on petroleum products, reduced dependence on global supplies, and the reduction of greenhouse emissions, to name a few. To develop and refine ethanol is one thing, but the ability to distribute it and adapt it for use to a specific vehicle or application is an entirely different challenge altogether, so says the “petroleum industries” who are mostly owned and operated by the elite rich and powerful
greedy corporations with the help of these despot Republicans as well as this current administration headed by the “Decider” George Bush.

The adage of supply and demand of course will continually drive the development of ethanol and other alternative fuels, but the oil and gas industry are doing everything in their power , to delay, postpone, cause problems and the like to stop or at least slow up the progress already made in most of all the alternative fuels industry. One of the main argument of the petroleum industry is that it costs as much, if not more as gasoline and petroleum products, more for plants, and the cultivation harvest and process of the grain than it saves in gasoline savings is not so good, but, to many this is just a bunch of hogwash and deception that these gas and oil producers with the help of the Republicans which the industry has bought and paid for their support to promote. The gas and oil companies of today are secretly paying off these elite politicians Republicans mostly to stop or stall and slow up the advancement of any alternative fuels such as ethanol to the determent of all Americans, and in my opinion this is down right unAmerican. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

Restoring Habeas Corpus President Bush has declared that the prisoners of war at Guantanamo Bay, even innocent ones, do not deserve a hearing. Those who objected were classified as friends of terrorist. The macho image that he mistakely concludes is conservative or tough on terrorism, is conveniently stripping people of their rights. The suspending of habeas corpus is something very radical and is against democratic philosophy. This as some military leaders have suggested, clearly feed Al Qaeda’s propaganda and increases the risk that could lead to detaining American civilians without charges or appeal. This Bush administration has filled the Congress’s plate full of legislation which would hopefully restore the rights of hapeas corpus in American judiciary system. But many it seems in Congress do not have the gall to bring up this matter to be voted on. It seems these Congress men and women are getting wimpy again. There is but one answer to solve this problem: IMPEACH BUSH1! Then start repairing all the damages that has been caused during his reign as the “Decider and Chief.” William in Alabama

perry6911 said...

Restoring Habeas Corpus President Bush has declared that the prisoners of war at Guantanamo Bay, even innocent ones, do not deserve a hearing. Those who objected were classified as friends of terrorist. The macho image that he mistakely concludes is conservative or tough on terrorism, is conveniently stripping people of their rights. The suspending of habeas corpus is something very radical and is against democratic philosophy. This as some military leaders have suggested, clearly feed Al Qaeda’s propaganda and increases the risk that could lead to detaining American civilians without charges or appeal. This Bush administration has filled the Congress’s plate full of legislation which would hopefully restore the rights of hapeas corpus in American judiciary system. But many it seems in Congress do not have the gall to bring up this matter to be voted on. It seems these Congress men and women are getting wimpy again. There is but one answer to solve this problem: IMPEACH BUSH1! Then start repairing all the damages that has been caused during his reign as the “Decider and Chief.” William in Alabama

perry6911 said...

ThePressAndGovernment Every women should have the right to choose for themselves concerning wheather are not to have an abortion. This should only be between her and her God. Government has no right or role whatsoever injecting it self into these matters, except in cases of rape, incest, etc. period. But, of course most despot Republicans believe it to be ok to kill women and childeren when it comes to Iraq, which to me is evil and on it face. These Republicans will do or say anything to beat an adversary for political office. For example: Rudy Giuliani former mayor of New York contributes to Planned Parenthood, and at the same time says he is opposed to abortion and most of the despot Republicans will still vote for him. How two-faced can this be? It just shows the issues don’t really matter to these Republicans, only adhering to the party agenda of getting elected matters. Their love of money is their almighty and other things such as children, old folks, poor, and down trodden are just pawns on their dirty little monopy board to be discared at will. The people will find out
during the Republicans primaries just how two-faced they really are as the news travels from coast to coast in a blink of and eye, nothing like when he ran for Mayor of New York City where most of his fallacies were over-looked or not even brought up by the bought off press.

These despot Republicans who were in control of the U.S. government for over a decade are now trying to gain back their lost in the last pass election offices will say are do anything to get elected. The United States government controlled by this administration and a Congress that stays in gridlock most of the time have made a complete mess out of our government. They do not and have not protected our food supply, jobs, trade, medical needs, labor standards, etc. and there are billions of dollars in counterfiet films, movies, among millions of other things in our markets today depriving millions of American of their American Dream. How in the world can our food supply be safe under the appalling conditions? When a person is sick the last thing he/she needs is a fake drug or foods laced with posions. It seems these despot Republicans could care less about safety or non-safety drugs, just more money, and they could care less about the citizens of this country. How come captialism and competition is only the cry of these corrupt corporations and elite and rich and powerful individuals when it benefits them only, instead of the American comsumers? We import most of our food supply from all over the world without any inspections. But of course these Republicans don’t let the drug come into the U.S. at low cost to consumers because this would hurt their campagn coffers as the drug companies here in the U.S. who help keep them in power would be adversely affected, so they make it a point to rigorously inspect that portion of our government adversely effecting millions of sick Americans. This administration can’t trust anyone that is why Bush has so much trouble finding replacement for the upset and dejected people who leave his administration. Just look at the last six years of his reign at the White House, after promising decency and good morals in our government has now turned to disrepect, dishonor, and a oligarchy form of government which will soon if not stopped by the voters of this country will degenerate into despotism.

Further, we should as a country after ridding ourselves of these despots redeploy our troops out of Iraq and deploy them where they are truely needed like Afhanistan and other such places that truly threatens our national security. We need to fight the real enemy who are the individuals and other entities who attacked us on 9/11. We should not particate in Iraq’s little civil war it is not a concern with our national security period. We could by this redeployment place some of the troops on our borders to make our borders secure and then we can talk about comprehensive immigratiom reform instead of this idiotic plan Bush is trying to ram down the Americans throats.

The outsourcing of American jobs to foreign country is idiotic on the part of these despot Republicans and others, and the monitoring of American citizens phone calls is very very disturbing and truly is a violation of the United States Constitution and laws. The government is at present outsourcing our intelligence gathering to corporate America, saying they are looking for call patterns, but in reality they are gathering political information to be used by the Republican Party and their Presidential and Congressional candidates running for office in the 2008 election. In my opinion they should be monitoring themselves and finding out who is leaking national security issues to the world press. I think a good place to begin would be at the “Decider’s White House and the vice-President office and their homes, and for the government to get out of Americans homes where they do not belong!

The people who are running the press have been sucking up to this illegal President from the very time he was illegally appointed by the supreme court which was Republican in Majority. The press reported and covered all his lies, and bought into all his non-sense so they all could get invited to the right parties and the “decider” could towel-snap you and give you all stupid nicknames. And low and behold what did it get you all? Monitored by the NSA thats what now it looks like the press will now have to deal with it. Ho Hum...........! Maybe, if the press had done its job the U.S. wouldn’t be living in a fascist state run by neo-con nazi Republicans manic depression self-serving despots. Now everyone is wondering what has happened to all our rights? Go and figure. Bush needs to be impeached for many many reasons to numerous to list in this short piece, but one of them to me is the sending our bravest and finest men and women to die in Iraq, for what Vainity?

Our American government when all is said and done should be afraid of its people not the other way around. What in the world is this administration doing? They say what they’re doing is for our own good, thats luncy. These zealot Republicans and some Democrats think that sacrificing our freedom and liberty for security are going to be sadly mistaken for without freedom and liberty all that is left is despotism and catastrophe anarchism. This administration is not doing all these despot things for freedom or liberty as they would have you believe, but are doing these things to control the american people. So brothers and sisters of America be vigilant of these despot Republican they are watching your every move including your phone call, internet and any other place they can slide their greedy dirty paws into. This to me and I hope to all Americans very frightening but our freedoms must be preserved. All citizens must be made aware of what this administration is doing in our name. The government is the employees of the people, it is the people’s country, and all government employees including the “Decider” are suppose to be working at the pleasure of the people.

The press and other outlets is the way the people have to find and discover the truth of matters that effect their every day lives. These despotic Republicans are not telling the American people nothing but lies and half- truths if there is such a thing. It was said that”those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety.... deserves neither liberty nor safety. It is now considered legal for the government to keep track of any telephone and I would presume any electronic or other information and messages the government deems fit, to gather from any American citizen. Perhaps, some Americans accept this farce, but this American does not and will not . Anyone who thinks this is fair or legal should be prepared to post their personal information for all to see so that we can in exchange help out our beleagured intelleigence officials by surveilling them. These despot Republicans in our government doing these evil deeds of evasion of Americans civil and God given rights. These community service and government carreerist persons who are being blamed for being to passive and who have been taken for a ride are now to chicken to do anything about it now, want the people and the Constitution to save you. But it has just about reach the point that one must look far beyond this to a higher power to be save from these evil despot Republicans. Loyalty to the country always, and to the government when it deserves it. There are many things the press and others could disseminate, for example: when 200 plus armed Mexicians soldiers entered the U.S. ........why was this never reported? Why? Why? Why? The media will ultimately be judged by history it is made up of humans like ourselves. To those that criticize reporters for uncovering government wrong-doing and the government turns upon the press and others, who will protect us then? If anyone is in doubt, check out history for the likes of Adoft Hilter and the like would be a good place to start. If all this is a mandate on personal pravacies are a matter of national security then the President should explain how far the government should go and what measures are there to protect the American people. But I don’t think he every will that why he should and must be IMPEACHED! William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

Medicare Privatization Plan Medicare privatization problems and abuses are spreading like wild fire. The private plans who participate in medicare seem to think they are not getting enough for their services. But most people believe these despots who run this plans are flim-flaming and gaming the system for selfish and money gains. These people who are administrating these medicare advanage plans are preying upon the elderly, poor, and disabled leaving them in worse shape than if they had just stayed with regular medicare caverage. These despots along with their cohart Republicans use every gimck and trick in the book to lure the unsuspecting elderly, poor, and disable people into a more dire predictment than if they were if they had just stayed with the regular medicare plan. The aggressive marketing and pressure placed upon the elderly, poor, and disabled who most do not understand what these plans all about. This Bush administration it seems are always trying to down size the most important thing that help the elderly, poor,and disabled. This Administration do not have any compassion as they often boast and it seems have a distain toward folks that can’t help themselves. The average cost is some where around 19 percent above the cost of the traditional medicare. These Republicans, Bush, and their coharts are taking advantage at every opportunity to bring the down trodden even further down. There is nation wide abuses accurring every day in every state in this nation, steadily ripping off the poor, sick elderly, and disabled among many others. It is a down right shameful that the media in this country are going right along with these games of abuses for their bottom line, what a disgrace and utterly luncy disgusting bag of tricks these despots are perpetrating upon the people that can least help themselves.

As much as one-hundred dollars a day for the first twenty-days in a skilled nursing facility for which no co-payment would have been charged under traditional medicare. The Congress needs to take a very close look at all these deceptions and abuses, and then do some thing about them. It should stop the subsidies that are playing havic on the medicare Trust Fund and costing the beneficiares in the traditional medicare program unfair cost that they cannot afford to pay.

The Bush administration has dropped its plan to expand medicare coverage for the use of stents to prop open neck arteries to prevent stokes allowing only a few to clear blockage that restrict blood flow to the brain and raise the risk of stokes. This to me is mean-spirited and down right disgusting , and Bush and his coharts Republicans should be ashamed of themselves. Even the Food and Drug administration which determines when a device is safe and effective enough to be sold commerically, usally coverage by private insurers will be reduced. This is sure reckless and careless efforts by this administration to futher damage and cause suffering to the sick, elderly. poor. and disabled. It should be a crime the way these despot Republicans and George Bush are doing to these people. The agency change of heart by this administration is very disappointing for the patients it has asked medicare to cover. When are the American people going to wake up to these Republicans despots who have been running our government for the last decade. This in my opiion is the worse government that has ever reigned in our government. To me they are shameful, decietful, greedy, and lacking a soul, and are just plain evil down to the bone and should be purged from the bowels of our government no later than sooner! William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

The Bush administration, Republican Party, and some in the Democratic Party leadership are mounting an all out assaut upon the American people, by promoting a luncy immigration of illegals into the United States.

The main-stream media are not it seems investigating or even care about the extreme impact and damage that ilegal immigration is perpetrating upon the citizens of the United States. Why doesn’t the people of our government and the media bring up the important questions and find some answers on the issue of illegal imigration?
For an examble: Who is the responsibe party for our nation to be over run by illegal immigration? And why and for what reason are the one respondible for enforcing our laws and the U.S. Constitution not being brought our into the sunshine and held accountable for allowing the laws of this land of the free under law left unchecked and at times even praised for turning their head and looking away , while our nation is being flooded with illegal immigrants that the government or the people know so little about? Are we as a nation allowing ourselves be taken over from within?

The Main-Stream media seems to be turning a blind eye to all of this, and are muddling and down-playing these issues just as they did about the war in Iraq. Just look at the cost in lives and assets that it has costed , and is still mounting, but this illegal immigration debacle is going to be ten fold more costly in lives and assets of the American people These media folk seem to be own by the elite, rich, and mostly greedy Republicans who are waging psychology and psycho-social warfare upon the good citizens of this country, with their jargon, subliminal messages and quips. There are some in our government who are pressuring our government employees to do as told or else lose their jobs this is done very discreetly and often as an example: The lady down in Alabama who spoke her mind as an American citizen about the concerns of the way the American people should vote, She did nothing illegally but was fired from her job just the same. This to me is the same tactic used in Nazi Germany in the 1930’s and 1940’s. John Kery thank goodest recused her from this tyrannical camlity, in which the midia slimed over this as it was just other petty thing, but this American will not let this kind of abuse by the national parties go unchallenged. This was a crisis of momumental perportion.

The media is very often using terms such as : guest workers, entrants, undocumented immigrants, poor children, and women who are all in this country illegally, but insist they are as they put it immigrants, just playing with words and attempting to fool the people of the U.S. again to line these illegals in the voting lines of the next coming elections. We the people of these United States had better throw off these chains of oppression and throw these rascals out of office either by impeachment or otherwiise





perry6911 said...

the Grand ole Party as the Republicans like to call it field of candidates are united on Iraq war, but divided on social issues. The contenders are completing for the so-called gipper mantle ever what that is? The Republican field is supposely so incomplete the GOP wants its safe House seats back. Well just to throw in a line on the brighter side of things former President Clinton has joined in on an efforts to deauthorize’ Iraq war. But, now turning back to the dark side, Bush the “Decider” wants phone firms immune to privacy suits. He is urging Congress to pass a law that would halt dozens of law suits charging phone companies with invading ordinary citizens privacy through a post-sept. 11 warrantless surveillance programs. What a draconian dream Bush is living cuddle up in the White House illegally. Bush and the despot Republicans are bullying and performing their evil deeds it seems un-checked by the Courts or Congress. He, Bush is very much out of touch with the American people. The “Decider” is now on a round up of those citizens that rat on criminals and law breakers. Yes, I believe that the 43 President is even more out of touch than the 41st President and thats a lot of out of touch. Bush needs to stop this nonsense of invading Americans private lives. I do not think it is ok to steal money or someones privacy just because a despot government tells you, you can. The phone companies who are or have broken the law should pay till it hurts them very badly.

National security is to the state what the sacred is to the church, a place to hide your evil and meanness. I believe instead of ruining our system of government like the Republicans and this administration are seeking to demolish our Bill of Rights and the American way of life. I believe that anyone including the phone companies should have to pay and restore the damages they have cost the American people till it hurts as a warning to others to be more courageous in opposing tyranny and evil in the future. How about for starters, obtaining the subpoenas for the White House phone records to check and see how many times the “decider” has called his buddies in Saudi Araba, where by the way this is where the 9/11 hi-jackers were from. Let us all Americans let freedom ring and give the White House records a listen to and find out just what this evil empire of George Bush has been doing since he was appointed President illegally and was not legally ever elected to be the President of the United States.
Bush should stop protecting big money and the elite rich and
dummies of this world and start standing up for what is right for this country. In my humble opinion this Bush fellow is an ungrateful, mean- spirited, greedy, and selfish individual that should be impeached along with this fellow Cheney who you see at times but suddenly disappears into thin air when the people need him most. In is my firm conviction that this despot Republican Party should be prohibited from running candidate in any election till the last two election
are properly investigated and justice is served upon the individuals who scam and bought the elections that the “Decider” claimed he won. IMPEACH BUSH NOW! William in Alabama

perry6911 said...

The demonstrators for illegal immigrants to obtain a path to citizenship for nearly 30 million, came together the other day in Chicago and elsewhere around the country taking to the streets in protest. There were many illegal immigrants within these protest, one of them may have been Elvira Arellano, a Mexican who may have been here in the U.S. with her son Saul, supposely a U.S. citizen. She failed to show up at her deporation hearing, but the government refusing to take any action even though she is breaking the law is luncy at its best. People similar to these are gaming the system--” come into the U.S., have a kid, boom......your an American over night, and you don’t have to do anything , even though you may be illegally in this country. This type of non-sense is luncy at its best. All persons illegally in this country (U.S.) wheather you just gave birth and were here alive you all of a sudden are an American citizen upon giving birth and the child is therefore considered an American citizen is wrong-headed, stupid, crazy, and luncy or other way of saying it would be “bull crap”. All these illegals and their children should be deported back to where every they came from and let their government take care of them.

Some of the supporters of these illegal immigrants are on a hungry strike to gain legal status for Arellano to stay in this country has gone on now for about three weeks. The office of Homeland Security was unmoved by these actions and took no action. This to me is a crime in and of its self. These illegal people should be treated as any other common criminals, arrest them, book them, try them, sentence and fine them, and deport them. And to these wall-eyed despots Republicans along with their “Decider” they all should be removed from office, barred from every holding any public office or performing any business, privately or publicly. Further, if anyone is found to be abeting, aiding, or assisting any of these illegal immigrants they should like-wise be arrested, tried, fined, imprisoned, till justice is truly served. It does not take a genus to figure out this America! Wake up, join the great mess.........we’re all in together, all because of the Republicans and their “ Decider”. There should be no compromise on enforcing the law or allowing violations of the law. Everyone should know just because someone gives birth to someone here in the U.S. should not make either person (mother or Baby) automatically a citizen . The Democratic controlled Congress must pass senseable and understandable legislation to deal with illegal immigrants in this country. First, all illegal immigrants within this U.S. should be deported, our borders secured, and our government should go back to a controlled system that has worked fairly well for almost 200 years. This would insure and protect the American people and it’s workers from unfair and corrupt labor practices but instead, this “Decider” is attempting to ram down the throats of the American people this luncy idea of amnesty and citizenship for upward of 30 million illegal immigrants. This luncy of an idea is unlawful, disrepectful, and downright hateful and the American people should not tolerate or
let a compromise be born, for there can be no compromise on right vs wrong. Because Wrong is never never ever ever right; smoking and doping is always never right; cheating and stealing is never ever right; drinking and boozing is never right; doing wrong is the opposite of right; Right is right; loving is right; caring is surely right; sharing is got to be right; believing in God is always right. So illegal immigrants, go back to your country, pray to your God and let him rescue you from yourselves, give to your country the love and respect it deserves and create a government among yourselves that lifts all of you out of poverty and despair, and stop demanding from others what they have earned and exploiting a system that is not part of your being or business. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

President are rather the “Decider” made it very clear that he would veto the Iraq funding bill that has a pull out of our troops timetable. He said: “sorry it’s come to this” but he added flatly that the measure would be vetoed. There are many people now saying that the essence of what we’re seeing is what we saw in Vietnam, that unless you have the political support of the people there, they’re not going to support really fighting for their own country. It is not until we get out will they really take it upon themselves to defend themselves, especially against al Queda because they are just using them and coming in and attacking Americans. The Americans in Iraq are part of the problem, and not a solution to that problem. There simpley is not a strategy to end or win this war. The war is unwinable and cannot be sustained militarily. That is why we have to get out.

George Bush the “Decider” has indicated that if Congress wants to test his will as to wheather or not he will accept a timetable for withdrawal, that he will not accept one, and states that “its not in the best interest of our troops”, and that its a mistake for the Congress to tell Generals and military experts, how to conduct a war. This is pure and simple luncy on the part of the “Decider” in my opinion. I do not believe, nor do I believe the majority of Americans believe that it is in the best interest of our troops to stay deployed in Iraq where there is a civil war raging between factions of the Iraqi people, in a fruitless and unwinable war, and dying there without just cause, because this war begin as an unjust war. This so-called President should be impeached and put on trial for high crimes and misdemeanours.
In my opinion this appointed President is a disgraceful, unamerican, elite rich and greedy human being that has ever set foot in the oval office. This Democratic controlled Congress had better get their act together are they will meet the same fate as the Republicans met in this last election, maybe worse. This Congress should number one: IMPEACH BUSH! DEPORT ALL ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS! RETURN THE POWER TO THE PEOPLE! William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

I am and always have been counting on Social Security when I retire. I strongly and hold heartly disagree with the assumption that it is a bad deal for workers. It sure is alot better than the proposal by this White House and Republicans upon capital hill promoting of the Private-Retirement-Account (PRA) legislation.

For over 70 years Social Security has helped to keep millions of elderly and disabled Americans from poverty, but today there is an attempt to let Social Security “die on the vine” as one well known Republican put it. The Social Security System as Americans know it today is being assaulted by the elitist rich and powerful Republicans and their leader the “Decider” George Bush by proposing to replace or change the current Social Security System with a so-called PRA type of system. Social Security can be strengthened in a way without this luncy type of plan being proposed by Bush and his coharts. The Social Security system of today is in need of some reforms that will help all Americans when they reach the age of retirement, just as President Franklin D. Roosevelt promised over 70 years ago. All this can be done without changing the system or benefits . The answer is simple, locking up the Social Security Trust funds from these elite Republican and others unscrupuious politicians who have squandered the funds that were supposed to be available to the American people on Social Security.

The Republican were against Social Security at it’s conception, and are doing everything they can to slowly let it “die on the vine” as one unscrupuious Republican once said. The key to real reform is NOT personal-retirement-accounts in which all workers could supposely save a portion of their payroll taxes. The American people have witnessed in the last few years while under Republican control how these investment schemes and the false asumptions that componding interest would provide today’s worker with real ownership of their retirement choices and peace of mind which many of the Republicans and the “Decider” want the American people to believe.

The Social Security System does have its short-comings, but nothing that can’t be fixed with sound and purdent legislation. The arguments made against Social Security by nearly ever Republican rest on a great deal of incorrect and misleading information. These myths have spread and taken on a life of their own, without any factual foundation. To some it sounds great, but one has to look outside the box and see that these lies have been purposefully initiated to promote the Republican mean spirited agenda, rather than to advance workable reform of the Social Security System.

The elite rich and powerful Republicans and this White House along with their coharts, the corrupt and greedy corporations, have put forth a proposal that would establish a so-called Private- Retirement-Account which would cost the taxpayers between $1 trillion and 2 trillion dollars, far more than just continuing the current Social Security System. If the money were placed in this PRA the trust fund would run out of money. Ignoring these cost is disingenuous. The Democrats who are in the majority today should ban together and come up with a solution for the problems of the Social Security System while it still can, because they will not be around after the 2008 election because of their stand on illegal immigration reform legislation.

The paying for Social Security will require Congress to balance Social Security’s needs against those of the rest of the economy. And it is my opinion that Social Security solvency should be viewed as second only to the national security and protected throughout the ages as far as the human mind can percieve. As it stands now the Social Security trust fund contains assets that make Social Security secure for the next 40 years, but the Republicans reject this notion becauseit does not fit in with their luncy agenda. The trust fund is a bookkeeping system through which the government lends money to itself, and this should be stopped by this Congress.

The Social Security system can be fixed by implementing modest changes, by making the wealthy pay Social Security taxes on all of their income, or creating faster economic growth. It would be a tremendous and helpful step to end this foolish war in Iraq, and would save the American taxpayers trillions of dollars and would if handled the correct way, make Social Security system solvent. Further, if Congress would stop spending the Social Security surplus and repay the money that it has already spent, Social Security would not need to be fixed. The introducing of the so-called Social Security PRA would result in reduced benefits for existing retirees and those close to retirement.

Today Social Security is collecting more than enough money both to pay full benefits to current retirees and those about to retire, it just that these Republicans and their coharts have it in their heads to do away with Social Security all together, as one despot one said: “ we will let Social Security slowly die on the vine”. One way of protecting Social Security would be for this Democrat controlled Congress to repeal the Bush tax cuts for the elite, rich, and fat cat Republicans and their greedy coharts, and to impeach the “Decider” for failure to enforce violations of the United States Constitution and all the laws therein.

PRA would incurr high administration cost that would eliminate any potential benefits, and the only people who would gain would be the elite rich and powerful Republicans and their coharts the greedy and corrupt corporations, and Wall Street. Unlike stock market investments, today Social Security is guaranteed and risk free, so why change it? Recent volatility in the stock market proves how dangerous PRA would be.

Lower income and minority workers are better off with the current Social Security system. The rate of return is not of primary concern, because Social Security is essentially an insurance program. Also introducing PRA would reduce disability benefits. In conclusion, the many myths and scare tactics that have emerged do not change the luncy promotions of the Republicans or the realities that confront the American people. This nation’s deficits needs to be brought under control, and the luncy idea of PRA should be set aside in a thoughtful quest for authentic, effective, and critically need Social Security reform, as well as other reforms thoughout this government. The Republican Party and its coharts has brought upon this nation nothing but disgrace, shame, and dishonor , and this Democrat controlled Congress should put a stop to Bush the “Decider” and all his coharts and any others who get in the way of the American Dream.

perry6911 said...

I am and always have been counting on Social Security when I retire. I strongly and hold heartly disagree with the assumption that it is a bad deal for workers. It sure is alot better than the proposal by this White House and Republicans upon capital hill promoting of the Private-Retirement-Account (PRA) legislation.

For over 70 years Social Security has helped to keep millions of elderly and disabled Americans from poverty, but today there is an attempt to let Social Security “die on the vine” as one well known Republican put it. The Social Security System as Americans know it today is being assaulted by the elitist rich and powerful Republicans and their leader the “Decider” George Bush by proposing to replace or change the current Social Security System with a so-called PRA type of system. Social Security can be strengthened in a way without this luncy type of plan being proposed by Bush and his coharts. The Social Security system of today is in need of some reforms that will help all Americans when they reach the age of retirement, just as President Franklin D. Roosevelt promised over 70 years ago. All this can be done without changing the system or benefits . The answer is simple, locking up the Social Security Trust funds from these elite Republican and others unscrupuious politicians who have squandered the funds that were supposed to be available to the American people on Social Security.

The Republican were against Social Security at it’s conception, and are doing everything they can to slowly let it “die on the vine” as one unscrupuious Republican once said. The key to real reform is NOT personal-retirement-accounts in which all workers could supposely save a portion of their payroll taxes. The American people have witnessed in the last few years while under Republican control how these investment schemes and the false asumptions that componding interest would provide today’s worker with real ownership of their retirement choices and peace of mind which many of the Republicans and the “Decider” want the American people to believe.

The Social Security System does have its short-comings, but nothing that can’t be fixed with sound and purdent legislation. The arguments made against Social Security by nearly ever Republican rest on a great deal of incorrect and misleading information. These myths have spread and taken on a life of their own, without any factual foundation. To some it sounds great, but one has to look outside the box and see that these lies have been purposefully initiated to promote the Republican mean spirited agenda, rather than to advance workable reform of the Social Security System.

The elite rich and powerful Republicans and this White House along with their coharts, the corrupt and greedy corporations, have put forth a proposal that would establish a so-called Private- Retirement-Account which would cost the taxpayers between $1 trillion and 2 trillion dollars, far more than just continuing the current Social Security System. If the money were placed in this PRA the trust fund would run out of money. Ignoring these cost is disingenuous. The Democrats who are in the majority today should ban together and come up with a solution for the problems of the Social Security System while it still can, because they will not be around after the 2008 election because of their stand on illegal immigration reform legislation.

The paying for Social Security will require Congress to balance Social Security’s needs against those of the rest of the economy. And it is my opinion that Social Security solvency should be viewed as second only to the national security and protected throughout the ages as far as the human mind can percieve. As it stands now the Social Security trust fund contains assets that make Social Security secure for the next 40 years, but the Republicans reject this notion becauseit does not fit in with their luncy agenda. The trust fund is a bookkeeping system through which the government lends money to itself, and this should be stopped by this Congress.

The Social Security system can be fixed by implementing modest changes, by making the wealthy pay Social Security taxes on all of their income, or creating faster economic growth. It would be a tremendous and helpful step to end this foolish war in Iraq, and would save the American taxpayers trillions of dollars and would if handled the correct way, make Social Security system solvent. Further, if Congress would stop spending the Social Security surplus and repay the money that it has already spent, Social Security would not need to be fixed. The introducing of the so-called Social Security PRA would result in reduced benefits for existing retirees and those close to retirement.

Today Social Security is collecting more than enough money both to pay full benefits to current retirees and those about to retire, it just that these Republicans and their coharts have it in their heads to do away with Social Security all together, as one despot one said: “ we will let Social Security slowly die on the vine”. One way of protecting Social Security would be for this Democrat controlled Congress to repeal the Bush tax cuts for the elite, rich, and fat cat Republicans and their greedy coharts, and to impeach the “Decider” for failure to enforce violations of the United States Constitution and all the laws therein.

PRA would incurr high administration cost that would eliminate any potential benefits, and the only people who would gain would be the elite rich and powerful Republicans and their coharts the greedy and corrupt corporations, and Wall Street. Unlike stock market investments, today Social Security is guaranteed and risk free, so why change it? Recent volatility in the stock market proves how dangerous PRA would be.

Lower income and minority workers are better off with the current Social Security system. The rate of return is not of primary concern, because Social Security is essentially an insurance program. Also introducing PRA would reduce disability benefits. In conclusion, the many myths and scare tactics that have emerged do not change the luncy promotions of the Republicans or the realities that confront the American people. This nation’s deficits needs to be brought under control, and the luncy idea of PRA should be set aside in a thoughtful quest for authentic, effective, and critically need Social Security reform, as well as other reforms thoughout this government. The Republican Party and its coharts has brought upon this nation nothing but disgrace, shame, and dishonor , and this Democrat controlled Congress should put a stop to Bush the “Decider” and all his coharts and any others who get in the way of the American Dream.

perry6911 said...

In my opinion President Bush has again made a luncy proposal to Congress for a new temporary worker program to match willing foreign workers with willing U.S. employers when no American worker can be found to fill the job. This is luncy, and if the Democratic controlled Congress goes along with this luncy then watch out America, your already declining standard of living is going down ( if it hasn’t already), taking a nose dive to the bottom.

This new proposal by Bush would be open to new foreign workers on top of the 20 million illegal immigrant undocumented men and women currently employed in the U.S. illegally by the elite rich and greedy employers to the detriment of the taxpayers and American citizen. There are already upward of 20 million illegal immigrants in the U.S., and if this proposal of Bush’s becomes law it would explode the foreign workers who are illegally in the U.S. to who knows how many? This country can not afford, and the nation’s security will be further at risk and overburdened as it is by these unknown illegal persons entering the U.S., and will just embolden the rich elites and the greedy corporations hiring and supporting this illegal activity which is disgusting and unAmerican. By letting these illegal immigrants come out of hiding and participate legally in America’s economy as Bush proposal states would be devastating to the American people who are already at their ropes end financially and would further erode the standard of living of the American people.

President Bush also asked Congress to work with him to achieve significant immigration reform that protects the homeland by controlling the borders. This would just let the elite and rich elite and greedy corporations have access and exploit foreign workers for cheap labor cost, and drive the American workers wages even further down than they are today. This of course would not serve the American economy as Bush proposal states. The very idea that matching a willing foreign worker with a willing employer is obscurantism pure and simple. All this matching is just a scam by Bush and his cronies get access to cheap foreign labor at the expense of the American workers, taxpayers, and American Citizens as well as to the detriment of the United States of America.

If this proposal were to become law it would not promote compassion for the so called unprotected worker to return to their countries and families, but would encourge even more foreign workers to enter the U.S. and further erode the work force of the American people. Further, no one in my opinion can justify the protection of foreigners who are in this country illegally and unlawfully. These persons who are in this country illegally should be arrested, fined, and deported, and the persons, companies, and corporations who aid, abet, or assist the illegal immigrants in any way should be arrested, fined, and incarcerated at hard labor for a very long time. Illegal and unlawful is prosecutable under the United States Constitution and laws therein if found true, and is in it self an impeachable offense. This proposal by Bush if it becomes law will not meet the Nation’s economic needs or live up to the promise and valves of America. This proposal is luncy at it’s best and evidence that shows Bush has knowledge of illegal activity and is not enforcing the laws and Constitution of the United States of America, and should be impeached according to the laws and Constitution of the United States. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

Conservative misinformation is being portrayed by some in the science and news media to be the truth and nothing but the truth. While it is a known fact that there is a scientific consensus that there has been significant global warming, enough to adversely affect the entire world. To often the media people are advancing false, misleading, and bais claims relating to the global warming crisis. This article is an attempt to subdue and point out the merits and facts concerning global warming.

There are far to many myths and falsehoods about global warming which are unsubstantiated claims that human activity is not the cause of global warming. There have been all kind of exaggerating of the facts, such as, carbon dioxide is not bad for the environment or the upper atmosphere. Most of these exaggeration and misleading information are coming mainly from the skeptics in the United States of global warming who have a very close relationship with the President George Bush and the Republican Party who are closely allied with the oil, gas, and coal industries.

For an example of just how world-wide this issue has become, there is a new theory on global warming proposed by Vladimir Shaidurov of the Russian Academy of Sciences that purpose the apparent rise in average global temperture recorded by scientists over the last hundred and fifty years or so could be due to atmospheric changes that are not connected to human emissions of carbon dioxide from the burning of natural gas and oil. Shaidurov explained how changes in the amount of ice crystals at high altitudes could damage the layer of thin high altitude clouds found in the mesosphere that reduce the amount of warming solar radiation reaching the earth’s surface. Shaidurov said that the Tungus metorite that struck in Siberia on June, 1908 suggest that this explosion would have caused “considerable stirring of the high layers of atmosphere and change its structure”. Such meteoic disruption was the trigger for the subsequent rise in global temperatures. As such, Shaidurov has concluded that only an enormous natural phenomenon, such as an asteroid or comet impact or airburst, could seriously distrub atmospheric water levels, destroying persistent so-called “silver”, or noctilucent, clouds composed of ice crystals in the high altitudes mesosphere (50 to 85). The Tunguska Event was just such an event, and coincides with the periods of time during which global tempertures appear to have been rising the most steady in the twentieth century. There are many hypothetical mechanisms of how this mesosphere catastrophic might have occurred, and future research is needed to provide a definitive answer. There may be an international and economical reasons for the Russian Academy of Sciences to project through Vladimir Shaidurov his theory for global warming. It could be Russia is going through some hardships financially since the down fall of the Soviet Union and the need for them to market their vast amounts of gas and oil resourses to maintain their position as a great power around the world are vigorously down playing the gas and oil aspects of global warming to advance their own agenda.

There are many issues concerning global warming to name a few: is the climate and temperture changing, is human/industrial activity responsible for the change, and to what extent, what are the effects of the carbon dioxide emissions, the size, effect and consequences of climate change. In the United States global warming is often a partisan political issue. Republicans tend to oppose action against a threat that they regard as unproved, while Democrats tends to support actions that they believe will reduce global warming and its effects.

The existence of a huge scientific consensus is over-wheiming that there is global warming that is effecting the entire globe. There have been temperture measurements records recorded for many many years to back up the rise in global temperture. The causes of these temperture increases have been scientifically found to relate to the greenhouse gases and almost undisputed by the majority of the scientific community, although there may be another contributing factor, solar activity. But predictions on how and when the climate and temperture will change is unpredictable. The debate on global warming is over and it is now time to get on with the business of doing something about it, for the sake of mankind. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

In my humble opinion, the constitutional government is the least harmful of the different types of government. The social benefits of stability and security can be obtained even in the face of moral corruption. Public success and private morality are separate. Societies always down through the ages have always progress from an oligarchy ( ruled by a small group of elite rich and powerful) type of government to a democracy type of government ( ruled by and for the people) then as history plainly shows the democracy type government degenerates into a government ruled by a single person (despotism), such has been the case throughout recorded history.

The United States of America before the time of it’s conception was ruled by an oligarchy ( rich merchants, land owners, and the King of England ) type of government which was deposed and a democracy was created by such men as Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, John Jay, and others who names are listed in the United States Constitution. Today, it is still a democracy with a representative type government, but is in serious jeopardy of becoming a Despotism or Oligarchy type of government.

The Republican Party with people like George Bush are in the process of attemping to establish a Despotism or Oligarchy type of government. This calamity begin in the 1980’s with the election of Ronald Reagan to the Presidency of the United States, and was continued by the election of George Bush Sr., and the elites , rich and powerful within the Republican Party. Their efforts were slowed to some degree by the election of a Democrat William Jefferson Clinton to the President, who brought about the strongest economy this world has ever known. President Clinton greatly improved the lives of nearly all the American people. President Clinton was daily ridicule and demeaned by the Republicans who had control and was in the majority while President Clinton was in office. The Republicans refused to lend a hand at anything Clinton was promoting, and demagoged him throughout his Presidency. But notwithstanding the Republicans, President Clinton for eight tears took the United States to it’s highest plateau of excellence the world has every known.

Then the calamity resumed with the illegal election of George Bush the “Decider”. The “decider” was not elected to become President, but was illegally appointed by the Republican majority in the United States Supreme Court. Since this appointment of George Bush to the Presidency America’s prestige and standing in the world has drastically and seriously been eroded to the point that the United States has little standing in the world, and is currently bogged down in the country of Iraq where there is an on going civil war between the Shintes and Sunnis people with no end to this war in sight. And at the same time are waging a war in the country of Afghanistan fighting a group of people that are a part of a group of terrorist who bombed the World Trade Center in New York, N.Y. on 9/11.

George Bush the “Decider” took us to war under false pretenses. He took us to war with the blessings of the U.S. Congress by turning over the powers of Congress to declare war to the “Decider” which at the time was ruled by a majority of Republicans. The “Decider” and the “Vice Decider” as well as all the Congress controlled by the Republicans took the U.S. to war with Iraq because of weapons of mass destruction, and that our national security was at risk. All this has been proven to be nothing more than a pack of lies and distortions. The “Decider’s” and the “Vice-Decider” poor planning and the breaking of the nation’s laws has become a disgrace and a plaque upon this nation. The “Decider” said how we would shock and awe, but watching on TV I watched as the bombs and rockets as they begin to fall. I clearly saw the effects of the “Decider’s” shock and awe, innocent men, women, and children being slaughtered and killed is what I saw. This was terrifying to many such as mothers and dads, and grandmas and grandpas. The United States military heric soldiers did as they were ordered, god bless their souls, but at what cost they paid as loved ones prayed and squawed. The “Decider” did a great wrong getting us into a war without just cause.

The want a be tyrant ( Republican approved) “Decider” does not begin his worst abuses until after he has gain total power over the people. Then the people will realize what a monster they have let be born among them. When this happens, the people will want to get rid of this tyrant but the people will find that they are to weak to do so. God help the American people if they should ever forget civil liberty or the ultimate issues that drives the gun control movement: the determination to make armed citizen into disarmed subjects of a powerful, sometimes benign, collection of people who call themselves the government, such as the Republican Party who is trying to some extent to succeed in bringing about a despotism type of government. The warnings are clear and history has shown that these revelation are true and real. God help America if this tyrant or any other should every gain control of the U.S. government and the American people, when just one person by the simple act of pushing a button or issuing an order would send the world into obliteration. Every American should bind together as one to prevent this calamity from ever forming into a despotism (rule by one) or oligarchy ( ruled by a small group of elite powerfully rich).

The United States of America is and should remain a representative democracy which involves the selection of government officials by the people. Representatives may be elected by a particular district or represent the electorate as a whole or a proportional system or a combination of the two, as well as the use of direct democracy such as referenda. The Representatives of the government are and should be elected by the people, to act in their interest, and they the Representatives retain the freedom to exercise their own judgment as how best to do so. This government of the U.S. also includes , free and fair elections, protection of minorities, the rule of law, separation of power between the three branches of government, protection of liberties, freedom of speech, religion, property.

perry6911 said...

In my humble opinion, the constitutional government is the least harmful of the different types of government. The social benefits of stability and security can be obtained even in the face of moral corruption. Public success and private morality are separate. Societies always down through the ages have always progress from an oligarchy ( ruled by a small group of elite rich and powerful) type of government to a democracy type of government ( ruled by and for the people) then as history plainly shows the democracy type government degenerates into a government ruled by a single person (despotism), such has been the case throughout recorded history.

The United States of America before the time of it’s conception was ruled by an oligarchy ( rich merchants, land owners, and the King of England ) type of government which was deposed and a democracy was created by such men as Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, John Jay, and others who names are listed in the United States Constitution. Today, it is still a democracy with a representative type government, but is in serious jeopardy of becoming a Despotism or Oligarchy type of government.

The Republican Party with people like George Bush are in the process of attemping to establish a Despotism or Oligarchy type of government. This calamity begin in the 1980’s with the election of Ronald Reagan to the Presidency of the United States, and was continued by the election of George Bush Sr., and the elites , rich and powerful within the Republican Party. Their efforts were slowed to some degree by the election of a Democrat William Jefferson Clinton to the President, who brought about the strongest economy this world has ever known. President Clinton greatly improved the lives of nearly all the American people. President Clinton was daily ridicule and demeaned by the Republicans who had control and was in the majority while President Clinton was in office. The Republicans refused to lend a hand at anything Clinton was promoting, and demagoged him throughout his Presidency. But notwithstanding the Republicans, President Clinton for eight tears took the United States to it’s highest plateau of excellence the world has every known.

Then the calamity resumed with the illegal election of George Bush the “Decider”. The “decider” was not elected to become President, but was illegally appointed by the Republican majority in the United States Supreme Court. Since this appointment of George Bush to the Presidency America’s prestige and standing in the world has drastically and seriously been eroded to the point that the United States has little standing in the world, and is currently bogged down in the country of Iraq where there is an on going civil war between the Shintes and Sunnis people with no end to this war in sight. And at the same time are waging a war in the country of Afghanistan fighting a group of people that are a part of a group of terrorist who bombed the World Trade Center in New York, N.Y. on 9/11.

George Bush the “Decider” took us to war under false pretenses. He took us to war with the blessings of the U.S. Congress by turning over the powers of Congress to declare war to the “Decider” which at the time was ruled by a majority of Republicans. The “Decider” and the “Vice Decider” as well as all the Congress controlled by the Republicans took the U.S. to war with Iraq because of weapons of mass destruction, and that our national security was at risk. All this has been proven to be nothing more than a pack of lies and distortions. The “Decider’s” and the “Vice-Decider” poor planning and the breaking of the nation’s laws has become a disgrace and a plaque upon this nation. The “Decider” said how we would shock and awe, but watching on TV I watched as the bombs and rockets as they begin to fall. I clearly saw the effects of the “Decider’s” shock and awe, innocent men, women, and children being slaughtered and killed is what I saw. This was terrifying to many such as mothers and dads, and grandmas and grandpas. The United States military heric soldiers did as they were ordered, god bless their souls, but at what cost they paid as loved ones prayed and squawed. The “Decider” did a great wrong getting us into a war without just cause.

The want a be tyrant ( Republican approved) “Decider” does not begin his worst abuses until after he has gain total power over the people. Then the people will realize what a monster they have let be born among them. When this happens, the people will want to get rid of this tyrant but the people will find that they are to weak to do so. God help the American people if they should ever forget civil liberty or the ultimate issues that drives the gun control movement: the determination to make armed citizen into disarmed subjects of a powerful, sometimes benign, collection of people who call themselves the government, such as the Republican Party who is trying to some extent to succeed in bringing about a despotism type of government. The warnings are clear and history has shown that these revelation are true and real. God help America if this tyrant or any other should every gain control of the U.S. government and the American people, when just one person by the simple act of pushing a button or issuing an order would send the world into obliteration. Every American should bind together as one to prevent this calamity from ever forming into a despotism (rule by one) or oligarchy ( ruled by a small group of elite powerfully rich).

The United States of America is and should remain a representative democracy which involves the selection of government officials by the people. Representatives may be elected by a particular district or represent the electorate as a whole or a proportional system or a combination of the two, as well as the use of direct democracy such as referenda. The Representatives of the government are and should be elected by the people, to act in their interest, and they the Representatives retain the freedom to exercise their own judgment as how best to do so. This government of the U.S. also includes , free and fair elections, protection of minorities, the rule of law, separation of power between the three branches of government, protection of liberties, freedom of speech, religion, property.

perry6911 said...

Why is the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) relying on the food producers to police themselves? The contamination of the nation’s food supply which has led to disease outbreaks that have killed 3 people and sickened hundreds is a shame. It seems the FDA is incapable of protecting the safety of the food supply and this Bush administration isn’t doing anything but blowing hot air and smirking at the American people and doing very little to stem this outrage. They contend there is nothing that can be done about the problem.

There is a problem in California with hogs that have eaten feed laced with Melamine an industrial chemical that resulted in the deaths of some pets. The FDA have not yet determined if this is a threat to humans. There has been a recall of over 100 different brands of pet food. These outbreaks should prompt the FDA to change it’s way of doing business in a way that will insure the nation’s food supply. This Bush administration and many of
the sinister Republicans are sure dropping the ball here, and it seems like they are just passing the buck, and even claiming the problem is just to big to handle.

The House Energy and Commerce subcommitte is planning to have hearing on these flood of recalls of pet feed. The Bush administration and the Republicans do not want any more regulations, and not inclined to spent the money. This administration’s hostility towards the government is going to hinder the FDA getting a handle on this problem. The Congress should bring forth legislation to account for the FDA’s accountability as well as this badly led administration role in this matter.

The FDA inspectors who checks into these types of problems allowed the companies who produce the pet feed to refuse them documents they were seeking, and the FDA inspectors just up and left and never followed-up. This is a shame and very dangerous to the food safety of pets and humans.
Bush and his Republican coharts seem not to care. Last August 400 people were sickened in 44 states caused by Salmonella contamination from moisture from a roof leak and a faulty sprinkler system.

This Democratic controlled Congress should step up to the plate concerning these as well as other issues confronting the government before it will be to late to do anything about them, because it seems this administration believes that it can do the American people anyway it chooses. In my opinion there should be impeachment of Bush coming out of this Congress, the sooner the better. These elite rich fat cat Republicans
who blindly goes along with Bush no matter what the cost and suffering of the American people also need to be brought before the bar of justice and justice served where they cannot continue to prey up on the American people. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

Why is the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) relying on the food producers to police themselves? The contamination of the nation’s food supply which has led to disease outbreaks that have killed 3 people and sickened hundreds is a shame. It seems the FDA is incapable of protecting the safety of the food supply and this Bush administration isn’t doing anything but blowing hot air and smirking at the American people and doing very little to stem this outrage. They contend there is nothing that can be done about the problem.

There is a problem in California with hogs that have eaten feed laced with Melamine an industrial chemical that resulted in the deaths of some pets. The FDA have not yet determined if this is a threat to humans. There has been a recall of over 100 different brands of pet food. These outbreaks should prompt the FDA to change it’s way of doing business in a way that will insure the nation’s food supply. This Bush administration and many of
the sinister Republicans are sure dropping the ball here, and it seems like they are just passing the buck, and even claiming the problem is just to big to handle.

The House Energy and Commerce subcommitte is planning to have hearing on these flood of recalls of pet feed. The Bush administration and the Republicans do not want any more regulations, and not inclined to spent the money. This administration’s hostility towards the government is going to hinder the FDA getting a handle on this problem. The Congress should bring forth legislation to account for the FDA’s accountability as well as this badly led administration role in this matter.

The FDA inspectors who checks into these types of problems allowed the companies who produce the pet feed to refuse them documents they were seeking, and the FDA inspectors just up and left and never followed-up. This is a shame and very dangerous to the food safety of pets and humans.
Bush and his Republican coharts seem not to care. Last August 400 people were sickened in 44 states caused by Salmonella contamination from moisture from a roof leak and a faulty sprinkler system.

This Democratic controlled Congress should step up to the plate concerning these as well as other issues confronting the government before it will be to late to do anything about them, because it seems this administration believes that it can do the American people anyway it chooses. In my opinion there should be impeachment of Bush coming out of this Congress, the sooner the better. These elite rich fat cat Republicans
who blindly goes along with Bush no matter what the cost and suffering of the American people also need to be brought before the bar of justice and justice served where they cannot continue to prey up on the American people. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

In my opinion, a lying and incompetent Attorney General Alberto Gonzales along with the Congress, and the President of the United States has lost the confidence of the American people. This is the most partisan administration every. It is about time that Congress get subpoenas for the various advisors and others to testify under oath and in public about a host of crimes, distortions, misgivings, lies, and down right dishonesty. Although the partisan Attorney General Alberto Gonzales would have to approve any subpoenas refused by any of the President’s people.

This Congress who had a mandate to change the course of the American government, but are doing just as bad as the Republican-led 109 Congress. All this Democratic controlled Congress it seems wants to do is rip, rage, and bray endlessly without any affect on the course of our government. There seems to be no sense of propose in Washington D.C. these days.

The Trade policies of this President are costing the American people millions of jobs, and billions in trade debt, while the American youth are falling further and further behind in their education. This Congress is not doing nothing but engaging in partisan cheap and disgusting political scams and nonsense.

There is not one person in Congress it seems, that has the gall to stand up for the American people. This President and Congress are held in very low esteem by the American people. Things are looking grim around Washington D.C. these days. I personally can’t wait till November 2008 election, maybe the American people will show both Republican and Democrat parties the door and sent them back home, where maybe, they can then begin to compete with the illegal immigrants and other cheap labor, and let the powerful and corrupt corporations and the elite rich and powerful take them for a ride like they are doing to the American people today. The Democrats could if they had the guts, impeach Bush, and end this mindless and luncy of illegal immigration and the squandering of American jobs and assets and bring this senseless and horrible war in Iraq to and end.

perry6911 said...

Abortion Rights
Everyone at some time in their lives face difficult and deeply personal questions in relationships with other enitities and individuals. Most times this usally comes down to matters of right and wrong or good and evil. At times a person faces a tough problem and must choose between two ways of resolving it. Each alternative is the right thing to do. But there is no way to do both. Both ways raise questions about personal integrity and moral identity, conflicts between responibilities for others and important personal valves, and perhaps the most challenging, those involving responibilities a person shares with other persons or groups in society.

Most people are enmeshed in networks of ongoing relationships. Many people have complicated dealing with oranizations, churches, clubs, schools, home, etc.. These networks of relationships bring with it the responibilities that requires legitimate and constant vigilance in a particular relationship. Sometimes these conflicts can turn into a votex of controversy. For an example, if a woman truly believes that a she has a inallenable right to have an abortion and the male who impregnates her does not except her right to have an abortion, and truly believes that an abortion is the taking of a life , and his religion beliefs are such that prohibits him from excepting it does cause great and unreconcilable differences between the two. This controversy is not uncommon in todays
society. This places the two at a crossroad. How does the two differences come to some sort of Compromise, or is it even possible?

Essentially, abortion is based on one of two beliefs. One, that human life, in the form of anvum and speratozoon, becomes a human person at the time of conception. Two, that human life becomes a person after conception, perhaps when the fetus looks human, or becomes sentient, or is born, or is functioning independent of it mother. Whether an abortion is good are bad, right are wrong is the question one must answer. Ther are many facets to this issue and evolves ethic, religion, sience, philosophy, any morality among many other factors and effects governments, and all aspects of life on the planet earth.The is no one answer that will satisfy everyone and to most no room for compromising on this issue.

All life is a living entity that has Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) that contains the genetic instruction for the devolopment and functioning of living organisms. All living things contain DNA genomes. A possible exception is a group of viruses that have Ribonucleic acid (RNA) genomes. The main role of DNA in the cell is the long-term storage of information. The genome is often compared to a set of blueprints, because it contains the information and instructions to contruct other components of the cell, such as proteins and RNA molecules. The DNA segments that carry this genetic information is called Genes. But, other DNAsequences have structual purposes, or are involved in regulating the expression of genetic information. DNA is a long ployer. The major function of DNA is to decode the sequence of amino acid residues in protiens, using the gentic code. To read the gentic code, cells make a copy of a streach of DNA in the nucleic acid RNA. The basic elements of the foundation of life are that there is no death in theDNA replication process, and there is no new life created during the replication process. All living DNA today has been alive since the first life, and all the cells in the humam body contain the same life, so it can be said that there is only one life and it is shared by all living things, Therefore, a philosophy that satisfies the needs of the human must also include all other life. Mutations do not alter the fact that the same life is carried foward when DNA replicates, even though the form of the resulting organism has changed. If a man-made machine forms a new string of DNA which is a direct copy of an existing living form and it lives it is the same life that dwells within this new string as human human’s concept of the human, and its position in the universe, is the DNA which has been copied. The human’s concept of the human, and its position in the universe, is basic to all cultural though. It is not that the human need to take care of all other life as a moral obligation, though that is true, it is that the human is a small part of life, but one which possesses a characteric (intelligence) which is valuable to the survival and well being of all life. It was life which developed that intelligence, not the human, therfore its service is for all not merly the human. The human is, in that sense, a servant to life, a caretaker in the service of life, the good shephard for all life. The human is a vessel for DNA and exist only for its keeping. Hence, life comes form a single source.

Light traveling through a mixture of gases foms amio acid, which then become concentratrd in an organic soup and link together to form the first living cell has been shown to be not true. First, no proteins will form outside of a cell. The evidence indicates that the information in DNA was put there by a creator who is intelligent that we should listen to everything he has to say. In order for a cell to live it must separate itself from the water around it, take food in and expel waste. Futher, it must use food to make the energy and materials that the cell needs to do it work, and the working part that permits the cell to do these things. The cell must contain the information that directs these activities, and must be able to reproduce itself. Not one of the main ingredients of cells, proteins, cell membranes, DNA, RNA, or information will form in nature except in already living cells. If one part could have formed, it would have broken down while it was waiting for the others. Life came about almost exactly at the same time and location, and would have immediately teamed up to form life.

Almost everyone who are seiously involved in the sciences are convinced that a spirit is present in the laws of the universe, a spirit way superior to that of man, and we all with our modest powers must feel humble. This way the pursuit of science and knowledge lead to religious feeling in a way which is quite different from the religiosity of someone more naive. But those who seriously pursuit of science are convinced that a spirit is in the laws of the universe, one that is vastly superior to that of man and all should be humble. The pursue of science leads to a religious feeling that are unique and special and is quite different from the religiosity of others. This misunderstanding comes from faulty translations particular the word “mystical”. Nature a purpose or goal or anything that could be understood as the practice of thinking of gods, animals, or certain inanimate thing as having huma form or characteristics. Nature is a magnificent structure that we only understand rather imperfectly, that fill a person with feelings of humility. This is a feeling that has nothing to do with mysticism. To find a purpose of an individual and of mankind as a whole there is no reasonable answer if the question is asked this way. In such cases the goal of an action and the fullfillment of desires of the individuals which constitute a society. It is how very reasonable and quite important to ask ourselves how we shoul conduct our lives. The answer of course is the satisfaction and needs of all, as for as this can be achieved in harmony and beauty of human relationships. It is therfore understandable that the Greeks and Oriental sages were more ideas and great thinker than in our schools and universities today.The mystical tendency of our time, some have said it show itself basically in rampent growth of Theosophy and Spiritualism, is weakness and confusion.

All life is is an entity that has DNA, in humans DNA from the species homo sapiens. The main issue when it comes to abortion is about whether a zygote, embro, or fetus is a human life, and that does it have a right to live. So the question becomes, when does life start? Some say life begin in the beginning, when motion created time, and there is but one life and that life is a continuum of that life which begin in the beginning. which is the thread of life. DNA. This brings us to the question does a woman have the right before the life inside her is born into this world, have the right to abort that pregnancy? The woman and man are part of the same life from the moment of creation, and even animal life or for that matter all living things are part of the first life born at the creation.

When a life is deformed or diseased even other than human being such as animals when given birth to a deformed offspring or a diseased one will be put to death by it mother. The creator gave unto all the ability to reason and make decision that effect our lives including the right of a mother to take from her that she feels is unwanted for what ever reason, this is between her and her creator. Only her Creator can judge if she is wrong or right. If she kills the thread of her own life it is suicide, but getting rid of a portion of a unwanted or whatever else that is unwanted and her life can continue on is between her the man that impregnated her and their God. But once a life has entered into this world the woman nor the man has no right to harm or kill that child, because at birth that once fetus is now a person with all its rights preserved.

Who are we? On moral grounds should we avoid the misery and risks of stavation resulting from a surging population? What are the responsilities
of a womam that has a life growing inside of her body? The right of the mother to become pregnant or not is a factor that has great and awesome responsibilities for her to contemplate. But if for any reason that woman should decide not to have a child born into this world then this question is answered. The life that is created the life in her become a part of her, and what entity has the power to tell her she must have that child except her creator. No person, government, religion, or anyone else has the power or authority to over-rule or force her to not have an abortion.

Ther seems to be no balance which represents a deep moral idea in a world of inescapable conflicts. Political virtues are in fact necessary in all matters where human morality and interest are destined to clash. The issue of abortion is an ethical topic because it involves a specific type of controverial behavior. It depends on principles such as the right of self rule and the right to life, which is the litmus test for determining the morality of abortion procedures. The issue of abortion is also metaethical issues such as”where do rights come from”? and “ what kind of beings have rights”? even luck or chance plays a role. Sometimes it is these sort of issues in application to apply ethic to the question of abortion in determining public policy to ask is getting an abortion right or wrong? what are human rights? and how do we determine them? Futher, do animals have right as well? A more specific question may be asked, “if someone else can make better out of his/her life than I can, is it then moral to sacrifice myself for them if needed? To these questions there are no clear answers.

Consequences of personal choices may impact on others. One’s choices often effect one’s ethics. Postive and negative choices effect one’s life and therefore one’s ethics. Abortion are permissible by law in the United States
for any reason a woman chooses, up untill the point of which the fetus becomes viable, that is able to live outside the womb of a woman and should be made available to any woman to protect her health. Ther are some that believe abortion is illegitimate for straying from the text and history of the U.S. Constitution, and that imposing abortion policy on the states and Congress is contray to American principles of Federalism and democrary. Others believe failing to recongnize the personhood of fetal human life, either beginning at conception or later. Others point out and properly so that abortion is vital to preservation of womens equaility, personal freedom, and privacy as well as a god given right to do what is fit and proper when it comes down to wellbeing of the thread of life that is so delicate and beautiful and is a continuing journey into the far and wide abyss. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

Separation Of Church And State
Separation of church and state in the United States is a political and legal doctrine. The U.S. Constitution protects religion from intrusion or coercion of the state. But little protection against the Republican Party adventurism and hypocritical dealings in matters and manner of churches and religious oranizations. Separation of church and state in the United States is a political and legal doctrine that government and religious institutions are separate entities as set forth in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution: “ Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”....

The practical distinction between government and religion is essential for the purity of both, and the Constitution guarantees that no one may be compelled to finance religion. And further, that no one shall be compelled or denied his right to support whatever religion that does not effect his civil capacities. Separation of church and state occurs through legal and voluntary separation, such as teaching and the practice of religion doctrines and ceromonies and the like should be confined either to the church and/or home. But still the issue has and is being played out in the Courts all over the world. The government should not aid religion and religion should not use government as a pulpit to teach it’s beliefs and doctrines. There are gray areas that seem to be acceptable to many such as the slogan on U.S money “ IN GOD WE TRUST” and other slogans and sayings on mouments, and buildings as well as the saying of prayer in schools and other public places. There are also many who disagree with some or all these intrustions by religion into government. Although, religion does not have a say in government, likewise, government does not have a say in religion. But there are few exceptions, for an example: during a disaster, helping to feed the hungry, etc. the government and the different religious groups do aid and assist one another in many of these endeavors.

Who really knows how many millions of lives throughout history have been maimed, tortured, and killed in the name of religion. Yet sociality has not advanced one ioto toward anything resembling a peaceful uniformity or coexistence among government and religion. And any power confided to one will be exerted in opposition to either of their schemes. Religion is a matter which lies solely between a person and their God, and owes no account to none other than for his faith and worship and that is why there should be a “wall of separation “ between religion and the state. From all over the vastness of time and space a greater power controls the infinity of eternity. Through the eyes of history this has always been true. All things are related each to the other but not necessary absolutely. All valves are relative and different according to circumstances and object of fact, so to does the relationship of church and state.
Most all politicians today use religion in one form or another to help them gain their position in government are elsewhere, especially the elite, rich, and powerful and usually corrupt demagoguers, such as the neo-conservative Republicans of today who have systematically in my opinion throughly projected the Republican Party into nearly all the religious establishments throughout the country, blurring the “wall of separation of church and state”.

Many of these so-called conservative Republicans seem to believe that you must be a christian to become President or Congressperson. These hypocritical Republicans tout their religion to the public, but when it comes to their personal lives it a different story. For an example one of these Republicans who constantly condemned and demagogued President Clinton for his morals Republican Newt Gingrich, who himself has been married three times and has admitted having an extra-marital affair shows just how some of these Republican
neo-con hyprocrites have become. There are enough examples of all the distasteful, disgraceful, and disgusting transgressions that have been committed
by these Republicans that 500 volumes of books would fill if anyone cared enough about to write and film. These want a be leaders and “yes” people are to me sick and ego centered morons who use religion as a tool for their pleasures.

It has been prophesied by some religions that “ everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves”. All factions concerned with the issue of separation of church and state are showing little if any wisdom and fidelity to the country’s valves, and are enlarging the divide that separates the many divisions of thought and beliefs when it comes to the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and particularly the issue of separation of church and state. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

Iraq War Costs Approximately 80 percent of the United States national Guard and Reservists are now in Iraq and Afganistan, and more than 84,000 of them have been deployed more than once. A U.S. Airforce Major General Melvyn S. Montano (Retired )has explained, that homeland security begins with home town security, and that we as Americans are responsibile to rebuild our National Guard and make sure they have the equipment and training they need to keep our communities safe.

The President must listen to the American people and acknowledge the fact of the conditions and realities of our security and safety at home and in Iraq. The Republicans could if they had the gall and fortitude to reason and persuade the President to end this terrible war and bring our troops home. The Republicans are the ones who have stayed-the-course with this administration since the year 2001, but who are slowly waking up to the facts on the ground here in the U.S. and in Iraq. The Republican could work with the Democrats on a bipartisan basis to get out of Iraq and bring our National Guard and Reservist home to were they are truly needed.

In the state of California alone, more than $1 billion dollars of military inventory has gone to Iraq, but when the troops are rotated back home the equipment stays in Iraq. The States of the U.S. surely need it`s equipment and vehicles back home now with hurricane season right upon us and toradoes already swirling and pounding the midwest, especially in the state of Kansas where approximately 60 percent of its National Guard equipment is gone because of the war in Iraq. There already has been five tornadoes hit Greenburg, Kansas which was 95 percent distroyed, and the relief process was severely hindered for the lack of equipment and National Guard personel. Kansas as well as many other states are lacking in National Guard equipment and personel and will be more vulnerable if another disaster strikes. With tornadoes in Kansas, fires in California, Georgia, and Florida, and floods in Missouri, we do not have the resourses available are the National Guard personel and equipment to handle a catastrophic event within the country.

The Bush administration vastly underestimated the cost of the Iraq war. Not only in human lives, but monetary and assets as well. The exorbitant cost were due to poor planning and judgment. The United States could end up spending $1 trillion dollars for this war. Thats enough to secure Social Security for many years out in the future. The total bill for the Iraq war according to the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments will equate to $1,205 dollars for each of America s 78 million families, on top of taxes they already pay. The increases in cost can be blamed on the rising cost of maintaining military equipment, and developing new equipment. This huge bill will be taxed upon the American people for years to come.

This Bush administration has proven itself hostile to the American basic rights as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They have allowed this Iraq war to develop into a quagmire reminiscent of the Vietnam war. This administration with the help and support of the Republican party have taken this nation and turned it into a state for the government, by the government, and of the government. This country is one election away from an Oligarchy form of government in which a few persons hold the ruling power and becomes despotism. This is when Americans liberty and freedoms will die. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

The Deportation Of Illegals
The bipartisan immigration Bill now before the United States Congress is a slap in the face to the American people and it’s workers. It seems both the Democrats and Republicans want the American people to accept this luncy of a Bill that allows what they claim an estimated 12 million so called “undocumented workers”, when in reality they are illegal immigrants, into this country. The other reality is that the estimation of 12 million illegal immigrants is not correct as this administration and the Congress wants the American people to believe. There are upwards of 30 million illegal immigrants in this country currently. Have these folks lost their minds? Do they really think that the majority of the Americans think that this luncy Bill is good for America and it’s workers? Have any of these Congresspersons and this administration got one ounce of respect for our Constitution and laws?

These illegal immigrants should all be DEPORTED . These elite rich, powerful, and corrupt politicians and this President as well as their coharts in my opinion could care less about the condition or well being of the American people. These despot Congresspersons and the “Decider” want 400,000 more temporary illegal workers per year to come to this country on a two-year visas and require these workers to return home for a year, then allow them to re-enter the country for two more years. Then this can be repeated twice more. Further, these workers could bring their families into the country on a 30 day visitor visas each year, and then earn points somehow toward a “merit-based” green card. This is luncy. These folks in Washington D.C. are out of touch with reality it seems and are putting the American people in a pile of horse munure knee deep and these despots are laughing all the way to their bank.

This crap about the immigration Bill would ensure that border security is strong and that farmers who depend largely on these illegal workers will be able to find work is luncy. If any farmer in this country can not find an American citizen to do the work, then as a suggestion to that farmer that maybe he is in the wrong business here in America. If a farmer can not find an American worker and pay him a wage thats reasonable and that can sustained him and his family, then that farmer should step aside and let another American farmer step-in and replace that farmer who will hire an American worker and pay him adequately for the fruits of his labor even if it means highter prices for the American consumer. These Republicans and some Democrats are whinning and complaining and running around all over the country scarced to death that their coharts corrupt employers who hire these low wage and most time unskilled workers will have to pay an American to do the work and will have to pay a decent and liveable reasonable wage to them that they would covert and break the laws of this country rather than pay an American worker a fair wage is pure luncy and down right hypocritical and unAmerican. This crap about a pathway to citizenship for these illegals immigrants or as these despots like to call them “Undocumentmented workers” amounts to nothing but pure despotism. This large-scale social experimentation attempt by these despots is in affect one of the tactics they are using in their mischievous endeavors and decieving ways of establishing an oligarchy form of government that only benefits these very rich, elite, and corrupt thiefs and robber-barons which are mostly despot Republicans and a few sour Democrats.

A very practical solution and correct way of dealing with this illegal population is DEPORATION
OF ALL ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS WITHIN THE BORDERS AND PROIVIDENCE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. And futher, while deporting these illegal immigrants our government should secure our borders allowing only those persons legally sanctioned to enter, and set up an immigration system that is fair and just to all the American people no matter at what cost. There is but one America and the folks who live, work, and die for this country do not need or should put up with any illegal immigrant or have to compete for work or provide any assistant to them, except in the deportation of them from among the American people and their country. This “bullcrap ” that an American “ want do the work”, or “can’t find enough American workers to fill the jobs” and other such jargon these despot Congresspersons and this Republican administration is feeding to these bought off and corrupt news media to propagandize their greedy and corrupt agenda to the American people. These elite rich and corrupt despot Republicans and some sour Democrats in Washington D.C. are stepping, sliding, and awash with horse manure up to their knees yelling and screaming carrying on like heathens at a cock fight.

The American people have to much downward pressure on their wages because of unfair trade deals and policies and corporate outsourcing of millions upon millions of jobs each year to foreign countries. The last thing they need now is to have millions upon millions of illegal immigrants competing for their jobs at substandard wages and unsafe and unfair work places. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

U.S. Free Trade Policies There’s nothing free about free trade. The United States trade deficits is higher than any time in history, and is dragging the economic growth down. The U.S. government has accumulated more than $5 trillion dollars in trade debt. For the last 30 tears the U.S. government has been a debtor nation with a trade debt now rising faster than the national debt. The U.S. should implement a new strategy for it’s fiscal and trade policies. The “free trade” policies of the U.S. are the most expensive trade policies thats ever been pursued. With the lost of millions of jobs here in the U.S. to cheap foreign labor markets, putting this country in competetion with some of the world’s most cheapest labor, while corporate America profits have soared to all time highs and have the largest share of the nation’s national income in almost 60 years.

The “free trade” policies the United States is pursuing has resulted in allowing foreign competiters flood the U.S. markets with goods and services, while being shut-out of these competitor’s markets or servely limited in the share of the these competitor’s markets. These practices and policies pursued by the U.S. is detrimental and over-whelming to the U.S. economy and the American people. Last year the U.S. suffered a negative investment flow producing the first investment income deficits on record. These “free trade” policies just aren’t working for the American people. This current U.S. administration and Congress show little willingness to shift or change these luncy policies. The importance of the U.S. trade policies with the rest of the international systems of trade should be well regulated, fair, one that is orderly, and one that best benefits all the American people.

There should be mutuality not isolationism in the United States trade policies, bearing in mind that it should be for the good of all Americans, and not just a few elite, rich, and powerful corporations and individuals that it seems to be benefiting currently. The U.S. government should first look upon the United States as a nation, and second as a economy, and like-wise respresent the American people first and foremost rather than consumers or units of labor. It is my absolute belief the U.S. should revamp it’s trade policies accordingly. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

In my opinion, the demagoguery of the great former President Jimmy Carter by the illegal President currently occupying the oval office George Bush and his corrupt and deceitful administration who in my opinion are attemping to place the American people under the rule of an oligarchy form of government in which a few persons hold the ruling power is pure despotism. In my opinion, President Carter who won a Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 has rightly criticized Bush for his inadequecy and dealings as the President of the United States in an array of statements and accounts conducted by this current Bush administration. The former President Carter has been quoted as saying : “ this Bush administration is had the worst adverse effect on the nation and the world in history”. And he went on and explained that Bush had overseen an “overt reversal of America’s basic valves”.

This out right attack by Bush and his administration that Carter is irrlevant is to me demagoguery at its worst. For Bush and his administration to slander a former President of the United States in this manner is repugnant and disrespectful in my opinion, and it is unamerican for anyone to denounce a person of such high morals, great intellect, and a person who has shown the world his devotion to world peace throughout his career and his love for this country and his dedication to the service of humanity. Former President Carter when compare to Bush on any level of intellect, morality, or place in history is quite self explanatory. Bush is the son of a former President who rode the coattails of his father’s political might to become the Governor of Texas. Bush used his Governorship and the help of his father and brother in his quest for the Presidency of the United States. In my opinion Bush did not win the office of the President. He with the help of the elite rich, powerful, greedy, and corrupt individuals and corporations who form the despot Republican Party of the United States stole the Presidency by corruption, fraud, and abuse of the U.S. election laws and the down right deceptions at the voting place thoughout the country. This election process was twarted by the United States Supreme Court which was controlled by the Republicans when they in affect appointed Bush to become President. The comparison between Bush and Carter is like trying to compare a grain of sand with the vastness of the cosmos, there is no comparison. Bush who for the better part of his pre-politician existence was a wild egoist individual who often times bragged about his escapades of drinking and chasing after pretty women. There have been reports of him sniffing cocaine and being caught for driving under the influnce of alcohol as well as being AWOL from military duty. Of course all these things have just been reported and as of this date none have been substantiated or proven, but does cast a shadow over his over all worthiest as an individual.
Comparing former President Carter to the current President Bush is almost laughable if not for the position they are or were in. The former President Carter has recieved the Nobel Peace Prize, an a remarkable record in service to his country and to the world, a President of the United States, a nuclear physics, a carpenter, a poet, and many other thing that are to numerous to list in this short article. Former President Carter’s recent comments concerning the Iraq war being a “major tragedy” hit the nail on the head and was jusified in saying so. These despot Republicans in my opinion are aborminable, loyal, blind, and apparently subservient to Bush and his administration. This Bush administration and his Republican coharts has plunged this country in the biggest mess in history. The press and the TV talking heads is trying to cast all the focus onto Prime Minster Blair of Great Britain to minimize the role of the Bush administration part in the Iraq war. George Bush the “Decider” and his Republican coharts are using as one of their defenses, is to be more correct in their actions because the world thinks because Great Britain is backing them when in reality Great Britain has a vested interest in Iraq going back many years and that interest is the same as the United States, oil, oil, oil..... and that is what this war is about plain and simple. Anyway anyone twist the facts it is these elite, rich, and power hungry despots Republicans and their coharts who will go to any extreme to justify their greedy thrist for power and the almighty dollar. President Carter is right that the combination of Bush and Blair giving their support to this tragedy in Iraq has strengthened in efforts, and has made opposition less effective and has prolonged this war and increased the tragdy that has resulted. Bush and his administration’s environmental policies are quite distrubing faith-based initiative funding has made a mockery of the environmental issues and separation of church and state. These U.S. Congresspersons that are currently serving in Congress sure are not doing much to hold this administration’s feet to the fire in my opinion, and it sure is nice and past time for someone to speak out and tell the truth about the going on in Washington D.C. and within this corrupt Bush administration.

This Bush administration has taken this country in my opinion, on a radical departure from all previous administrations policies by the endorsement of the concept of pre-emptive strike against another country, and has usurp the power of Congress to declare war in violation of the U.S. Constitution in my opinion. Former President Carter has honestly and rightly criticized Bush and his administration for having a “zero peace talks” in Israel and have “ abandoned or directly refuted” every negotiated nuclear arms agreement, as well as evironmental efforts by other President.
It seems this Bush administration policies are quite different than President Carter’s administration by currently allocating funds to religious institutions, even those that channel those funds exclusively to their own particular group of believers in a particular religion. It seems to me that Bush as President does not honor the premise that all prevously elected Presidents have honored that of separation of church and state. Back in the 1970’s when Carter was President he proposed a ten year program that would eliminate this country’s need for foreign energy supply and dependence. If this nation and the American people had the foresight back then to implement this ten year program we would not be in this terrible mess we’re in today depending on people that hate us to provide us with energy such as gas and oil. I salute former President Carter far all his has done for America and the world. He is a great man, and much much more, and George Bush the “Decider” can’t hold a candle to him, or for that matter every rise to the greatness of Jimmy Carter. William in Alabama.

*** ( This Material herein above may be published, broadcast, rewitten, or redistributed by anyone who so desires )***

perry6911 said...

The American Way Of Life
The deplorable state of America’s health care and public education systems, corporate outsourcing of jobs, immigration and border patrol, and the state of the nation in general, in particular the all out assaust by this current admintration upon the American way of life that had its beginning in the late 1700’s is turning the American Dream into a horrible nightmare. Maybe this article will in some small way incite the American people to preserve their rights and aspirations of the American way of life.

The elite rich and powerful inside and outside government, business, and special interest groups, are systematically and throughly attempting to destroy the American way of life. The American people are more and more finding themselves subservient to unscrupuious and corrupt despots that are beginning to control their every day lives. The American way of life is a life style that people in the United States have and suppose to be an example of behavioral modality developed from the 1700 up to today. It embraces the idea that anyone, regardless of the circumstances of her or his birth, could increase their standard of living through, hard work and natural ability. This concept is expressed in the firm belief of honest and fair competitive market place, free and open democracy where productive expansion has no bounds. The American way of life to most Americans is not negotible. But the over-comsumption and exploition of the natural resources and other negative aspects of this culture does have a negative impact upon America as well as the rest of the world. The very existence of the American way of life depends entirely on the constitutional government with everyone having equal rights,and liberties to pursue truth, justice and happiness to whatever end.

There is a distrubing and becoming detrimental effect on the American way of life brought on by the outlandish ideology of the conservative right-wing of the Republican Party who have teamed-up with the very elite and rich corporations and individuals who are attempting to erode and set back the gains that has been obtained since the 1700’s in the lives of ordinary Americans. So far there has not been a significent amount of public out cry to help bring these despots under the rule of law where justice can be served. The problems associated with the American way of life cannot be solved without the American people standing up to these despots that are mounting a huge campaign at attempting to shut the door to Americans liberties, justice, and their pursuit of happiness.

It seems today that many Americans are steeped in orthoxy, religious, governmental, military, educational, and personal relationships which always must be followed. It seems sometimes Americans can be sold anything, lied to repeatedly, their services can be stripped away without a wimper or out cry, because they mistakely think its in order to serve them better. Further, the business in America today have suddenly discovered how important privacy has become. How gullible are the American people becoming? It seems tolerance to many Americans of the political class is without limits and any amount of hypocrisy from the “get-elected and stay-elected” can alienate them. The American way of life should be dedicated to the teaching of moral and ethical values to protecting this good earth and all its inhabitants.

This current President and his administration claim they believe that the goal of policy makers is to protect the American way of life. But the sad part of this is the President does not practice what he advocates. Futher, despite the warning that America and for that matter the world is headed like a snowball headed for hell, for an ecological an evironmental desaster many Americans are oblivious to the many warning of this fast apporching calamity. Many Americans feel that the American way of life is an entitlement that operates outside of the laws of nature, when it comes to disproportionate use of the world’s nonrenewable resourses. It should be of the most urgent need for Americans to rediscover themselves and work with the different groups in the American sociality such as, inventors, scientist, educational institutions. etc. for the good of the American way of life. Americans will have to come with a better way to cope with the declining era of industrial civilization based on a unrenewable source of energy. This means that to sustain and for prosperity sake turn to the use of renewable resourses. It is in the vital interest to diversify America’s energy supply through technology and changing the way America generates it’s electric power, and needs to cut it’s reliance on imported energy resourses, such as gas and oil.

Imperialism has penetrated the fabic of America’s culture and infected many Americans imagination, more deeply than one would expect. The challenge to the American way of life is complicated and riddled with delusional propaganda coming mostly from the right-wing of the Republican Party and their coharts that touts “democracy”, but in reality are nothing but a want-a-be plutocracy and oligarchy, where few rich and transborder corporations and individuals own the formal, Constitutionally-based political system. This reality presents real challenges to the American people and their way of life. All this can be recitified by the grassroot organizing process that leads to a true democrary, despite of the set-in-place and criminality of the current national political system. The people of America should be outraged at the government and this current administration of George Bush for conducting policies and practices that almost certainly will produce a catastrophe effect upon the American Way of Life. By: William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

The American Way Of Life
The deplorable state of America’s health care and public education systems, corporate outsourcing of jobs, immigration and border patrol, and the state of the nation in general, in particular the all out assaust by this current admintration upon the American way of life that had its beginning in the late 1700’s is turning the American Dream into a horrible nightmare. Maybe this article will in some small way incite the American people to preserve their rights and aspirations of the American way of life.

The elite rich and powerful inside and outside government, business, and special interest groups, are systematically and throughly attempting to destroy the American way of life. The American people are more and more finding themselves subservient to unscrupuious and corrupt despots that are beginning to control their every day lives. The American way of life is a life style that people in the United States have and suppose to be an example of behavioral modality developed from the 1700 up to today. It embraces the idea that anyone, regardless of the circumstances of her or his birth, could increase their standard of living through, hard work and natural ability. This concept is expressed in the firm belief of honest and fair competitive market place, free and open democracy where productive expansion has no bounds. The American way of life to most Americans is not negotible. But the over-comsumption and exploition of the natural resources and other negative aspects of this culture does have a negative impact upon America as well as the rest of the world. The very existence of the American way of life depends entirely on the constitutional government with everyone having equal rights,and liberties to pursue truth, justice and happiness to whatever end.

There is a distrubing and becoming detrimental effect on the American way of life brought on by the outlandish ideology of the conservative right-wing of the Republican Party who have teamed-up with the very elite and rich corporations and individuals who are attempting to erode and set back the gains that has been obtained since the 1700’s in the lives of ordinary Americans. So far there has not been a significent amount of public out cry to help bring these despots under the rule of law where justice can be served. The problems associated with the American way of life cannot be solved without the American people standing up to these despots that are mounting a huge campaign at attempting to shut the door to Americans liberties, justice, and their pursuit of happiness.

It seems today that many Americans are steeped in orthoxy, religious, governmental, military, educational, and personal relationships which always must be followed. It seems sometimes Americans can be sold anything, lied to repeatedly, their services can be stripped away without a wimper or out cry, because they mistakely think its in order to serve them better. Further, the business in America today have suddenly discovered how important privacy has become. How gullible are the American people becoming? It seems tolerance to many Americans of the political class is without limits and any amount of hypocrisy from the “get-elected and stay-elected” can alienate them. The American way of life should be dedicated to the teaching of moral and ethical values to protecting this good earth and all its inhabitants.

This current President and his administration claim they believe that the goal of policy makers is to protect the American way of life. But the sad part of this is the President does not practice what he advocates. Futher, despite the warning that America and for that matter the world is headed like a snowball headed for hell, for an ecological an evironmental desaster many Americans are oblivious to the many warning of this fast apporching calamity. Many Americans feel that the American way of life is an entitlement that operates outside of the laws of nature, when it comes to disproportionate use of the world’s nonrenewable resourses. It should be of the most urgent need for Americans to rediscover themselves and work with the different groups in the American sociality such as, inventors, scientist, educational institutions. etc. for the good of the American way of life. Americans will have to come with a better way to cope with the declining era of industrial civilization based on a unrenewable source of energy. This means that to sustain and for prosperity sake turn to the use of renewable resourses. It is in the vital interest to diversify America’s energy supply through technology and changing the way America generates it’s electric power, and needs to cut it’s reliance on imported energy resourses, such as gas and oil.

Imperialism has penetrated the fabic of America’s culture and infected many Americans imagination, more deeply than one would expect. The challenge to the American way of life is complicated and riddled with delusional propaganda coming mostly from the right-wing of the Republican Party and their coharts that touts “democracy”, but in reality are nothing but a want-a-be plutocracy and oligarchy, where few rich and transborder corporations and individuals own the formal, Constitutionally-based political system. This reality presents real challenges to the American people and their way of life. All this can be recitified by the grassroot organizing process that leads to a true democrary, despite of the set-in-place and criminality of the current national political system. The people of America should be outraged at the government and this current administration of George Bush for conducting policies and practices that almost certainly will produce a catastrophe effect upon the American Way of Life. By: William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

Spying And Wiretapping Americans

The following Article is an expression and the opinion and beliefs of its author: ************************************************.

Government on any level is not being held accountable and is out of control. The United States intelligence community monitoring phone calls is in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution. And for what reason and who is doing the monitoring is an outrage and disgusting calamity. The outsoursing of American government jobs, particularly the intelligence ones is luncy. The President and his administration say it is looking only for “ call pattern” . It looks folks like the government has now went so far as to outsource the intelligence jobs to foreigners and corrupt corporate America. Well at least maybe this may help them find out who is leaking national security into the press, but there are some very serious doubts that it will. It is one thing to maintain telephone surveilance over news organizations who disclose classified and sensitive secret information if the government gets a legal wiretap authorization from the Court, but for the White House to circumvent the Court is an out right violation of the U.S. Constitution. This is just another step by the Bush administration to suppress dessent and to stifle freedom of speech and freedom of the press. The term “ national security” was used as a reason to spy on war protesters during the Nixon era, much like it is being used today by this administration which is excessive to say the least. With the reasoning by this administration of spying on Americans for any reason, as they seem to think they can, then what is to prevent them from using this scam for other vacuous reasons, such as obtaining any ordinary American citizen medical records, e-mails,, telephone conversation, books one reads from the local library etc. is distasteful, wrongful, and is in violation of the U.S. Constitution. The American people are on a very dangerous and slippery slope and are fast losing their liberty and freedom that millions have fought and died for over the last many years.

What does a citizen do when the government violates the law and Americans values? The simple answer to this question is VOTE, an rid the American government of these elite rich and corrupt politicians. It is appalling that this administration thinks that journalist and others should be gagged. For this government to have this kind of power over the citizenry, especially a government led by someone who considers his greatest accomplishment while in office was catching a fish. There are many in the press and other media that have been sucking up to this President and his Republican administration who have reported his lies. They bought his bull crap that he spits out of his mouth, all far the simple reason they could have access, and thought they may be invited to the right parties, and just maybe he would towel-snap them and give them a stupid nickname. What did that get them? Monitored by the NSA thats what! Maybe if they had done their job from the beginning we wouldn’t be living in a fascist state run by a mad man today. So, to these talking heads and machines like creatures who are complaining so vemhemently now, one must ask? Who is going to help you now? These right-wing thrugs are getting what they truely deserve. GAGGED!

This has been one of the most frightening issue of our times. A citizen deserves to know what is the moral construction of our government. The press gave us information such as immoral and unappropriately unAmerican torture prisions, obtaining this information and releasing it was patriotic and the right thing to do. Our government should be afraid of the people, not the other way around. Why hasn’t our government found and captured Osama who is the real enemy. Some in this administration are the worst kind of authoritarian fascist, just like those of the nazi era. They hold themselves up before the American people to be patriots, its disgusting. Bush and Cheney are committing illegal acts and should not be protected. Anyone that knows of any laws being violated should report them to the appropriate authority. This administration pay people to attack the press publicly and on the internet to get their corrupt and fascist messages out in their bid to gain and to hold onto their offices and power in government.

The American people have a right and duty to know what their government is doing and they want a measure of control over their lives. They do not want to live in fear as this administration has subjected them to in the name of patriotism. If a person believes in the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights it seems to some you are anti-American. This administration want Americans who don’t have the same ideology as them to move to Russia, Cuba, or China and get out of this country. The only reason our soldiers are dying in this Iraq war is because of people who have this crazy ideology who voted for these despot degenerates voted them or should it be said stole the election that put them in office. They send our soldiers off to fight in an unjust war that we should have never been in. They should own up to their mistakes and quit trying to trade Americans liberty and freedoms for a false sense of security. If this crap goes on much longer Americans might want to consider calling Bush the “Decider” , Dear Leader as well as addressing each other “comrades” and while we’re at it lets change the name of the CIA to KGB, and start holding May Day parades where we can show off America’s shiny tanks and missiles. Thats where we’re headed folks, opps.... I mean comrades.

When the government itself breaks the law and tries to hide behind a veil of secrecy who will stand up and hold it accountable to rule of law? In American an elected government or any member of the government are not royalty or infallible. In a democrary, the people are suppose to keep it’s government in line with the law. Since Americanpeople seem unable or unwilling to throw these despots out of office, then it lies with the media to report the truth and not allow the government to break the law and harm the American people. The American people must stand up against this government despotism. “Fascism would be better described as corporatism since it is a marriage between the state and business” ----------Benito Mussolini. Some have said that--” news reports of domestic spying are just sounds of history repeating---when the President and America becomes conflated, for whatever reason anyone who can be viewed as in opposition to the President is therefore in opposition to America, reporters, whistleblowers, activist, columists, Democrats, they are all working against our country, therefore, they are working for international terrorism” John Negroponte.

Why is it that nearly all the Republican Presidecies have had these paranoid fears? One must wonder is George Bush wandering the rooms of the White House at night, taking to a picture of Hebert Hoover? If anyone should ask Cheney, Libby, or Bush are the culprits who have been doing all the leaking of intelligence matters to the press, and one would hope the press is there to help the American people hold this administration’s feet to the fire so there will be some accountability. The press and the people must see to it that these despots will not be able to whatever they choose, which at present cost the citizens of America a fortune in gas prices, medical bills, and the killing of thousands of innocent old and young women, men, and children. For What? A pack of lies thats what. If Bush isn’t stopped, we’ll all lose our rights under the quise of fighting terrorism. If the American people were interested in rooting out lawbreakers, they’d root out Bush and this administration as a whole. American soldiers of today and yesterday did not sacrifice their lives so Americans can live in the same conditions as in the former USSR. It is sad and disgusting that some who live here in America support the actions of this government in tracking and recording American’s people communications and records that are suppose to be private. The Bush administration is attempting to turn the U.S. into a soviet style state, where dissent and questioning is treason and people are shot and killed. Where is this country going? The line this administration are offering to the American people about 9/11 has got nothing to do with the American Constitution usurped by these despot hacks.

It is not not treason to disclose information classified by the executive branch if that information reveals that the President has repeatedly broken the law. The blind hatred for the press conveyed by Bush and this administration is frightening and disgusting. They did need to be held accountable for each and every act of criminality they are found to have committed. The very idea that whatever is necessary to win the war on terror is justifiable, right or wrong is wrong-headed, and just plain stupid, one does not break the law in order to catch someone breaking the law. It is kinda funny and fasinating to watch all these Soviets giggle over the press finally getting caught and mutter about “traitor journalist”, welcome to America, comrades its looking more like your former home every day. The mainstream press has been a Bush’s faithful lap dog for his entire illegal Presidency. The days of real oppositional press in this nation are long gone. The wiretaps may not even been necessary, most of Bush’s little journalistic poodles would have provided him with the information if asked. This Bush and his coharts are turning into a lynch mob that believes that torture, arbitrary arrest, indefinite detention on secret charges and other abuses of human freedom are only bad if the Russian or the Chinese do it. As a great American once said: “ they that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve niether liberty nor safety”. Benjamin Franklin.....

It is amazing how some people think spying is ok as long as it protect them. If former President Clinton’s administration had tapped Fox News phone the right-wing fascist would have fired their assault rifles at the White House. So far, Americans who believe the media should be roped in, to them one must say, anyone who would rather see the government break the law and violate their rights as a citizen would you not want to know about it? If anyone believe that all this is just limited to news sources and non-political opponents, then they are incredibly naive. It is not illegal for government employees to reveal illegal government behavior. This is called whistleblowing and is protected, or was untill the Bushies gutled the statute. The problem as it relates to Americans is not about the war, stopping terrorist, or saving lives, to this administration it is about the up-coming 2008 election. Paster Niemoller once wrote: “first they came for the communists, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a communist, then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak, because I wasn’t a Jew, then they came for the catholics, and I didn’t speak up, because I was a protestant, then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak for me”-----Pastor Niemoller.

It was the press who’s job it has been for over the last six years now to expose the sins, evils, crimes, and violations of laws of this administration. Now they have come for you. Is there anyone left to speak up for you? If not, now would be a good time to start doing your job. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

The Elite Rich And Powerful

Folks, there is a cancer growing in America’s society and it is money and power. This is very noticeable if one just stops, looks, and listens. The elite, rich, and powerful individuals, corporations, and a collaboration of industry and other organizations and institutions have bought the United States Government, and are attempting to install an oligarchy form of government in which a few persons hold the ruling power.

The cost of gasoline keeps climbing higher as vaction time approches. Most Americans expect that gas prices will be at or above $4 dollars by years end. It will cost some Americans who are at the lower end of the wage scale (mimium wage) a day and a half to fill up their tanks. Most of these people make only $5.15 per hour and simplely cannot afford gas at these prices. Meanwhile, Exxon Mobil reported this year the largest annual profit of any U.S. company ever, $39.5 billion. That folks is #75,000 dollars a minute in profits. The Gas and Oil industries donated to the Bush Presidential campaign in 2004 two and one half million dollars, and this was from just the Oil and Gas industry spending on and to one person.

The Pharmaceutical Industry has given millions to the Republican President and members of Congress in return for a secured industry-friendly changes to landmark drug safety Bill, according to public records and interviews. The Bill grants the Food and Drug Administration broad new athority to moniter the safety of drugs after they are approved. The U.S. Senate allow the drug Vioxx to stay on the market for years after signs that it could cause heart attack. “It is not that money buys votes”, said Senator Bernie Sanders I-VT., the lone vote against the bill “ but you have a cultture in which big money has significant influnce. Big money gains you access, access gives you the time to influnce people”. The pharmaceutical companies spent $ 855 million dollars more money on lobbying than any other single industry from the year 1998 to 2006 according to the non-partisan Center for Public Integrity.

In the Defense Industry alone the Republican party and it’s candidates recieved $9,996,874 dollars or 62% of the donations handed out by the different organations in the Defense Industry during the 2005-2006 year election cycle and was released by the Federal Election Commission on Monday, February 19, 2007, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Corporate donors from the Defense Industry have seen a high return on their campaign contributions and have seen exponential growth. These have not been proportional returns, as the top contribution have not in all instances been the companies to be awarded the most contracts. The Defense Industry in general has enjoyed unprecedented growth during the Bush administration, and much appears to be linked to former Republicans and Defense officials involved in both the Pentagon and private companies.

The Republicans are doing their best to get a lock on political power. After the reorganization of political thought that culminated with the “contract on America” in the mid 90’s the Republicans captured a majority in both houses of Congress. The way they did it was hitching the imcumbency to the wealth of industries and conservative churches via K street, and by using other despotic and anti-democrary tactic, These tactic let lobbying budgets blind legislators to the real needs in our country and eventually made some of them blind even to the difference between a bribe and a legal favor, with the false assumption that “anything goes” as long as money goes into the campaign fund. The Republicans out spent their opponents in most of all the recent elections. They are back at this facade again, lining up their ducks in a row and counting all the feathers. Are Americans going to fall far this luncy once more. If they do it may be a long long time before they will ever vote again. William in Alabama

perry6911 said...

Corruption In Government

It looks now that the Bush administration has once again stooped to a new low. A government investigation has found a high ranking Bush administration official broke the law by encouraging subordinates to use their power and position to support Republican candidates for office. The official Lunita Doan who was found by the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) to have violated the Hatch Act, which bar certain partisan political activity by government officials and employees. It is thought the head of the General Services Administration (GSA) Lurita Doan violated the law by
“ following a 2006 PowerPoint presentation “ by the White House political office on Republicans in tight congressional races. The office of the General Services Administration contracts for services, supplies and real estate on behalf of the entire Federal government. Lunita Doan is currently facing a separate investigation by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee into charges she improperly intervened in contracting issues.

Some of the Democrats in Congress are pushing a new Bill that would bar members of Congress from using their inside knowledge of Congressional action to profit from investments. This Bill would ban lawmakers from using non public information to buy and sell stocks. In 2005 the Securities and Exchange Commission probed into wheater someone in former Senate majority leader Bill Frist’s office, shared inside information with Wall Street investors. Senator Frist also faced question from the Justice Department and the Securties and Exchange Commission (SEC) without charging Frist.

Former Tennessee Senator and a potential Republican Presidential candidate Fred Thompson has closed down a political action committee that paid out more money to his son than it did in political donations. Federal Election Commission record have reportedly been analyzed show Thompson’s Committee paid $178,000 dollars to his son’s political consulting firm, Daniel Thompson Associates, since 2003. In contrast, the Committee made only $66,700 in contributions to other campaign and political Committees in the four years since Thompson retired from the senate. This should raise everyone eyebrows wheather this is self-dealing. To top all this off this man is thinking about running for President of the United States. I don’t think a person of this caliber deserve to be the next President of these United States.

Then, there’s Monica Goodling, a right-wing true believer blowing the whistle on the U.S. Attorney scandel. Ms. Goodling admitted to politicizing the Justice Department in ways that certainly seem illegal. She made it clear that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales lied at a critical point in the Congressional investigation. This seem to give all the reason to Congress to compel Karl Rowe advisor to Bush and Harriet Miers, the former White House counsel, to testify about what they know. She admitted that she investigated the parties affilations, and even campaign contributions, of applicants for prosecutors, and other nonpolitical jobs. Her admission that partisan politics was used to hire people only makes it more likely that was also used to fire people. She went on to say she lied about the firing of the U.S. Attorneys.

Just recently President Bush nominated Michael Baroody, executive Vice-President of the National Association of Manufactoring (NAM) to head the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)--- the very organization that NAM has consistly sought to undermine. Baroody has now withdrawn his nomination. This was brought about by the $150,000 dollars payment that Baroody would have recieved from the Manufactures’ lobbying group when he left. Baroody’s organization has recently apposed a CPSC proposal to improve safety standards for baby walkers, among other anti-consumer measures. By the way, Michael Baroody’s father William J. Baroody was the founder of Enterprise Institute, and his brother Joe Baroody was linked to watergate back in the Nixion era.

Paul Wolfowitz, one of the Republicans of the Bush administration, and the architects of the Iraq war, stepped down just recently from the head of the World Bank because its ethics panel found that he had violated Bank rules by engineering a promotion and large raise for his girl friend, despite the White House support, the scandal proved too serious to simply brush off.

Republican Representative John Doolittle of California is stepping down from his seat on the House Appropriations Committee under pressure of and investigation by the FBI. But the man to replace him is also the subject of an FBI investigation.

Further, Republican Presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani’s business interest continue to cause problems for his Presidential campaign, according to the Wall Street Jornal, two of Rudy’s companies failed to disclose a potental conflict of interest in a Federal bankruptey proceeding.

All these conflicts and potentially violations of laws such as, when Scooter Libby said that he didn’t know Plame real name or covert status, shows just how these Republicans have become over the years. Republican Senator Mel Martinez of Florida who is the current Chair of the Republican National Committee new development reveals he violated Federal Election Laws in his 2004 Senate campaign. He could potentially be fined hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The Republican National Committee (RNC) has recently issued a press realease indicating that they would not comply with requests made by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform for material relating to the possiblity of illegal use of RNC e-mails by White House staff members, RNC Chairman Mike Duncan argued that turning over the e-mails meant revealing the RNC’s playbook. Gee...wit i curs.....?

Just the other day in a hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Senator Byron Dorgan reported on abuses by Haliburton that have cost the taxpayers $1.4 billion dollars and has put U.S. soldiers at futher risk.

There needs and has to be more accountability, honesty, and openness at all level of government. To do this will mean create and enforce rules that demand the highest ethics from all American citizens and public servants, sever unethical ties between lawmakers and lobbyist, and establish clear standards that prevent the trading of official business for gifts or personal political or monetary gain. William in Alabama

perry6911 said...

The compelling evidence and discontent of workers in America that still plaques the workforce after years of devastating defeats for labor, not only in the difficult working conditions, but also to the persvasive fear the workers feel if they try to organize or complain publicly. One just about has to be nameless or lose his or her job. The labor conditions around the United States are in some places worse than miserable, they are no less in slavery. The scale of wages is much, much to low, and in some areas cases of sweat shops. The working people in America cannot live on these low wages and feed their families. It is worse than criminal for such conditions that brings suffering to the unfortunate poor. This situation forces people to rob, steal, and contrive which is not very good for the nation. One would think this society wouldn’t stand for this sort of conditions and for the low wages that bring on such disasterous results. Some unfortunate Americans have to reek out a miserable existence without even having a slaves opportunity to attend the Church on the date of their choosing and belief. It will take sharp detection to get the facts from these elite rich and powerful individuals and corporations. The President and the Congress should make it a priority to see to it that the long hours and low wages be halted as soon as is practicable and possible if not sooner than immediately. When the workers do rebel against this unfair and unAmerican condition, these Rupublican authorities who pronounce good hard working Americans as “Reds”, “communist”, or other such defamatory remarks and suggestions, will themselves be held accountable to a more superior power and could feel the wrath of the people if this calamity does not come to its’ end. An American family with both parents working so long of hours and still can’t make ends meet is unfair and unjust and borders on slavery. Many Americans just toil and worry day in and day out and have to do what they have to do to survive. There are many Americans today who sleep out in the elements under bridges, overpasses, and back streets that when, even if they apply for a job the potential employer would have no way of notifying them in case they were interested in hiring him or her. The ridicuious miminum wage simply isn’t enough to sustain any person especially one with a spouse and children.

The foreign and mostly illegal immigrants who come to this country to find work has created a devastating and deplorable situation that is eating into the fabric of the American sociality. The terrible and almost distruction of Unions have played havoc on the workers in this nation. America is becoming again inslaved to these elite rich and corrupt powerful individuals, corporations, churches, and other organizations. As America attempts to find its way in the global economy the American people face many challenges and obstacles particularly in the free and open global labor market. There are many questions to be asked. Who will stand up for the American workers in this new world global economy? From the days of our fore fathers Americans have met the challenges and concerns of all Americans elite rich and powerful and the least amoung them. The industrial age brought many immigrants to this country to help fullfill the needs of all the industries. The need of anymore immigrants today is not needed in this highly technology society. Until all Americans are fully trained and has hands on experience, with this new tecnology immigration should be servely limited to that in with it is truly needed. The industrial age brought many immigrants to this country who all were screened and processed mostly though Ellis Island a small island in New York Bay an examination center for immigrants seeking to enter the U.S. Up until the later part of the past century the process for immigrants coming to the U.S to find work was orderly, limited, and medically screened before they entered the U.S. which is not the case today. At the start of the industrial age the unions begin to organize so the workers in America could speak with one voice. The unions did act and though many years of turmoil achieved great success, but then came again these elite rich and powerful individuals, corporations, and other organizations and religious inititutions guided by the Republicans Party who began to systemacially
dismantle the gains Americans workers had made since the beginning of the industrial age. These despots Republicans have managed to change the rules folks, by allowing the illegal immigrants to flood into and among the American workers and their people, outsourcing of American’s good paying jobs, and allowing American companies and individuals to move to a foreign nation were the labor cost are much much lower and then turning around and selling these products and services back to the American people at very high prices to the detriment of the American people.

The American people now face a choice, how do we as Americans respond to these despots and this new and growing economy? The American way has always depended on individual intiative and a belief in a free market and the mutual regard for one another. In America everyone should have an opportunity to become whatever his abilities will allow him, to reach for the stars if he so desires. The question comes down to politics and the way Americans organize the industrial and other organizations to benefit the American people so that it will sustain and prosper American enterprises though out the land. But, first and foremost everyone should know that money talks, and these despots have plenty of that. One person cannot win against any of these despots, it takes togatherness and planning to stop this terrible calamity. While it may not be possible to provide for a lifetime employment, but if all American stick together can make sure the American worker has a lifetime employability in this new age economy. This means that Americans must have the ability and means to an education with skills that will secure jobs at high wages and medical benefits as well as increasing and sustaining the American way of life. This means meeting these elite rich and powerful corrupt individuals and others entities head on, and place them under the rule of law, and prohibt them from exploiting and controlling the American worker or his family. The American workers and the people through their government and other organizations, should through togetherness and planning for the future, come forward with a plan to create jobs at high wages by investing and innovation of resourses into research and development projects instead of cutting them as these Republicans despots are doing today. The duty of all Americans should be to reorganize America and to rise up against these tyrannical Republicans despots in politics, policy, vision and mission, for the heart, mind, and soul of all Americans. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

Water And Food Safety




perry6911 said...

Medical Malpractice Reform

It is my opinion, medical malpractice is bigger problem than most folks wants to admit. There is approximatly a little over 75,000 deaths in the United States each year due partly to medical malpractice. Medical malpractice is an act or the ommission by a health care provider which deviates from accepted standards and practices in the medical community and which causes injury or death to a patient. A person living in the United States can be held liable unless that person can show he or she acted in accordance with a reasonable body of medical opinion.

Hospital administrators and doctors across the nation are furious over what they see as waves of frivolous lawsuits that they claim have driven up malpractice insurance. Doctors and lawyers have been at odds over malpractice litigation for quite sometime. This bitter divide between doctors and lawyers with plaintiffs in law suits being “black listed” and in some cases denied their rights as patients to be judicated. Some doctors are refusing medical treatment to lawyers and their families and employees except in emergencies. Many doctors are attemping to silence their peers by discourging doctors from testifying as expert witnesses on behalf of plaintiffs, by urging the Medical Associations to endorse their view. But some doctors see the tactics of refusing to treat all people is contrary to the hipprocratic oath and unethical.

The most common types of personal injury cases arises from motor vehicle accidents, slip and fall incidents, dogbites, defective products, etc. Workers compensation claims often arise from personal injury and are dealth with in a separate area of law. Person injury law applies to cases in which a person or person are injured through negligence, intention of fault of someone else. There are three elements to proving a personal injury case, fault, causation, and damages. Sustaining an injury can be very stressful and traumatic. Medical Liability Reform may if not implemented properly may prevent just, effective, patient- centered reform. The American Medical Student Association (AMSA) has recently expressed concerns of physicians lobbying for a federal cap on non-economic damages. The AMSA opposes any proposal to U.S. Congress that involves cap, alone, but instead that reforms should focus on a more comprehensive approach that includes reducing medical errors and increasing oversight of the insurance industry. There is no doubt that the rising costs of medical liability insurance effects the decisions of health care providers. Priorities for reform should be a system based upon life saving information learned through medical error, reporting, and having better communications between physicians and patients. The Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) has reported that the majority of malpractice claims in a study of seven states were closed without any compensation paid to those claiming a medical injury. This study found the majority of medical malpractice claims closed without payment.

There is a strong belief in the American society that patients’ rights to hold the health care industry accountable when patients are recklessly injured or killed by unsafe drugs, medical devices,or inapporiate or inadequte care. Law suits lead to safe drug and health care system, thats accountable to the people. There are appoxiamately 98,000 people killed every year by medical mistakes, yet most times the circumstances of the deaths are closely guarded secrets by the medical professionals. There is a need for open reporting of medical errors to improve care and insurance reforms to prevent the insurance industry from price-gouging doctors. Most medical malpractice lawyers have years of experience handling complex medical malpractice lawsuits. A common medical mistake made during treatment is the misdiagnosis of symptoms or the failure to diagnose a condition. Medical mistakes occur resulting in a misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose when the doctor fails to give their full time and attention to the patient.

In his state of the Union address to the nation 2006, President Bush called on Congress to restrict patients access to the Courts, claiming that access to health care is threatened because “lawsuits are driving many good doctors out of practice”. But, in contrast to this according to statistics published by the American Medical Association (AMA) the number of practicing physicians is growing faster than the population. It is very clear that the call for limits on the ability of injured patients to seek redress in the Courts is just one little piece of a larger effort by the business and industries lobbyist who are in bed with Bush and his Republicans coharts to protect businesses from being held accountable when they recklessly or negligently hurt people. Basically, the Republican agenda blames injured patients and seeks to close access to the Courts of this nation, contravening a constitution right that all American citizens have. To Bush and his Republican coharts its all about protecting business profits over patients health and welfare. It is far past time for real reliable health care reform, and a health care system that puts patients first. Malpractice medical reform is just another stepping stone for Bush and the Republican Party with the help of the elite rich and powerful corrupt individuals, corporations, institutions, organizations, and others to eliminate the rights of American citizens and to set up their own oligarchy form of government in which a few persons hold the ruling power plunging this country into despotism. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

It is my opinion, medical malpractice is bigger problem than most folks wants to admit. There is approximatly a little over 75,000 deaths in the United States each year due partly to medical malpractice. Medical malpractice is an act or the ommission by a health care provider which deviates from accepted standards and practices in the medical community and which causes injury or death to a patient. A person living in the United States can be held liable unless that person can show he or she acted in accordance with a reasonable body of medical opinion.

Hospital administrators and doctors across the nation are furious over what they see as waves of frivolous lawsuits that they claim have driven up malpractice insurance. Doctors and lawyers have been at odds over malpractice litigation for quite sometime. This bitter divide between doctors and lawyers with plaintiffs in law suits being “black listed” and in some cases denied their rights as patients to be judicated. Some doctors are refusing medical treatment to lawyers and their families and employees except in emergencies. Many doctors are attemping to silence their peers by discourging doctors from testifying as expert witnesses on behalf of plaintiffs, by urging the Medical Associations to endorse their view. But some doctors see the tactics of refusing to treat all people is contrary to the hipprocratic oath and unethical.

The most common types of personal injury cases arises from motor vehicle accidents, slip and fall incidents, dogbites, defective products, etc. Workers compensation claims often arise from personal injury and are dealth with in a separate area of law. Person injury law applies to cases in which a person or person are injured through negligence, intention of fault of someone else. There are three elements to proving a personal injury case, fault, causation, and damages. Sustaining an injury can be very stressful and traumatic. Medical Liability Reform may if not implemented properly may prevent just, effective, patient- centered reform. The American Medical Student Association (AMSA) has recently expressed concerns of physicians lobbying for a federal cap on non-economic damages. The AMSA opposes any proposal to U.S. Congress that involves cap, alone, but instead that reforms should focus on a more comprehensive approach that includes reducing medical errors and increasing oversight of the insurance industry. There is no doubt that the rising costs of medical liability insurance effects the decisions of health care providers. Priorities for reform should be a system based upon life saving information learned through medical error, reporting, and having better communications between physicians and patients. The Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) has reported that the majority of malpractice claims in a study of seven states were closed without any compensation paid to those claiming a medical injury. This study found the majority of medical malpractice claims closed without payment.

There is a strong belief in the American society that patients’ rights to hold the health care industry accountable when patients are recklessly injured or killed by unsafe drugs, medical devices,or inapporiate or inadequte care. Law suits lead to safe drug and health care system, thats accountable to the people. There are appoxiamately 98,000 people killed every year by medical mistakes, yet most times the circumstances of the deaths are closely guarded secrets by the medical professionals. There is a need for open reporting of medical errors to improve care and insurance reforms to prevent the insurance industry from price-gouging doctors. Most medical malpractice lawyers have years of experience handling complex medical malpractice lawsuits. A common medical mistake made during treatment is the misdiagnosis of symptoms or the failure to diagnose a condition. Medical mistakes occur resulting in a misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose when the doctor fails to give their full time and attention to the patient.

In his state of the Union address to the nation 2006, President Bush called on Congress to restrict patients access to the Courts, claiming that access to health care is threatened because “lawsuits are driving many good doctors out of practice”. But, in contrast to this according to statistics published by the American Medical Association (AMA) the number of practicing physicians is growing faster than the population. It is very clear that the call for limits on the ability of injured patients to seek redress in the Courts is just one little piece of a larger effort by the business and industries lobbyist who are in bed with Bush and his Republicans coharts to protect businesses from being held accountable when they recklessly or negligently hurt people. Basically, the Republican agenda blames injured patients and seeks to close access to the Courts of this nation, contravening a constitution right that all American citizens have. To Bush and his Republican coharts its all about protecting business profits over patients health and welfare. It is far past time for real reliable health care reform, and a health care system that puts patients first. Malpractice medical reform is just another stepping stone for Bush and the Republican Party with the help of the elite rich and powerful corrupt individuals, corporations, institutions, organizations, and others to eliminate the rights of American citizens and to set up their own oligarchy form of government in which a few persons hold the ruling power plunging this country into despotism. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

Insurance in law and economics, is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent loss. It is as the equitable transfer of the risk of a potential loss, from one enitity to another, in exchange for a premium insurer, in economic it is the company that sells the insurance rate is a factor used to determine the amount, called a premium, to be charged for a certain amount of insurance coverage. Risk management, the practice of appraising and controlling risk, has evolved as a descrete field of study and practice. The principles of insurance, particularly commerially insurable risk typically share several common characteristics. A large number of homogeneous exposure unit, a define loss, accidental loss, large loss, affordable premium, calculable, and limited risk of catastrophically large loss. “Insurance provides indemnification against loss or liability from specified events and circumstances that may occur or be discovered during a specificied period.

Everyone knows they should be saving for their future, but somehow life keeps getting in the way. Many American are being ripped off or simpley robbed by some well-known insurance companies. Many of these companies recommend a tax-deferred investment (such as annuity) for an investment that is already tax-deferred. Why do these companies do this? To fill their money coffers and for power. The insurance companies “scams” are promulgated by the indifferent and some lazy employees and staff who just could care less. There have been many complaints about insurance companies not living up to their contract with policies holder, particularly in the after math of Hurricane Katrina, some of these complaints are denying wind damages claims, or claim that damages was caused by floodwaters, this let the insurance companies off the hook. These insurance corporations want to maximize returns to shareholders, and the common folk are left out in the cold. These despots are robbing people just as sure as if they put a gun to their head, it would be the same. The authorities who are suppose to regulate these insurance companies, are many times on the take for bribes or placed under so much pressure by the executives of these companies to give them all the leeway in the world to get out on honoring the insurance policies. Insurance on an average takes appoximately 40% of American families income each month, and it doesn’t do one thing for them. This current Republican administration that Bush resides over and many of the state commissioners here in the U.S. are allowing these criminal insurance companies do as they well please. It is a shame that the insurance industry is a part of the businesses in the United States. These corrupt insurance companies should be reigned in and regulated properly. Maybe even the Federal government should do a little of the regulating, the state agencies and Commissioners sure aren’t. Insurance companies will do almost anything to avoid paying claims. Self-regulating is like asking the fox to guard the hen house. The health care system is seriously broken and is letting the fox keep on guarding the hen house is clearly killing people. The policies of this government and in particularly this current Republican administration is nothing short of murder in my opinion when it results in people dying because they can’t afford basic care. This current batch of Republicans are greedy, egotisical, and down-right mean for allowing these thugs and criminals who operate these insurance companies to hurt, maim, and kill Americans in the name of the “bottom line”.

Why isn’t the insurance companies regulated? Insurance commissioners are appointed and generally come from the Insurance industry. Who are guarding the hens? What other industry generates so much profit, rapes the public, legislates a monopoly and is supposely “regulated at the state level”. Has anyone ever wondered who lobbied for mandatory auto insurance? And why do Americans have to pay for their investment losses? Insurance is nothing short of a legalized con-game. There are some who say that insurance regulation is not the answer, that insurance companies are in business to make money, and are not like government entities that can spend more money than is coming in. To these folks I will say shame on you for putting profit before an individual’s life. That is pretty much what is wrong with insurance companies they had rather someone die rather than pay a claim that would eat into their profit margin.

Each state government in the United States has an insurance department which independently regulates insurance companies. Many people in the U.S. have to resort to filing a law suit before the insurance companies will even consider paying a claim, and just one person up against these fifty rich insurance companies with a battery of expert legal and politicial advise and assistancedoes not stand a snowball chance in hell of recovering their losses that they are entitled to especially in these shot-gun Courts run and controlled by elite rich, powerful, and corrupt neo-con Republicans. The state department of insurance whose responibilities are to regulate insurance companies practices within their state, to make sure insurers are financially solvent, and stay within the state,s laws and are “supposed to protect” its citizens from bad faith insurers and when insurers break the law justice should be served. How are these corrupt insurance companies getting away with it? It is done routely by bad faith insurers claiming to the Department of Insurance that they are investigating the facts in the matter when in many cases they are not (generally there is no time limitation attached to insurers alleged investigation, especially when it comes to matter of fact or factual matters). They often time stall and distort the truth, use deception, and diversion tactics, and deny, deny, and deny. In legal terms these actions are collectively referred to as “unfair and deceptive claim settlement practices”. The deceptive things that an insurer want tell anyone is “ you’re paying too much, forget your driving record, we want your credit rating, we’re pocketing your deductible, we can dump you on a whim, we’ll stiff you if your car is totaled and even if it isn’t, you need a lawyer, our body shop works for us not you, we make money by sitting on your claims, and lastly, we own your state Insurance Commissioner”. It just more of the same ole corporate crime and corruption thats anti-consumers and anti- American. These Republican corrupt politicians have no conscience to do anything to correct the breaches of contract once they get into office they are immediately bought off and controlled by the vast amount of money available. Something has to be done to put a stop to these lawbreakers. These corrupt insurance companies with the help of many of the states commissioners and the Republican party elite rich and powerful corrupt individuals and corporations and others exist in the insurance industry as insurers who are exempt from Federal law, and operate behind a unwritten industry wide code often times referred to as the “wall of silence” in which they have had many many years of near free reign to be able to rig and minipulate the system as they so desire, with a never ending resources of defense counsel and corporate lawyers which use the Courts to hide behind. All they have to do is deny, deny, and deny. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

Insurance Exploition Of The People

It is a well known fact that people should be saving for their future, but somehow life seems to be aways getting in the way. There are today many millions of Americans being exploited both financially and by the system of courts intended to bring justice by following such rules and requlations as prescribed by law. The question of deregulating or regulating is the serious matter facing the people of the United States. Insurance is an insuring or being insured against loss by fire, accidents, dealth etc. It is a contract whereby the insurer guarantees the insured that a certain sum will be paid for a specified loss. It is basically a business industry that is bound by a contract (Policy). Insurance in law and economics, is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent loss. It is as the equitable transfer of the risk of a potential loss, from one enity to another, in exchange for a premium insurer, in economic is the company that sells the insurance rate is a factor used to determine the amount, called a “premium”, to be charged for a certain amount of insurance coverage. Risk management, the practice of appraising and controlling risk, has evolved as a descrete field of study and practice. The principles of insurance, particularly commerially insurable risk.

There have been many complaints about insurance companies not living up to their contract with policies holder, particularly in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Many of these complaints are being denied by the insurance companies because of wind damages claims, or claims that damages was caused by floodwaters. This let the insurance companies off the hook completely. These insurance companies want to maximize returns to shareholders, and the common folks are left out in the cold. These insurance companies are simpley robbing people and the authorities who are suppose to regulate them just aren’t doing their job that they are were placed there to do.

Why aren’t the insurance companies regulated? Insurance Commissioners are appointed and generally come from the insurance industry. This is like the fox in charge of over-seeing the hen house. What other industry generates so much profit, rapes the public, legislates a monopoly and is purported “regulated at the state level”. Has anyone ever wondered who lobbied for mandatory auto insurance? And why do consumers have to pay for their investment losses? Today the insurance industry is nothing short of a legalized con-game. Some of these politicians of this current U.S. Congress, mostly Republicans say that insurance regulation is not the answer, that insurance companies are in business to make money, and are not like government entities that can spend more money than is coming in. To these folks I say shame on you for putting profit ahead of life. That is exactly what is wrong with insurance companies, they had rather someone die rather than pay a claim that they are required to pay. These despots insurance companies will lie, cheat, and deny the claim even at the cost of someone’s life if they think the claim will eat into their profit margin, this is so outragous and down right unAmerican.

Each state government in the United States has an Insurance Department which independently regulates insurance companies. Most Americans have to resort to the filing of a law suit before the insurance company will even consider paying a legitimate claim, and just one person in these Republican controlled Courts up against a battery of lawyers, experts wittnesses and other liers for hire bought by these mad-dog insurance companies the poor consumer does not stand a chance in hell of getting the due redress required by the claim. Each State Department of Insurance whose responsibility is to regulate insurance companies practices within their State, to make sure insurers are financially solvent and stay within the State’s laws and are supposed to protect citizens from bad faith insurers and when insurers break the law they are getting away with it. How are these bad insurance companies getting away with this? This is done routinely by bad faith insurers claiming to the State Department of Insurance that they are investigating the facts in the matter when in many of the cases they are not. Generally, there is no time limitation attached to the insurers alleged investigation, especially when it comes to matter of fact or factual matters. These bad-faith insurers use tactics of stalling, distorting the truth, use of deception and diversion tactics, and the the one that is their main tactic deny, deny, and deny. In legal terms these actions are collectively referred to as “ Unfair and Deceptive Claim Settlement Practices”. Some of the things these bad-faith insurers will not tell a potential insurance customer are “your paying too much”, “ forget your driving record”, “ we are going to destroy your credit rating”, we’re pocketing your deductible”, “we can dump you on a whim”, “we’ll stiff you if your car is totaled and even if it isn’t”, “you need a lawyer”, “our body shop works for us not you”, “ we make money by sitting on your claims”, and lastly “we own your State Insurance Commission”. Its just more of the same corporate crime and corruption thats anti-consumer and anti-American. These corrupt insurance companies and the individuals who operate and control them, right along with these corrupt State Insurance Commissioners seem to have no conscience and make excuses and always blames the messegers, and refuse to enforce the breaches of contract. The State Insurance Commissioner once they get into office they are immediately bought off and controlled by the huge amount of money available to the insurance companies. There must be justice served upon these corrupt and criminally wrongful corruption by these Insurance Companies, and the State Commissioners who stand by and do nothing as many Americans are losing their lives and property while these thugs are living the good life. This government is failing miserable in the regulating the insurance industry as well as most all the other industries thoughout the country. A lot of the problems in all the industries of the U.S. is that of deregulation back in the era of Ronald Reagan the Republican Party made as its agenda to deregulate the industries of this country, and since that time things have spiralled out of control. The elite rich and powerful individuals, corporations, and others have formed an oligarchy form of government that is headed up by the Republican Party and the current Bush administration. Americans must become aware of this fact and make the necessary changes to rid our government of this despotism. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

Unfortunately today most of the news rooms have gone from media bias to engaging in media corruption. The Bush administration’s efforts of bribery, Federal violations of law and regulations, the planting of phoney news videos, the subverting by Tomlinson’s and Rove’s of the TV and public television is just the tip of the iceberg that this administration has plunged our country into a con-game of deception, lies, and crimes that seem to go unnocticed by the American people or they just don’t care, and this is because of the corruption and bribes in the news media as well as other media. The bullying by Bush and his coharts goes unnoticed by the media. It is funny how it takes a former Director of the Central Intelligence to indenify Dick Cheney as the “vice- President of torture. Why did not the media call this is because they were bought off by the elite rich and powerful corrupt people that are running our government. No one in journalism will deny that media corruption exists, there is contention only in the extent of the corruption and the damages it causes. The media have emerged as probably the most important influnce on how people vote. If the media do not perform well and their coverage is skewed because of money and other considerations, and do a disservice to the American people and yes to others. They also stunt the development of electoral politics, and this can have tragic consequences on democracy. Too much criticism of those in power means that you don’t get invited to the good parties anymore. The Bush administration in particular has been especially harsh when it comes to shutting out those who dare criticize. The media relies on the government to get any information that they are afraid of that information source drying up. When this happens, they have to actually have to start doing some work again and once again try to be real journalists, instead of mere regurgitators of official statements. The smart reporters keeps the source happy. Most time when this is the case the public loses. Media corruption, distortions and lies of omission, truly makes the public be educators more than simply protesters. The lies getting us into war partly to be blamed on the media.

Media corruption hampers the flow of information that reaches the public and even prevents relevant information from reaching it. The media has a vital role to play in curtailing corruption. It is very necessary to look at media ownership, new media, the pay of the journalists, newsrooms budgets that are set in place. The gravest danger is when media owners start pressuring editors, and use their media vehicles to investigate and denigrate their bussiness and political opponents. The independence of editors is often undermined by the modest availability of advertising revenues. Editors are most times very aware of and sensitive to the power that huge advertisers have. The owners do not have to remind them of such power. This alien grip on our news and entertainment media must be broken. There is no greater power in the world today than the power wielded by the manipulators of public opinion in America. This power is the supreme power of the land barring none.

The Jewish media control determines the foreign policy of the United States, and this allows Jewish interest rather than American interest to decide questions of war and peace. The people of the United States are permitting the Jews to control our news and entertainment media. This gives them the power to decide and influnce our political system and in effect controls our government. Not only are we allowing this, but are allowing them to control our minds and souls of our children. This is done through atitudes and ideas that are shaped by the Jewish owned and operated television, films, radio, and by parents, schools and other like-minded influnces. The Jewish control of the entertainment media have persvaded a whole generation that homosexuality is a normal and acceptable way of life. They have also used the racial issues of the day to become perverted and wrong-headed to most Americans. This is nothing short of mind control over our young and elders. Some of these people prey upon a sense of guilt some American people have about slavery in our country past.

It seems like the majority of Americans will never get the big picture of just who controls our government and our every day lives. The corruption of elections is not seen by most Americans because of the nature of voting counting technology and manipulation. The government and corporate-controlled media always it seems lead the people to believe in a certain proportional structure of values on which to base their vote. The corporate controlled media serves a few profiteers rather than justice and quality of life for all. Some media will go to any extent to sell their news and corrupt children in the name of providing vital info on movies, musicals, and so-called idols. The media in America is a decietful, two-faced,. lying enity which is accelerating our path to destruction. It pretends to inform us while actually keep the real truth from us. Enlarged media company will align its TV and print whenever it suits it self. Maybe not everyday but whenever it really counts to them. Just take a look at how Rupert Murdoch’s organization cracked the whip to support George Bush campaign against Irasq. Worse than the dangerous media distortion of the truth is the continued pretence it is the truth, and that it serves the people. The corrupt mass retail media like the Nightly News, CNN, Fox News Net work, Washington Post, and the like are less free on anything of real importance than the media of many third world countries, even communist China. I would have to say that diversity would come from fewer rather than more, media companies or better yet put into law that only one company can own one media outlet. In reality the American political process is not so perfect, it is flawed and corrupted by money and special politics, not only that but is also corrupted by a system of ballot counting that is not accurate by nature. Rupert Murdoch is the symbol of media conglomeration and the owner of the Republican Party and the monthpiece is Fox news, Weekly Standard, and the New York Post. I believe to promote media freedom and to curb government corruption ownership of the media should be either be completely concentrated or extremely widely dispersed. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

It a sad day in Alabama when the President of the United States and his Republican coharts can send partisan Federal Prosecuters in to the State of Alabama to tear down a former Governor of Alabama and a Minster and Business man and give them a kangaroo trial with prejudice Judge in with these hinchmen prosecuters to do a citizen this way is fascist and down right immoral. The Democratic Party should bring up every Republican in Congress and the President of the United States into the bar of justice and come down on all of them like no other time in history. I am strongly requesting of the Democracts that have the power to do something to act now and impeach Bush and bring all his coharts including Dick Cheney and Carl Rowe and all of these other Republicans who have run rough shod over the American people for way to long. Democrats it is time for you to do what you were elected to do Impeach Bush and bring all his coharts to the bar of justice. I for one think that it is past time for action. These crooks have had their day in the sun it is now time to get on the side of right and free these two men Former Governor of Alabama and Minster and Business man Richard Scurshy who were railroaded by the President of the United States and his coharts here in Alabama and in the judical branch of the State of Alabama and the guns for hire Federal Prosecuters send to Alabama to frame these two good men. I am asking all Democrats to join together and put a stop to this fascist madness. Impeach Bush and for the U.S Congress to start prosecuring all the criminal Republicans till they all get their just reward of prison and huge fines as the law allows. Democrats it time to act if we are ever to act and rid this demon from the bowels of our government. This e-mail is going to all Democrats that I know. If this Party lets this President to get away with these types of acts then Democrats you have failed America. Tomorrow morning the Democrats should come out swinging with all the power it has against these criminals and evil-doers. This type of judical nonsense should not stand because if they can do this to these two great men god help us all. The Democrats all of you should rattle the halls of Congress and the White House till these unjustices are corrected if not America as we know it will no longer exist. DEMOCRATS STAND UP AND FIGHT FOR A CHANGE ARE WE WILL LOSE OUR COUNTRY. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

In my opinion, It a sad day in Alabama when the President of the United States and his Republican coharts can send partisan federal prosecuters in to the State of Alabama to tear down a former Governor of Alabama and a Minster and Business man and give them a kangaroo trial with prejudice Judge in with these hinchmen prosecuters, to do a citizen this way is fascist and down right immoral. The Democratic Party should bring up every Republican in Congress and the President of the United States into the bar of justice and come down on all of them like no other time in history. I am strongly requesting of the Democracts that have the power to do something to act now and impeach Bush and bring all his coharts including Dick Cheney and Carl Rowe and all of these other Republicans who have run rough shod over the American people for way to long. Democrats it is time for you to do what you were elected to do Impeach Bush and bring all his coharts to the bar of justice. I for one think that it is past time for action. These crooks have had their day in the sun it is now time to get on the side of right and free these two men former Governor of Alabama and Minster and Business man Richard Scurshy who were railroaded by the President of the United States and his coharts here in Alabama and in the judical branch of the State of Alabama and the guns for hire federal prosecuters send to Alabama to frame these two good men. I am asking all Democrats to join together and put a stop to this fascist madness. Impeach Bush and for the U.S Congress to start prosecuting all the criminal Republicans till they all get their just reward of prison and huge fines as the law allows. Further, bring our troops home from Iraq. Democrats its time to act if we are ever to act and rid this demon from the bowels of our government. This e-mail is going to all Democrats that I know. If this Party lets this President get away with these types of acts and unlawfulness then Democrats you have failed America. Tomorrow morning the Democrats should come out swinging with all the power it has against these criminals and evil-doers. This type of judical nonsense should not stand because if they can do this to these two great men then god help us all. The Democrats all of you should rattle the halls of Congress and the White House till these unjustices are corrected, if not America as we know it will no longer exist. Paster Niemoller once wrote “ first they came for the communists, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a communist, then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Jew, then they came for the catholics, and I didn’t speak up, becauseI was a protestant, then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak for me”. This is the being of the end of America the land of the free folks, and the Democrats at this time are in a position to do something about it. Just rattling jaws want get it the Democrats must show some courage and be willing to sacrifice their positions and lifestyle to get these fascist Republicans our of the bowels and hallways of our local, counties/parrish/commonweaths, State, and our Federal government which including all three branches of government before we are forced back into the days of slavery, lawlessness, and treacherous despotism.

The cummuting of the sentence of Scooter Libby the former White House Chief of Staff to Vice-President Cheney by President Bush is disgusting and shameful. Libby was convicted by a jury of his peers of lying about a matter of national security. Folks, this is what you get when the government is being controlled by a tyrant and elitist, rich, and powerful individuals, corporations, as well as others who through collaboration with the corrupt Republican Party that shamelessly put their greedy and corrupt partisan loyalties before American value of fair and equal justice under the rule of law. Bush in my opinion thinks he is above the law and once again is ignoring the huge majority of American people. This tyrant and his coharts should themselves be brought before the bar of justice and justice served. The way Bush and Republican coharts are conducting themselves is disgusting, shameful, and unAmerican. The Democrats should do some investigations and rid our Congress of these corrupt Republicans, and start impeachment proceeding the sooner the better. IMPEACH BUSH DEMOCRATS. William in Alabama

perry6911 said...

Why in the world are we as Americans letting the “Decider” decide anything in our government and still allowing these elite rich and powerful corrupt Republicans to have their way in Congress and in the White House? And why did Bush direct his aides to defy Congress about the subpoenas, claiming executive privilege and prodding lawmakers closer to their contempt citations against administration officials? He must be impeached and all his cohart Republicans should be brought before the bar of justice and justice should be served.

Bush comparsion of the Iraq war to our ongoing commitment in South Korea, calling for a plan for a 50 year presence in Iraq. Bush should know that the Korea commitment is sustained by the United States as well as the United Nation involving many other countries. The United States alone can not sustain even a ten year commitment in Iraq alone, this is pure luncy. Folks, these goons just don’t get it, its time to end the war in Iraq because if we stay there for 1000 years it would all be the same, crazy, insane and foolish. The Congress needs to force the illegal President to account for all his actions and should have long ago brought him before the Congress for impeachment.

The Democrats said before the last election they would bring this war in Iraq to and end. Well it still is going on. Are the people in Congress subservient to this illegal, egotiscal, and just plain stupid person in my opinion. He should be impeached or unelected now before more of our troops and others are sicken, maim, or killed. There have been far to many lives wasted as it is. Congress you must do your duty and rid this evil and corrupt from among the American government. Then we can get on with the way of fighting the terrorist networks. Maybe this Congress should pay a lot more attention to Jim Webb and others who will stand up to this tyrant and bring this war to and end.

The cost of this Iraq war is now right at $12 billion dollars a month and is estimated to grow and exceed $1.4 trillion. These Republicans who keep going over to Iraq like Senator McCain putting on a show and taking our troops away from their mission in Iraq to protect him is down right luncy
and just shows just what sort of candidate for President he truly is by putting our troops in danger to protect his butt. The past three months have been the deadliest for U.S. troops since the war began. These Republicans flip-floppers like Rudy Giuliani gives his support for escalation of the war, and this time even changed his position on Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza. The Bush’s spin doctors are working overtime and are playing games with the facts on the ground. All they are really doing is keeping the U.S. forces in the middle of a civil war that America does not have a dog in this fight, and the troops should be redeployed to where every the terrorist that attacked the U.S. on 9/11 are located and when we pullout of Iraq if these terrorist try to take over Iraq then the U.S. while they are in a bunch or alone in some Iraq town should go back in Iraq and wipe them from the face of the earth.

Already the Pentagon can’t account for $19 billion dollars spent on Iraq forces. The U.S. has now spent over $55,ooo dollars on each Iraqi recruit, and the U.S. doesn’t know if these recruits are still in operation. Bush and his administration are now trying to make a case to “stay the surge” in Iraq and is ignoring facts on the ground. Bush’s spin doctors are trying to lower expectations when they report to Congress in September on the progress or lack of progress of the surge in Iraq. These Republicans and Bush must be stopped from playing games with the truth and get our troops out of this hell hole of a civil war. The Republicans candidates for President in 2008 who claim to be the national security candidates, but refuse even to discuss Iraq. They all think that money and political ambition takes precedent over finding a solution to the Iraq war. Take for instance when Rudy Giuliani claimed he did not show up for a single meeting of the Iraq Study Group because he was running for President shows just how far these goons have their heads stuck in the sand, its pure luncy. There seems not to be to much love for any of these wild-eyed Republicans.

The Bush owned Justice Department is not pursuing fraud cases in Iraq and is costing American taxpayers billions of dollars. Why in the world doesn’t Congress impeach Bush and bring his criminal coharts to the bar of justice and meat out some good old fashion justice that means something? Iraq now is ranked second among the world’s failed states right behind Sudan. Iraq is failing at all the things Bush the “Decider” claimed would happen. Bush’s press secretary Tony Snow reported that Bush is”on the frontlines” of the Iraq war every day. I wonder if the U.S. troops are surprised that are actually serving there? First the Democrats needs to impeach Bush. And just maybe these Democrats running for President if elected will end this terrible war, because if they don’t Americawill just “stay the course”, and more of the escalation till this country is no more.

According to today’s Washington Post, General Douglas Lute a Bush’s war czar nominee agrees with most Americans that “ conditions in Iraq have not improved significantly despite the influx of more U.S. troops in recent months, and predicted that absent major political reform, violence will continue to rage over the next year.” There is now new evidence that Bush knew months before the Iraq invasion that a civil war would erupt after Saddam’s ouster, and that al-Qaeda would actually would become stronger globally in the wake of Bush’s action. How in the world can the Bush administration say that the surge has been a success, while saying it’s to early to tell if it’s working. Some say that there is a secret surge now taking place in Iraq. These despot Republicans sure have gotten this country and Iraq in a terrible situation that seem to have no end. The Democrats should keep their word and end this war and impeach Bush. The Republicans action don’t match their big talk about Iraq. Even the GOP Presidential candidates are out of step with Bush on Iraq. The war in Iraq has overstretched our National Guard resources here at home. Bush veto stops funding to fix Humvees. Every armored Humvee in Iraq needs to be repaired because the doors can jam shut during an attack and trap soldiers inside. But money for the repairs is now in question after Bush’s veto of the Iraq Accountability Act.

Just calling for a change in course in Iraq is not good enough Democrats, end this war and redeploy our troops and while you are doing this impeach Bush! Bush is ignoring the will of the American people. Four years ago under a banner that read: “mission accomplished, Bush declared major combat operations in Iraq have ended”. Boy, was he every wrong and stupid. Bush has chooses to continue this war without end. Bush has comtempt for the desires and wishes of the American people by him when he vetoed the Emergency Supplement Appropriations Bill, which provides funding for the troops along with a strategy for getting our troops out of a bloody and terrible civil war that the United States should never have gotten into in the first place. So Democrats please get down to business and impeach Bush, end the Iraq war, and while your doing all this get down to some meaningful legislation like serious ethics reform, raise the minimum wage even higher, and pass legislation that will lead the U.S. to energy independence, reform education, health care for all Americans, true and effective homeland security and help all veterans of all wars among a host of other meaningful legislation. Democrats if you fail at this you want be around after the 2008 election. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

It is my opinion, medical malpractice is bigger problem than most folks wants to admit. There is approximatly a little over 75,000 deaths in the United States each year due partly to medical malpractice. Medical malpractice is an act or the ommission by a health care provider which deviates from accepted standards and practices in the medical community and which causes injury or death to a patient. A person living in the United States can be held liable unless that person can show he or she acted in accordance with a reasonable body of medical opinion.

Hospital administrators and doctors across the nation are furious over what they see as waves of frivolous lawsuits that they claim have driven up malpractice insurance. Doctors and lawyers have been at odds over malpractice litigation for quite sometime. This bitter divide between doctors and lawyers with plaintiffs in law suits being “black listed” and in some cases denied their rights as patients to be judicated. Some doctors are refusing medical treatment to lawyers and their families and employees except in emergencies. Many doctors are attemping to silence their peers by discourging doctors from testifying as expert witnesses on behalf of plaintiffs, by urging the Medical Associations to endorse their view. But some doctors see the tactics of refusing to treat all people is contrary to the hipprocratic oath and unethical.

The most common types of personal injury cases arises from motor vehicle accidents, slip and fall incidents, dogbites, defective products, etc. Workers compensation claims often arise from personal injury and are death with in a separate area of law. Person injury law applies to cases in which a person or person are injured through negligence, intention of fault of someone else. There are three elements to proving a personal injury case, fault, causation, and damages. Sustaining an injury can be very stressful and traumatic. Medical Liability Reform may if not implemented properly may prevent just, effective, patient- centered reform. The American Medical Student Association (AMSA) has recently expressed concerns of physicians lobbying for a federal cap on non-economic damages. The AMSA opposes any proposal to U.S. Congress that involves cap, alone, but instead that reforms should focus on a more comprehensive approach that includes reducing medical errors and increasing oversight of the insurance industry. There is no doubt that the rising costs of medical liability insurance effects the decisions of health care providers. Priorities for reform should be a system based upon life saving information learned through medical error, reporting, and having better communications between physicians and patients. The Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) has reported that the majority of malpractice claims in a study of seven states were closed without any compensation paid to those claiming a medical injury. This study found the majority of medical malpractice claims closed without payment.

There is a strong belief in the American society that patients’ rights to hold the health care industry accountable when patients are recklessly injured or killed by unsafe drugs, medical devices,or inapporiate or inadequte care. Law suits lead to safe drug and health care system, thats accountable to the people. There are appoxiamately 98,000 people killed every year by medical mistakes, yet most times the circumstances of the deaths are closely guarded secrets by the medical professionals. There is a need for open reporting of medical errors to improve care and insurance reforms to prevent the insurance industry from price-gouging doctors. Most medical malpractice lawyers have years of experience handling complex medical malpractice lawsuits. A common medical mistake made during treatment is the misdiagnosis of symptoms or the failure to diagnose a condition. Medical mistakes occur resulting in a misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose when the doctor fails to give their full time and attention to the patient.

In his state of the Union address to the nation 2006, President Bush called on Congress to restrict patients access to the Courts, claiming that access to health care is threatened because “lawsuits are driving many good doctors out of practice”. But, in contrast to this according to statistics published by the American Medical Association (AMA) the number of practicing physicians is growing faster than the population. It is very clear that the call for limits on the ability of injured patients to seek redress in the Courts is just one little piece of a larger effort by the business and industries lobbyist who are in bed with Bush and his Republicans coharts to protect businesses from being held accountable when they recklessly or negligently hurt people. Basically, the Republican agenda blames injured patients and seeks to close access to the Courts of this nation, contravening a constitution right that all American citizens have. To Bush and his Republican coharts its all about protecting business profits over patients health and welfare. It is far past time for real reliable health care reform, and a health care system that puts patients first. Malpractice medical reform is just another stepping stone for Bush and the Republican Party with the help of the elite rich and powerful corrupt individuals, corporations, institutions, organizations, and others to eliminate the rights of American citizens and to set up their own oligarchy form of government in which a few persons hold the ruling power plunging this country into despotism.

Medical lawsuits does not threaten access across this country as some have attempted to persuade the American people. The reason the insurance preminums have increased is that some in the medical profession are corrupt, understaff, poorly trained, and there is no oversight or regulations by either the States or Federal government. In fact there is actually been an increase in doctors all across this country, and the ones that are getting sued deserve everything the law meats out to them. Most doctors in American are the highest paid professional and can afford these higher insurance premiums. The medical industry, and others should clean up their act, and stop this corrupt, criminal, and malpractice so maybe their premiums will go down. There is nearly 50 million uninsured Americans without insurance, and the amount of lawsuits is quite low and those who do sue seldom get any relief. By staying informed and telling your friends, family, and colleagues about how people such as Protect Patients Now who are propagandizing for the elite rich and corrupt Republicans and their coharts to stop patients from recieving redress from their government courts are busy as bees to get a law passed to do just that. Americans should band together and stop this wrongful calumny. We need as Americans to protect patients by passing laws to give every Americans access to medical care, and not allow people like David Lovett who is busy as a hornet propagandizing for these elite rich and corrupt despots mostly Republicans on this luncy idea that Americans are sueing the medical industry wrongfully. Unfortunately these people claim medical lawsuits threaten patients access to medical care and that fewer physicians are available to patients. Doctors they claim close practices and potential doctors choose other paths. They want Americans to believe that it is the State Insurance Commissioners and Superintendent who approve these insurance premiums that are at fault, well this simply isn’t true. It is the corrupt, under-trained, under-staffed in the medical industry as well as some doctors negligently failing to do their job who are at fault for the increases in their insurance premiums. Instead of limiting a patients right to sue these medical corruptors and lawbreakers there should be more lawsuits against these people and maybe the good doctors premiums will go down.

In a nut shell, each malpractice case is different and a judge and jury should decide the proper damage amounts. A cap on the amount in a medical lawsuit would leave very little negotiating room for settlements. Ther must be pressure maintained on hospitals so that strong safety procedures are put in place and doctors are careful. Several patients maybe discouraged from filing, which may free a poorly performing doctor from his responsibility. This luncy medical cap on pain and suffering and punitive damages is coming mostly from the elite rich, corrupt, and criminal Republicans who want to have control of every aspect of the American way of life. Let every American stand up for our rights and put a stop to this luncy idea. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

Its outrageous how Republicans are playing political games in Washington D.C. to protect Bush and his Republicans coharts while our troops are dying in Iraq. All Republicans in Congress do day in and day out is stone-wall and block votes by filibuster because they know if anything comes to the floor for vote on Iraq or helping the American people they will lose. Bush and cohart Republicans all seem to believe this Iraq war is all about partisan gamesmanship, but it not, its about Americans and others being maimed, sickened, and losing their lives by this luncy unjust Iraq war.

Bush and his Republicans coharts had no qualms about invading Iraq that had nothing to do with 9/11, but refuses to do anything about the country of Pakistan that allows some of its people to protect Bin Laden and Al Quida. Billions of U.S. taxpayers dollars goes to this country that allows Bin Laden and Al Quida to grow and plan new attacks. It seems that Bush and the Republicans believe oil, not ethics or U.S. security is his priority. What should happen is for U.S. forces to redeployed to Pakistan and Afghanistan and pull out the current Sufi Kutb from the tribal areas of Pakistan and then U.S. forces should then go into these areas and wipe out Al Quida and Bin Laden if he is found to be there. Bush and Company have not made a dent in Al Quida. Just how incompetent is this so-called illegal President? It seems that all Bush wants is money and power. He invaded Iraq to make a big chaotic mess where billions of dollars can change hands without being tracked. Well folks, he got what he wanted and made the United States less safe and hated around the world than anytime in U.S. history. Bush and his Republican coharts are playing a lying, deceitful Republican fascist game instead of being Americans and demanding that the terrorist be defeated and wipe out like President Harry Truman would have done. This war needs to be ended now in Iraq and our troops need to be redeployed strategically and carefully to win the war on terrorism and let Iraq settle their dispute among themselves which has been going on for thousands of years. And if the Iraq people allow the ideology Al Quida to take over their country then the U.S. should return to Iraq in full military force and root them out forever.

Americans for to long have been put to risk thanks to the incompetent of Bush and his Republican coharts, and to their poorly construed policies that has cause great damages and lost of thousands of American lives. Bush and Cheney should have already been impeached by Congress that was one of the reasons why the Americans voters put the Democrats in the majority but as of this date have did little in this regard. Bush, Cheney, and their Republican coharts have cause enough damage to our country and all should face justice in Congress and the Courts of this land. Once this is done then Congress should get down to other serious business. How many millions die from starvation, from medical malpractice and improper medication, from car accident, food poisoning, corruption in the insurance industry, among many, many things that this current White House and the Republican party have neglected for years causing the American people their livelyhood, assets, and the American way of life. This terrorist scam and flim-flam feeds into the lies of those who profit from creating war and misery that hard-working Americans and others have to pick-up the tab, and the biggest culprit is Bush and his Republican coharts.

Whenever any form of government becomes destructive and abuse the people it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish that government and institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its power in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. This is what the last election was suppose to do, but so far the majority in Congress seem to have not found the courge are ability to confront these elite rich and powerful corrupt Republicans and this White House. The majority in Congress should end this Bush’s Iraq war, impeach Bush and Cheney, and get down to cleaning up the mess that these Republicans have made and get down to business of our country and it’s people. There needs to be a majority of these Republicans and their candidates running for public office brought before the bar of justice and justice truly served. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

After an all night debate on Iraq the Republicans once again showed the American people just how subservient to Bush they are, and just how partisanship comes before the will of the people and the good for our country. These Republicans succeeded in blocking a vote in the Senate on the Levin-Reed amendment, which would have required a troop withdrawal to begin within the next 120 days. Although the majority in the Senate wanted a withdrawal of our troops from Iraq these subservient Republican once again thwarted the will of the people and Congress. This is truly another sad day for America. These Republicans have consistenly failed to show the leadership and backbone needed to stand up to Bush when it really matters. It seems barring an impeachment of Bush and Cheney, electing a Democratic President in 2008 will be the only way to ensure that we can begin to responsibly redeploy our troops and begin to prosecute the real war on terror.

The Iraq people must take charge of their own destiny. No one or any country can save them from themselves. There has been years of giving the Iraqis a chance to succeed. Republicans seem to think that the majority in Congress remind them of a bad movie, or perhaps the “twilight zone” and are continuing to belittle the Congress as well as the American people. But despite the growing misgivings about Bush and his administration’s approach by many in Bush’s own Republican Party, none of these Republicans Senators who spoke over-night signaled new support to remove U.S. troops from Iraq. Most of the Republicans who say they want to withdraw from Iraq just sat on their tails and said nothing during the debate on troop withdrawal I would asume to afraid to say anything that would draw a political or personal reprisal from Bush the “decider”. The Republican Senators are just the same ole yes men of yesterday’s mentality. Many of the Republicans who were in the Senate chamber over-night just sat or laid listening to the debate not even speaking at all, but did comment in private to some that the U.S. had to withdraw thoughtfully and strategically. Well isn’t that just peachy, they claim they want to withdraw but when it gets to the point where they could withdraw the troops they let partisanship and politics get in their way. This to me is sickening and disgusting. Bush and his administration’s mistakes in Iraq “shock the conscience” and the path forward remains uncertain. As Senator Clinton said on the Senate floor right before dawn: “ There are no good answers, anyone who stands here and believes that he or she has the truth, the facts, and understands both what is going on and what is likely to flow from whatever decision we take, is most probably to be proven wrong by reality as it unfolds”.

This debate on troop withdrawal from Iraq was meant to ratchet up the pressure on wavering Republicans and to try and persuade voters that though lawmakers might be breaking with Bush and Cheney, they are not moving forcefully enough to bring this unjust war to an end. Today in a huge shift most Americans now call themselves Democrats, but the Republican elite rich , powerful, and corrupt have captured control of most of the media and are waging a psychological warfare upon the American people, our government, and in Americans personal affairs, which includes elections. Republicans in the near past had gained the upper hand, but now in the latest Gallup Poll, shows that 33% of Americans are Democrats and the Republicans are one point behind, but adding the independents leanings the Democrats now have a majority on their side. There is a huge quantifiable and significant bias in the media which was surely on display in the media in the vote in the Senate concerning troop withdrawal from Iraq.

This tremendous power of shaping political discourse was very evident in last night Senate debate. The Republican used the media expertly and corruptly to express their bias before and after the debate on troop withdrawal from Iraq. They did this by choosing to use or not to use specific accounts of the Irag war, and choose to ignore other concerns. Their goal was to give the American people and Congress a different and bias opinion of the nature and status of the war in Iraq. There was also within the State of Alabama and I believe throughout this country bias by the media and Republicans and omissions from the papers and TV of the Senate debate. Most U.S. and Alabama media owned by the Republicans have historically sided with the corrupt side, but which is difficult to detect. This can be observed by comparing media’s reports from a wide variety of outlets. There were also bias in the media through placement and by their head line stories. There also bias shown in the media by photos, captions, camera angles, names and titles, statistics, source control, and word choice and tone. Folks, all over America the Republican Party have control over the media, and are in my opinion using it for things that are not good for Americans public or this country nor in the best interest of freedom, liberty, or democracy. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

The Devils At Work
Hum...........the former Senator Fred Thompson spent nearly 20 hours working as a lobbyist on behalf of a group seeking to ease restrictive Federal Rules on abortion counseling in the 1990s, even through he recently said he did not recall doing any work for this organization. His representation of the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association, which was trying to overturn the ban on abortion counseling, put him at odds with the anti-abortion movement, which considered the ban a crucial victory.

Faced with the cold hard facts, here’s the new spin Thompson is spitting out from his mouth, If “ a client legal and ethical right to take a position, then you may appropriately represent him as long as he does not lie or otherwise conduct himself improperly while you are representing him”, “ lobbyist Thompson wrote at a GOP blog. Apparently that includes Jean-Bertrand Aristide, a proponent of the “ gruesome practice of execution where gasline-soaked tires are thrown over a person’s neck and set ablaze.. Talking about double standards, deceit, and flat out hypocrisy these Republicans will stop at nothing to get elected and stay elected. Gee wit i curz.................!

Further, with all this Republican bull crap and deceit, The Iowans people are uninmpressed with Rudy Giuliani’s Judge pandering at a Jr. High School gym that was almost empty and sent Giulani’s staffers scrambling to fill the empty seats to make him look good before the former Mayor of New York entered the room. Giulani bragged about his appointment of 75 judges while mayor during his eight-year term who were all right-wing extremist Republicans.

Folks the Devils are working hard at once again fooling the American people.
I do not believe the American people want such idiotic, double-dealings and talk, and cancerous worms every again to walk the hallways or participate in our government, but the American people should hold everyone of these goons accountable for all the deceit, lies, corruption, and criminal act that they have committed against the American people. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

In my opinion, has the “ Decider” the leader of the free world lost touch with reality? If one stops and compares Osama bin Laden who is still plotting acts of terrorism against the United States and others, and he is convinced his God wants him to kill all infidels. It is well known that Bush says he believes in God and that God has chosen him to bring democracy and freedom to the world. But Bush has blind eyes, weak minded and no heart when it comes to the disastrous setbacks and death he has caused to be heaped upon the world. This is truly terrifying and shows just how inept Bush really is. Both Osama bin Laden and Bush are very wrong when it comes to religion because nearly all the different religions in the world their God does not condone hurting or killing innocent people no matter what their reasons are, and both of these men do not adhere to their own beliefs and religious doctrines.

It is very unnerving for Bush who thinks he is the leader of the “free world” and most Americans ( except the elite rich and corrupt individuals, corporations, organizations, institutions, and others such as the Republican Party) do not have the same persistant optimism as Bush has and many wonder is this person lost touch with reality? It is time for this illegal elected or should I say appointed President Bush to recognize that the Iraq war is not about saving political face, and he continues to ignore the majority of Congress and the will of the American people. What it is all about is people being maim and killed for and unjust cause. Bush should seek peace with the same vigor and determination as he does war. After nearly six months into the Republican and Bush surge 600 brave Americans have been killed and many maimed for life, and we have spent $60 dollars in Iraq. This war will continue to cost the American taxpayers billions upon billions of dollars, and heaven knows how many lives will maimed or killed. The disastrous failure of this Bush-Republican unjust war and the luncy policy has only given Al Queda time to reorganize and rebuild around the globe.

Our military have done their job, but our brave troops cannot solve Iraqi 2000 year old political and religious problems. It is way past time for them to be redeployed against the forces of Al Queda all around the world with the United Nation at our side. America should let the Iraqi fight their own dirty little war. Folks, your flag decals want get you into heaven any more and God knows its already crowded from Bush and the Republicans dirty bloody war. Peace not war should be the aspiration, hope, and goal for all decent, honorable, and friendly people.

The congressional resolution approved in October 2002 that gave Bush authority to use force in Iraq needs to be changed because it no longer covers what U.S. forces are doing or will do in the future. Bush was given authority to protect the United States from Saddam Hussein and enforce United Nation’s resolutions involving Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction. This does not embrace what the mission are today, or the missions that are very likely to take place with our forces in the future. The Senators Byrd-Clinton proposal would repeal the 2002 year authorization and would require Congress to pass a new authorization to keep or not to keep troops in Iraq.

Almost six years ago Bush said he would capture Osama bin Laden “ dead or alive”, but Osama is still at large and the Al Queda organization have benefited greatly from the “ Decider’s” decision to invade Iraq. The Iraq problem is a problem for the entire world and the United Nation has promised to help the Iraqi government and it’s people overcome their difficulty. Bush instead decided to keep this war going and initiated a surge of U.S forces into Iraq. This terrible war should end and the best way to do that is turn the whole Iraq problem to the United Nation so they can stabilize Iraq. The United Nation’s possesses and ability for undertaking complex internal and regional mediation efforts can and would keep Al Queda out of Iraq. This would allow the U.S. to be more aggressive and could put a greater effort into pursuing the war on terrorism around the world. While reasonable people can differ on whether the U.S. should have intervened in Iraq, it is clear today that the future of Iraq will have a profound and long lasting effect on the region and on peace and stability in the world. There should as soon as practical and prudent for and expanded United Nation role in Iraq to bring about some modernation in the region.

Bush is currently strongly opposes pay raises for our troops in Iraq and else where. He said they were “unnecessary” even though many military families depend on food stamps to survive. Bush even went on falsely claiming that Congress did not want to increase soldiers pay. This coming from an egoistical, individual who himself dodge going to war in Vietnam and as a United States Military officer went awol from service and used his daddy’s influnce to get out of going to war, and was here in the U.S. boozing it up and having himself a great time bar hopping, drinking while driving in my opinion. He even stole the Presidency with the help from his Republican coharts and others though illegal means when the Republican majority in the U.S. Supreme Court appointed him to the be the President. This “ Decider” in my opinion needs to be placed on a snake ranch to oversee and decide their fate, not the good people of these United States fate. Congress should either devoid the election or impeach this
elite rich and powerful and I believe corrupt individual. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

Just the other day despite overwhelming public opposition President Bush commuted the sentence of the criminal Scooter Libby the former White House Chief of Staff to Vice-President Cheney, who was convicted by a jury of lying about a matter of national security. This is just another example of the elitist that defines the White House and the Republican Party. They shamelessly put partisan loyalties before the fundamental American values of fair and equal justice under the law. The American people cannot stand for this and something needs to be done about it. Americans must fight back and work day and night to end this crazy and luncy nonesense. The President stood up in support of this criminal and did not adhere to the Constitution or the rule of law .

The Republican Rudy Giuliani who claims to be tough on crime and says he wants mandatory sentences on people who commit perjury, but then goes out of his way to give his full support to the criminal Scooter Libby, if thats not hypocrisy and down right corrupt partisanship what is.

Then there is the Republican Mitt Romney never as governor even for the most trivial offense said that “ its worth looking at that, I will study it very closely if I am lucky enough to be President, and that I’d keep my option open” taking about the pardon of the criminal Scooter Libby. He went on to blame the prosecutor and completely ignored the jury, saying that “ the prosecutor knew that there had not been a crime committed”. The criminal Scooter Libby was tried by a jury and sentenced by a honorable Federal Judge. Republican Romney does not need to be part of the American government because of this nonsense and other reasons, his expression from some one that wants to be the next President of the United States does not bode well and sure does not show any integrity or respect to the system of justice in this country or his prospects of being elected by the American people. If he is this subservient to this President who is subservient to the elite rich and corrupt individuals, corporations, organizations, among others then this Republican Romney no doubt will be the same.

Then there is this D class actor and in my opinion corrupt lobbist Fred Thompson who brags about being and insider who has helped to raise millions of dollars as Chair of the criminal Scooter Libby’s legal defense fund who has said Libby’s conviction was a “ gross injustice... and ought to be rectified. Undoubtedly Republican Thompson does not think much of the trail by jury and judges in the United States, and is so partisan and subservient to the same corrupt crowd that Bush and his Republican coharts cotton up to. Folks, these Republican kangaroo and partisan Courts here in Alabama had the gall to sentenced two fine men one a former Governor of Alabama and another a minster and businessman to prison for a lesser offense than Libby. Why should not Bush the “Decider” pardon them. It is because of the Republicans and Bush are knee deep in misfeasance and the obstruction of justice.

And then there the tycoon Republican Rupert Murdoch’s fox consistently spreads misinformation about, and denies that there is climate change when there is overwheming evidence by the majority of scientists around the world that there is climate change. Global warming is real and this Republican Murdoch fellow is only just attempting to keep his elite rich and corrupt Republicam coharts in office and further to enrich his empire and power to control the American government and it’s people.

Many Americans are living in poverty and working hard but need some assistence to work themselves out of poverty. There are a lot of Republicans who think people who are struggling as people who don’t want to work, this is pure nonsense. We as Americans need to make sure the entire country understands that the Democrats should focus on the great issues of our time instead of things like what to name a Post Office in a particular town or who is going to win the World Series baseball game. They should instead focus their attention upon Americans who make less than $20,000 dollars a year which is the Federal government definition of poverty. Most poor people vote at a lower percentages than their wealthier counter parts, by difinition don’t have much money to give to candidates and aren’t as organized political consitituency like others. Former President Clinton directed much of his attention to what he termed “ the forgotten middle class”. These corrupt and subservient Republicans has largely avoided making explicit political appeals to the poor or the middle class. Most of the voters may care about poverty , but they list education, healthcare, and the economy as their most important priorities.

Going on with the corruption of some of these corrupt Republicans, Louisiana Republican Senator David Vitter admits that he used the now defunct Washington D.C. escort service Pamela Martin and Associates, whose former proprietress, Deborah Jeane Palfrey, who has come known as the D.C. Madam, thanks to her high-profile Federal prosecution. Vitter’s telephone number appeared on a document in the Federal Court proceedings. This Vitter fellow was the chief accuser of former President Bill Clinton during his Monica Lewinsky sex scandal, what hypocrisy and bald face corruption. So be on the look out folks more of this luncy and hypocrisy is on its way. The dirty tricks that an ad agency hired by Republicans are responible for making people think that Al Gore said he invented the internet is a sign and another trick dirty enough to fit right in with their political crazy and mislead agenda. There is not a penny worth of different than the twisted truth that the Republicans keeps feeding though the Republican controlled media to the American people. Political dirty tricks, propaganda, unvalidated, unnamed sources etc. all about the same old dirty stuff that they are attempting to convince the American voters that their word is the truth. The American people can thank Bush, Cheney, and Republicans especially Karl Rowe for evolving our political system and government that actually worked on many of the ignorant electorate in the 2004 election. That why they are useing this tactic again. Has anyone ever seen a pack of wolves when the leader of the pack is removed? The fight for a new leader can become very nasty. Every society must have a way of assessing taxes to pay for it’s infrastueture. Taxes are not good in a way because it puts a strain on the people, but everyone should know the government and the people simplely cannot do away with taxes if they are to be a united country. These corrupt Republicans and Bush have made a complete and total mess in and out of our government, and it will take years and trillions of dollars to put it back on track to freedom, justice, liberty, and where the American people can one again go on with their pursuit of happiness. These elite rich and corrupt Republicans are the worst pack of thieves, perverts, and crooks that this nation has ever witnessed, and all of them should have their day in an impartial and fair Court where justice can be served upon all that are found to committed a crime or wrong- doing. Also while these criminals are before the Court the “Decider” should be impeached by Congress before more lives are taken by his dirty little war and him causing more damages to the American people. Then maybe by then we can bring our troops home and/or redeploy them around the globe to rid the world of terrorist.

Further, the Republicans are now trying to use drivers fees as an election weapon. These fees are steep and very abusive, and are in one respect a tax increase disguised as driver fees. In the state of Virginia there is an online petition where nearly 100,000 thousands signatures to rescind the legislation passed by the Republican majority legislature. These fees that the Republicans are attemping to ram down the throats of the American people are fees (taxes) which are aimed at drunk drivers and reckless drivers, but most Republicans lawmakers in the country had no idea that this luncy legislation in the state of Virginia would generate so much outrage. This type of legislation is just another example of these corrupt Republicans who “ don’t want to raise your taxes”, but in reality disguise it in legislation as fees. The Virginia Republicans lawmakers say the fees will effect only 2 percent of the drivers. This Virginia legislation is drawing widespread criticism there and around the country and could cost the Republicans in Virginia control of the assembly. There are many people at present who can’t pay their bills and when they get in a situation where they get a fine and it then becomes involuntary servitude to the state. These fees are outrageous, racism, unAmerican, and depotism. Even further, these fees in Virginia for misdemeanors and traffic convictions motorists with eight or more points on their driving records will have to pay more. The drivers will have to pay $100 dollars for eight points and $75 dollars for each additional point. Failure to pay will result in supension of their licenses. This of course is unconstitutional, unAmerican, and down right arrogant of these elite rich and corrupt Republicans to keep on attacking the poor, down trodden, elderly, and the middle class in these distasteful, mean-spirited, and malicious ways. These corrupt Republicans will do any thing to get elected and stay elected. These corrupt Republicans do not want to even consider raising taxes for legitimate needs such as for schools, helping the poor and down trodden or the needs of our children. But, it seems these corrupt Republican are hell bent on putting these people away and choke off any hope of the poor, elderly, children, down trodden, and the middle class. In the next election 2008 the American people should rid the hallways of our local, counties, state, and federal government of these elite rich and corrupt Republicans and their coharts. Congress should make it it’s top prior to impeach Bush and to start to bring these corrupt Republicans and all their coharts to the bar of true justice. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

Well it looks like the Democrats in Congress are already backing down on their promise in the last election cycle to provide health care to every American. Now they’re saying they want to just offer free health care to millions of uninsured children which is great, but all Americans including children are in great need and access to health care. The elderly, disabled, sick, and the down trodden should also be included. It seems the “Decider” is afraid insuring kids is a bad thing... and it is just opening the door to affordable health care for everyone, oh how terrible. Many of the Republicans are pretending to ignore Bush in favor of insuring kids, but when everything is said and done these phony subservient Republican will do exactly as they did with the Senate Bill to withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq. A big old filibuster and or veto that the Democrats can not stop or over-ride. Until the Democrats learn that waiting for the next election giving the Republicans owned mainstream media enough time to demagogue and berate them as they have done so well in the previous election cycles till the Americans who are bombarded with Republican lies and propaganda day in and day out 24 hours a day start to actually start believing their crap just want work. The Democrats who hold a slim majority in the Senate must muster up enough will power, brains, and determination to out fox the fox and rally together and at least impeach this President in the House with the majority they have there, and this would in my opinion would show the American people that the Democrats are serious about the state of affairs in our country. The impeachment in the House of course would go to the Senate for trial and most likely fail, then the Democrats could turn to the other Republicans and use this against them in the 2008 election. Democrats its time to play hardball for real and over come this Republican scum we have in control of our government. There is a poem written by Bertha Estes my wife’s grandmother that all Democrats should read and think in terms of how our government in years is fleeting away: “ age comes so gently to the folks who take with peacefulness and understanding smiles. Age brings a blessing to the folk who make it a haven after long and weary miles. There is no throb of grief for youth’s spent hours, no sense of loss ere battles are begun... how can there be an ache as life grows shorter, if envy, and bitterness are done? When there are words our memories may treasure, and someone’s smiles still light the passing day, when old familiar songs drift back at evening, and there is quietness in a place to pray. Why should we wish once more for hectic moments, or seek to feel again a thrill long lost? Age softly creeps in easy carpet slippers to stroke our hair with fingers white as frost. Age comes so pleasantly to folk who wait it in homes where faith has made a glowing flame, where two, who’ve built their lives secure, together, still speak with reverent love each other’s name. When morning sun gives place to evening shadows, when hurts are healed, and there are no more tears, age comes so graciously to folk who feel it, kind benediction on the fleeting years”. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

USA Today argues that U.S. farmers’ decision to plant “corn in place of other crops to cash in on the ethanol craze” will cost the average American because it will cause the price of other crops to increase. This Congress it seems are watering down a proposed bill that would tighten fuel economy standards, and went as far as to say some changes in the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act that was proposed by the Bush administration makes sense and would refrain from any adverse reaction.
Ethanol is an alcohol made from corn, sugar cane, or other plant matter. Ethanol is one method among many others of powering an engine that does not envolve a distilled petroleum product. The growing concerns about the effects of pollution from vehicle exhaust and the Greenhouse effect have greatly increased the interest in ethanol as an alternative fuel. The protroleum industries are vehemently against any source of alternative fuel such as ethanol. But, as many people that are in favor of ethanol far out number the few in the petroleum industries who are strongly against it because oil and gas is that industries life line. But, ethanol would be one alternative fuel that could and would be a reliable way of easying the U.S. dependence on foreign oil and gas supplies.

Ethanol is generally made in the U.S. from corn and denatured, or mix with gasoline during the winter or in cold climates, ethanol is sold in a 75% mixture with 15% gasoline. During warmer seasons and in warm climates, the ethanol used is 85% ethanol with 15% gasoline, and is generally marketed as “ E-85”. There are many good reasons to develop and use ethanol, among which are reduced on petroleum products, reduced dependence on global supplies, and the reduction of greenhouse emissions, to name a few. To develop and refine ethanol is one thing, but the ability to distribute it and adapt it for use to a specific vehicle or application is an entirely different challenge altogether, so says the “petroleum industries” who are mostly owned and operated by the elite rich and powerful
greedy corporations with the help of these despot Republicans as well as this current administration headed by the “Decider” George Bush.

The adage of supply and demand of course will continually drive the development of ethanol and other alternative fuels, but the oil and gas industry are doing everything in their power , to delay, postpone, cause problems and the like to stop or at least slow up the progress already made in most of all the alternative fuels industry. One of the main argument of the petroleum industry is that it costs as much, if not more as gasoline and petroleum products, more for plants, and the cultivation harvest and process of the grain than it saves in gasoline savings is not so good, but, to many this is just a bunch of hogwash and deception that these gas and oil producers with the help of the Republicans which the industry has bought and paid for their support to promote. The gas and oil companies of today are secretly paying off these elite politicians Republicans mostly to stop or stall and slow up the advancement of any alternative fuels such as ethanol to the determent of all Americans, and in my opinion this is down right unAmerican.
Last June 2007, the Senate passed an energy Bill that would raise gas mileage standards for the first time in 20 years and fund more research into alternate energy sources. Folks, its time for a change from the reliance on fossil fuels and foreign oil toward renewable fuels and the protection of our enviroment. The gas prices are very high now and are continuing to skyrocketingeven higher. It is past time for a change in U.S. energy policies. There needs to be more attention by lawmakers to the issues of conservation, more production, tighening of imission standards, and the development of alternative sources of energy. The Democrats seem to have taken note of American people discontent. The fuel crisis is a national issue effecting every American. It is also a health care issue, and a plan to require a standard of 50 mile per gallon for automobiles by the year 2017 as the good Senator from Connecticut Chris Dodds has proposed is a good way to begin to get a handle on the energy crisis here in American. And further, there should be a program started that would reduce dependence on foreign oil by more than half to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent as the Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico has proposed. The Republican seem to just be useing the energy issue as their campaign
strategy and propaganda that will help them in the 2008 election, they are not in the least bit interested in going up against the oil companies that helped them gain their offices in U.S. government and who are supporting them for their bid for the Presidency and other local, state, and federal governmental positions. Republican Rudy Giulania a
candidate for the Presidency has given lip service to some of the energy issues, but doubt that if any of his proposals would see the light of day if heaven forbid he becomes the next President of the United States. Reducing foreign dependence on oil is intrinsically tied to national security and the United States government should treat it as such. It is wrong-headed and dangerous for us to see dollars going to our enemies because we buy oil from certain countries that hate us. All Americans should support all the safe alternative sources of energy. The fat cat oil companies as many Democrats have said : “ oil companies ought to play a part in rebuilding old infrastructure which would increase efficiency and could possibly reduce cost”.

The oil companies are making a killing off the American people and laughing all the way to the bank, and they’re not reinvesting these dollars in refineries. When companies earn a profit, especially at this great and excessive amount of money they are suppose and should reinvest some of this profit into growth, not spenting it on attacking and making life miserable for the American people and by financing and supporting these corrupt Republicans for elected offices in our government. There should be a program within government to research how to make nuclear energy safe and economical feasible, as well as coal, ethanol, and vehicles that run on rechargeable batteries. All the States should institute energy policies that focus more on renewable energy sources and conservation measures. There must be a shift in our energy policies, but most Americans are skepical about the rhetoric of these Republican lawmakers and their political will to stand up to these corrupt and mean-spirited fat cat oil companies and their coharts. If the Republicans once again becomes the majority in Congress and win the White House in 2008 election whatever is done after that will be only those things that serve the benefits of those corporations and individuals that are directly affect by these issues. When dealing with the energy issue and the environment the government should make sure safety comes first and while shifting energy policies due diligently should be monitered. I believe the American people want to be environmentally friendly, but it is in some ways out of their control, thanks to these elite rich fat cat oil companies and individuals and the egotisical Republican Party. That is just one reason why Americans should not vote for any Republican they have never been or will ever be for the hard-working, law-biding, and good citizen of our country. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

Medical LiabilityReform

The very idea that some of the Republicans who are very subservient to the Republican Party and President Bush are at it again trying to convince the American people that their wrong-headed Medical Liability Reform proposal is good for the patients, doctors, hospitals, and others is being propagandizing through a campaign in the media and on the internet by Protect Patients Now is luncy and not good for patient.

Meredith Kilgore of the University of Alabama compared various medical reform measures and claims he found that placing reasonable limits on non-economical damages was particularly effective, reducing medical liability premiums by 17.3 percent to 25.5 percent is in my opinion streaching the numbers and it seems he is a very partisan and on the wrong side of this issue. Then there is David Hyman of the University of Illinois College of Law supposely found that 43 percent of all expenses are eaten up by legal fees to which he explains is an enormously unfair way to resolve grievances, unless you happen to be a personally injury lawyer that the current legal system actually improves safety, and points out that there is scarce data to support that claim. What in the world have these people been smoking, sniffing, and drinking? They seem to me that they are in their own little world of Republicanism and subservient to to the “ Decider “ and the Republican Party agenda and their misguided corrupt philosophy thats causing Americans to be hurt, maimed, and killed. The big picture is that Republican’s Medical Liability Reform proposal is fill with distortions, lies, and utter nonsense, and are again up to the same old dirty tricks reminiscent of the Richard Nixon era. These Republicans especially in the so-called “red states” seems that the insurance Commissioners and Supertindents recently approved a so-called 14 percent increase in the rates companies can charge doctors, saying it was necessary to prevent “ an irreversibe crisis. This is nothing more than the same old lying, decietful, wrongful, and spiteful crap that these corrupt Republicans again want to impose upon the American people. The Republicans that have ruin our labor unions, stole money from the citizens, and have caused great pain and misery to the4 American people for too many years, it is time for the American people to put a stop to this Republican madness.

The corrupt State Insurance Superintendents and commissioners say they now face “ the worst of both worlds, physicians who cannot afford to practice medicine and insurers whose finanical condition is rapidly eroding. This is wrong-headed and demagoguery at best and deciectfulness, if a doctor can afford to become a doctor he must know he must follow normal and prudent procedures and before he becomes a doctor he should realize that insurance premiums are very high and should take in consideration and plan ahead for this fact, and have instilled within himself to follow the rules and norms of being a doctor or he will face the consquences of his actions of malpractice in a very costly law suit and face justice at the bar like all other Americans.

The doctors, lawyers, administrators, and others own most all the pharmaceutical companies in which are charging the American huge amounts of money for so little service and cures unless you happen to be one of these freeloaders elite rich and corrupt Republicans who game the system and crowd out the poorer folks. A doctor, hospitals and other medical facilities are suppose to follow the norms of the medical field and patient safety should be of the up most of concern . Malfeasance by poor doctors are one the causes of high insurance premiums, and the state insurance Supertindents and Commissioners and others are another reason for high insurance premiums not the sick patients. Most doctors and people in the medical field love their profession, but there are a few just like in any profession are nothing but crooks, flim-flam artist, and corrupt individuals out to make a quick buck , and negligent with patients safety and their health that effect the good doctors adversely and give rise to high cost insurance premiums to all in the medical field.

Patients should write or e-mail their Congress Representatives and Senators about this ill conceived campaign that “ Protect Patients Now” and the Republican party that has been putting out over the internet and other media hoping that it will attract voters and once again pull a scam upon the American people. These Republicans say that limits on law suits draw professional from across the nation, but in reality I believe and I would think that our constitutional right to sue and access to a fair jury and just judge should not be infringed upon. This Republican elitist propaganda in the media and on the internet and other outlets is just another slick-trick to put Republicans back in the majority in Congress and win the Presidency and keep them there as long as they stay subservient to the party and who will do exactly what they are told to do. This Republican elite rich and corrupt propaganda I hope does not pan out for them as it has in the near past. Democrats should stay in the face of these corrupt people and those who have done wrong should be brought to the bar of justice and justice served upon those found guilty of wrong doing and let the free market work it will. William in Alabama

perry6911 said...

As the former FBI chief Robert S. Mueller challenges and contradicts Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales’ sworn testimony over the Bush administration’s secret eavesdropping program, and the lying by Scooter Libby’s about national security issues, the unjust war in Irag, the raising of the minimum wage, the rape of our country’s resources, the lying about weapons of mass destruction, and all the other things to numerous to list herein, the U.S. Congress seems to be bringing up the temperture a notch or two on these corrupt Republicans and the Bush administration

Then there is the slippery slope on growth and lending worries sending the Dow industrials down some 300 points in the worst one-day decline since last February bringing home to roost the sad state of affairs these corrupt Republicans have brought this country into. Then, there is today a Federal Judge who blocked a local law designed to deter illegal immigration, a decision most likely will affect many communities around the country because local government no longer has any rights to apprehend or arrest lawbreakers in their communities. This federal district Judge James Munley in my opinion erred when he said the town of Hazleton in northeastern Pennsylvania acted unconstitutionally when it passed it’s Illegal Immigration Relief Act Ordinance under which businesses would be penalized for hiring illegal aliens and landlords would be fined for renting rooms to them. I wonder, what part of illegal does this federal judge not understand? If there is a violation of law does not the perpetrator face judgment at the bar of justice? In my opinion, if the local government cannot arrest a criminal for committing a criminal act this country is in wrost shape than I thought, and I mean serious shape. It seems most Courts today in the United States, federal, state, and local government are subservient and a enormous bias against the citizens of this country and are at every level giving in and upholding openly the fascist philosophy, doctrines, and methods of the Republicans and their coharts Bush the “Decider” and his administration.

As the Dow Jones dives credit worries increase and fears the housing market problems may cause huge damage and lost to the economy, causing a enormous sell-off. The Republicans are scampering around trying to put a positive spin on all this luncies and still insisting that uh...you..know it all Clinton’s fault yep that right he is the problem.........ump oh jolly jolly hip hope. Well at least there was a Senate vote today to help with border enforcement to gain control over the U.S. southern border with Mexico, but all this fencing is a luncy idea coming from a few Democrats and a large amount of Republicans dit-toes.
They are just covering their butts while running for office or staying in office in the next election, what hypocrity and gall of these goons in Washington D.C. calling themselves patriot and other good sounding words before the U.S. Congress and the American people. But wait folks, the biggest healthcare moment in four decades is about to take place in Congress and some say there is a chance to make progress on healthcare, but you all can be rest assured these corrupt Republicans will once again throw a monkey wrench into the works and ruin the chance for all American to have adequate and secure healthcare. With all the attacks the Republicans and their coharts the Fox network among others are slandering the folks who wants to protect the environment who are counter-filibustering to end the war in Iraq, to end the obstruction of justice by Bush, Cheney and their administration. The GOP is pushing the buttons but they’re not coming on. I believe it is past time for Congress to re-assert it’s constitutional authority and bring all these matters to a climax and put and end to all this mess for the sake of our country and it’s people. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

Money is not what politics should be about. It is a form of calling to serve our fellow man in a governmental role. Begging for donations through the mail, e-mails, and other media outlets is beginning to get out of hand. Politicians claim they are the only one that can solve our problems with our dollars. They are so wrong because most Americans don’t count just dollars and how much we can sent or collect to these never-ending contributions solicitation. This is the reason political corruption has taken-over our government from top to bottom. It seems whoever has the most money wins and folks that is not what our government is all about. Americans must get a handle on the dollars then we can control the politicians. If not Americans will just become money making machines for the fat-cat and all ways smiling politicians neo-cons. This to many begs the question, is the politican owned by the person who votes for him/her or owned by the businesses and corporations that buy that person with money, TV ads, newspaper ads,etc...?

There is a reason for individual campaign contributions limits, it suppose to create a more even playing field between someone who has a vote to give and someone who can max out donations and have a disproportionate influnce over policy. Most 2008 Presidential campaigns have recruited many individuals to bring in huge amounts of dollars to their campaign coffers, but are failing way short on telling the public who those people are and how much they are raising. While all this may be legal, it goes against the spirit of campaign finance laws that seek to limit the influnce of campaign donors. Public financing of our political campaigns should be a well orderly and planned exercise and all persons running for public office should get the same amount of time in the media, same amount of money, and access to the public at large and be funded by the taxpayers. This would put some political competition and fairness back into our campaigns and election system.

The over-riding influnce of wealthy special interest in the funding of campaigns has eroded the public trust in our political system. Most citizens believe their voice is not being heard on the issues that are beneficial to them, and that corporations and wealthy individuals are benefiting at the expense of all Americans. Money in politics plays and important role in shaping public policy. For several years now, corporations and other wealthy interest have made even larger contributions, gifts, and sponsored trips is now part of today’s political scenery. After years in which big dollar dealings have controlled the interaction between lobbyist and lawmaker, its time for both sides of the political fence be held accountable in the Courts of this land and at the voting booth. Business-as-usal should no longer be accepted as the norm. In the past campaign cost was low compared to today’s and fund-raising was not necessary in the past, but the partnership between big business and government has only intensified and today’s soliciting funds from business interest has become a full-time occupation. A bussiness or corporation has no soul, mind, spirit, or life as a being why should they have a voice in politics when they cannot vote or hold public office. Most money contributed usually comes from corporations ( about 80%). This buying and selling of political influnce is a shameful and wrongful infant tradition in American politics. While the media has given extensive coverage to sexual indiscretions, the real disgusting scandal is the dealings with money and politics. In an era where commerical values in journalism risk overwheming democratic values and corporate interest can prevail over the public interest is down right despotism and something needs to be done about it. Industry gave some $696 million dollars to elect George W. Bush and a Republican Congress. Today in the last two years of his Presidency the Businesses and Corporations are getting their windfall payback and the American people are getting the shaft................ William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

A far reaching measure faces the United States Senate after the House of Representatives gave their final and overwhelming approval to a land mark Bill that would tighten ethics and lobbying rules for Congress. The new proposal would require lawmakers to disclose even small campaign contributions. The proposal would also put new discosures requirements on special spending measures for pet projects, known as “earmarks”. The Bill was passed in the House by a 411 to 8 votes, but faces stiff opposition in the Senate, especially after Republican Senator Ted Stevens house was raided by the FBI and IRS. A few Republican Senator are determined to prevent the Democrats from bringing up the Bill, forcing the scheduling of vote to break a threaten filibuster by a few Republicans.

The congressional Democrats have reached a tentative agreement on giving a major overhaul of lobbying rules that would require lawmakers to identify lobbyists who assemble multiple donations and turn them over to candidates. After the Jack Abramoff scandal and other congressional corruption cases tied to lobbying would be the first major change, and a step truely needed for ethics reform. In a way it rewrites the rules as it relates to lobbyists which is a welcome change and may help get a lid on the “culture of corruption” thats been going on in the Republican party. This legislation is one of a number of things that Democrats hope to deliver lawmakers before Congress breaks for a month long recess.

It is very clear based on the last election that the American people want the Democrats in Congress to bring to and end the culture of corruption by the Republicans in this Congress as well as in pass Congresses, and the Democrats seem to be on the road of doing just that. With the FBI and IRS criminal investigators executing a search warrant at the home of Senator Ted Stevens a Republican of Alaska, this is just another corruption that is facing the beleaguered Republican party and their coharts. This is just one more Republican politician bought by big money corporate interest. It looks like this Senator Stevens fellow is just another one of these greedy Republicans that has been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. It is so unfortunate that our government officials are so corrupt. The “Decider” and the rest of his elite rich and corrupt coharts are all in it for the power and money, and not for the best interest of the American people. And to think that the Senator Ted Stevens was trying to project himself to the American people as a kind, gentle, and compassionate conservative Republican.......go and figure....what gall and luncy. Is this the same Senator who said the internet was a series of tubes? What was that the Republicans were saying ever since Bush has occuppied the oval office, their Republican motto was family values, yeah uh hum ho, sure folk ....... This Senator Stevens fellow is a complete joke. He is one of many corrupt and unapologetic greedy Republicans who walk the halls of Congress. This person should be bought before the Bar of Justice and given a fair and speedy trial, and if convicted spent the rest of his pathetic life in prison, but I doubt that this would even be a start on what he truly deserves.

Its no wonder our country is going down hill with this kind of governmental corruption. It is a crying shame, elderly people all over this land are wondering how to pay for medicine, food, gas, etc. among other necessities of life, and the people who are elected to represent us are trying to figure out who they can squeeze to get their house remodeled..... gee wit i curs...! These elite rich and corrupt fat cat Republicans have made a mockery of our government and this sort of corruption shall be ended. If the FBI and IRS dig deep enough they may find this kind of corruption and arrangements between more of these Republicans congresspersons and the monopoly controlled and corrupt oil and gas industries, which could potentially lead all the way to the top of the corrupt ladder which goes straight up to the White House.

Folks, it time to get angry. Everyone should get all over their congress person concerning all this corruption thats going on within and out of our government. Congress can spend 350 million dollars of taxpayers dollars to build a bridge to no where in Alaska for 50 people, and can spend 13 billion dollars on wars, but they can’t spend a measly 10 billion dollars for one year to provide health care coverage for poor and disadvanged American children. Is this the future for America? Wake up folks, maybe everyone should give serious thought for term limits. These Republicans all preach one way to us and lives another way in private. Back when our country was and infant we divested ourselves of duplicitous officials only to inaugurate the American Aristocracy. Once they were on board our government they, their relatives and their descendants never left the public dole. Like pigs they will swill and root for whatever they can get, and true to swine nature digging finds them covered with slime, mud, and manure. The American dream today is nothing more than a myth fed to us by these hypocrite Republicans but in truth the minascule successes of acquiring “the dream” are frequently flouted loudly to drown out the drone of those who have never known nor will ever know its benefits. These corrupt Republicans claim their party stands for high moral values, and they try to justify the likes of Senator Stevens by saying things like “your party is just as corrupt as ours”, good figuring go tell these Republicans you appose abortion and they’ll keep voting Republican no matter how much they cheat, lie, and steal. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

After many years of watching patient access to medical care and the exploits by the insurance industry, medical providers, and doctors who are down right theives and many who are negligent in their jobs, there are these Republican lawmakers who are attempting to ram though Bills in Congress and several states legislatures limiting total awards in medical liability cases to $1 million dollars as long as both parties agree to binding arbitration. Of course the only one that will benefit from this sort of luncy legislation will be the corrupt insurance companies and individuals who are the Republican elite and rich that get in office and stay in office by being subservient to these conglomerate insurance companies. Patients and doctors will not benefit from this type of legislation, and this is not the best way to insure that patients across the country have access to the type of care they need when they need it.

Everyone should get involved against this luncy idea of limiting a citizen right to access to the Courts for redress of their grievances, and the limiting of damage awards and punitive damages, this wrong-head approch to Medical Liability Reform must be stopped and lawmakers should pass legislation that puts the patient first just as in any business the customer comes first and patient should also. This ill conceived notion of limiting damages is just another attack by Bush and his Republican coharts upon the poor and middle class in this country to silence them and place them in a critical position where they as patients would become subservient to the elite and privileged upper class who are attempting to do away with the American way of life and all the rights and benefits that being an American entails, and the Republican Party is the head of the snake in this monstrosity called Medical Liability Reform.

There is an organization “Protect Patients Now” who is showering the media and the internet with propaganda that is subservient to the corrupt Republican cause, and is dedicated it seems to limiting a patient’s access to quality medical care through a luncy idea of reforming of our nation’s medical libility system. If these Republicans controlled people really want to reform our medical libility system then they should abide by the laws and the constitution of the U.S., and stay out of the business of turning our government into a fascist state. There should be universe healthcare available to all citizens, and if a patient is wrongly damaged by anyone in the medical field that patient has a right to take them to court for redress and should recieve due justice for damages done to him in accordance with the United States Constitution and the laws thereof. The Republican Party has destroyed the unions in this country, now they’re after all the working class people who work hard by the sweat of their brow and the poor, especially when it comes to healthcare and are attempting to take control of all the people and make them subservient to them. The American electorate should wake up to this fact and to this Republican “Protect Patients Now” propaganda being propagated all over the internet and other media sources. The only ones they are protecting are themselves and their masters the elite rich and corrupt Republican Party and their coharts.

Where is the proof that doctors are leaving the profession in droves as the promoters of this luncy idea put forth by these knucle-heads reformers? Evidence indicates that tort liability restrictions, specifically, caps on non-economic damages are very insignificant, inconclusive and weak at best as a method of lowering insurance premiums, but these Republicans it seems are hell bent on advocating such policies. Why are doctors, hospitals, HMOs and medical associations going after malpractice ligigants as well as their lawyers with such vengeance through the use of non-economic damage capping proposals. The capping of unlimited non-economic damages does not turn the justice system into a lottery as some of these lunatic reformers have suggested. These luncies ideas by these reformers that jurors like plaintiffs because they want the same thing as the plaintiffs is streaching the facts into fiction. Also, the so-called reformers supporters say that economic damages, which compensate for actual medical cost and lost earnings would not be capped, and further said that plaintiffs would get what they deserved, and believe unlimited awards would undermine the states health-care system is just simply wrong-headed and is stooping to a low not seen in the healthcare field for quite some time.

First, caps on non-economic damages would limit unfairly a patient’s right to access the courts for the redress of his/her grievances. Economic damages account for only medical bills and wages, not other losses, such as becoming an invalid and homebound, being able to care for one’s children, or by suffering cause by staff infections and major disfigurement and other horrible results of medical malpractice and places an arbitrary value on human life, one that would diminish the value of the lives of homemakers, children, the elderly, and the disabled, who may not have earnings that can be compensated by economic damages, but still suffer servere loss. Futher, these capping proposals equate a person’s life to the amount of money earned and would discriminate against people whose value exceeds their income, and would place an arbitrary value on that person’s life. Jurors not federal and state legislators are the only legitimate and credible bodies to make those types of value distinctions on a case-by-case basis. Federal and state legislators should concentrate more on other things, such as tools to lower medical malpractice insurance rates, improvements in the regulation of physicians and insurance reforms, and not mess around with our juror system and limiting a person’s right for redress of his/her grievances. This medical liability reform proposal put out by the Republicans and their coharts is bad for Patients, Doctors, Hospitals, and other entities in the medical industry. William in Alabama

perry6911 said...

The tragic bridge collapse in Minnesota has brought into clear focus the very unsafe conditions, safety, and the degradation of the nation’s infrastructure. This while Bush and the Republicans for well over a decade have neglected and refused to put in place an initiative and plan toward rebuilting America’s infrastructure. America needs a plan put in place to assure our safety, create good jobs, stimulate the economy, enhance our global competitiveness, help the environment, and improve the quality of life by reducing congestion.

The fears of driving over bridges people fear will collapse, levees that may burst, or highways that may buckle is not only a threat to people’s safety but the economy as well. It is pass time for more warnings, wakeup calls, and now is the time for all Americans to join together with an intelligent plan to rebuild the nation’s infrastructure. There is a need for more funds to be allocated by Congress to address the backlog of critical infrastructure repairs, and for Congress to pass the pending Emergency Assessment Grants to the states for conducting safety and high-priorty, high-risk infrastructure assets, and to conduct reviews of engineering standards to better maintain repairs on our bridges and roads.

Further, Congress should pass legislation on modernizing the country’s infrastructure, especially our public transit system, intercity passenger rail, seaport, and addressing congestion and traffic growth. The also should be an initiative to establish leadership in Broadband. But all this if implemented would only be a first step. The priority of establishing a plan should be comparable or similar to the Marshall Plan which led to the reconstruction of Europe after world war two. This I believe would help rebuilt America and would in itself create more jobs for Americans and improve the economy. This would also help create a safe world locally and globally, instead of spending $12 to $14 billion a month to wage an injust war in Iraq. We could as a nation begin to put our house in order and again believe and live the American Dream once again. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

Well folks, here Bush and the Republicans go again considering a foolish plan to cut tax rates for U.S. corporations claiming it will make U.S. corporations more competitive around the world while there are millions of Americans who are if given the change the most competitive people in the world. The United States government, George Bush, and his master the corrupt corporations and the head of the snake being the Republican Party have already while they were the majority in Congress robbed, raped, and pillaged the assets and the working man fruits of his labor over a life time and now have the gall to give these corrupt corporations a tax cut. If these Democrats go along with this non-sense like they did with the “national security” issue they will not be in the majority much longer.

Bush is now wrongly blaming Congress for not doing more to shore up infrastructure such as bridges, such as the bridge that collapsed in Minneapolis a few days ago. Bush is plotting his strategy to help his legacy in history and to help his Republican “rubber stampers” in the up coming 2008 election, and is trying very hard to disaffected Republicans to rally behind him. In reality this is just another assault on the working class of people who work by the sweat of their brow just trying to survive these corrupt Republican on-slaught schemes and illegal scams and flim-flams which have adversely affected the poor, middle class, disabled, and most all decent lawbiding and God loving people here in this great nation we call America. It is a shame and disgrace how these Republicans and Bush have ignored and abused the American people with all this non-sense and decietfulness legislation now and in the past when the Republicans were in charge for nearly 15 years and are now attempting to blame the current Democratic controlled Congress for all the ills that are poping up in Americans lives today, what hypocrisy and greed these Republicans seem to have and and alarming dislike for the average, common, working, retired,
disabled, elderly, young, and true American people and they seem hell bent on destroying the American way of life.

The Democrats seem to be getting weary and scarced of these corrupt Republican no-gooders here lately and now it seems they go along with whatever Bush and the Republicans wants afraid Bush and the Republicans will bash them on things such as “national security” . They should have stayed in town and fought tooth and nail against these corrupt Republicans and George Bush. Especially over important constitution issues and protecting the liberty, freedoms, and rights of all Americans. The Democrats should start putting laws in place that will bring relief to Americans not the corrupt corporations and elite rich individuals who have had their way on just about everything that they have seeked from our government for nearly 15 years now. Its about time for the Democrats to stop this caving in to these corrupt Republicans and their master the corrupt and criminal incompetent egotiscal corporations and individuals. I wholeheartly agree with Rep. David Wu from the state of Oregon concerning the National Security issues here recently that was passed in Congress: “ this makes Alberto Gonzales the sheriff, the judge, and the jury”. Please Democrats get some backbone and don’t be so wimpy and standup to these Republicans who seem to think that they are above the rule of law and who thinks the U.S. Constitution is just a piece of paper to be used as toiletry. Wakeup Democrats standup for the people who elected you with the same vigor and determination as you promised before the last election. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

Is Clinton a drag? The vicious propaganda and lies that the Republicans wants everyone to believe is that the Democratic leaders are worried that Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton who is now at the top of the Democratic 2008 ticket could hurt the other candidates at the bottom. This folks is what is called deceitful and rotten to the core politics. The Republicans are attacking Senator Clinton the former first lady and are propagandizing that her popularity could indanger the Democrats candidates standing with the independent voters, well well, I thought this is what elections are all about. The one that get the majority of votes wins. The Republicans are propagandizing that the Republicans who otherwise would vote may stay home if she was not the candidate. This is pure hogwash at best the Republicans are in such disarray from all the corruption plaguing the Republican Party that it a wonder why most of them are not doing time in a prison like all other criminal lawbreakers and why these people are again running for office is disgusting and unamerican.

The media taking heads are getting their bank accounts full of money given to them by the elite rich and corrupt corporations and individuals and are spinning and twisting the truth and facts again seeking to degrade and villainous attack against Senator Clinton’s character and her righteous and courageous stand on most all serious issues of our times and she would be the best thing to happen to the United States if she became President since John F. Kennedy and William J. Clinton was President. The Republicans have ruined so many lives with their spitefulness, hatefulness, and lawlessness throughout the years the voters in my opinion this time around will not fall for all their crafty, corruption, and lawbreaking or their propaganda jargon as was the case in the past. The Republicans are always attacking the weakess and down trodden people who even think of getting in their way of their greedy and corrupt schemes and scams that they are still today perpetrating upon the hardworking men and women and those who can’t help themselves. Its about time the Democrats along with the American people put a stop to this luncy and corruption of the Republican party. They have never been for the little man, the down trodden, people drawing social security, the disabled, healthcare for all Americans or anything that the elite rich and corrupt corporations and individuals think will effect their corrupt “ bottom line “. Further, these asinine Republican in my opinion are hell bent on changing our way of government to a fascist type of government where the elite rich and powerful who wants to put in place the doctrines and methods of the fascisti, in a system of government in which a dictator and a single party (in this case the Republican Party) who will have absolute power over the politics, industry, and absolute control of the government and the American people just as Adolf Hitler did as dictator of Germany some years ago.
Paster Niemoller once wrote: “first they came for the communist, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a communist, then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Jew, then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up, because I was a protestant, then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak for me”. This Republican party and Bush are running our government just as Benito Mussolini did some years back when he described fascism as corporatism since it is a marriage between the state and business... Well folks that exactly what we have going on in our government today, pure corporatism (a fascist government run by business and corrupt individuals. This is the beginning of the end of America as we know it in the land of the free folks, and the Democrats with the support and knowledge of Senator and candidate for President Hillary Clinton can be in a position to do something about this Republican mess that they have heaped upon all most all Americans and the world. Democrats just rattling your jaws want get it, you Democrats must show some courage and be willing to sacrifice even if it means losing you positions and changing your lifestyle to get these fascist Republicans and a few sour Democrats out of office and position in our government. The ignominy Republicans, George Bush, and their corrupt coharts in my opinion are conducting themselves in a disgusting, shameful, an unamerican way, and the Democrats should do more investigations and rid our Congress of these corrupt Republicans, and start impeachment proceeding against Bush and Cheney the sooner the better! William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

A private paddling club is now facing congressional anger and wrath at a time when the Democratic control congress appears to be attacking the Bush administration and the corrupt Republicans. There are some sour Democrats who have totally lost it by chosing to go after a local canoe club in washington D.C. which is a private group on the banks of the Potomac River. These Democrats it seems have way to much time on their hands going after groups of people which should be handled locally by the people who it concerns. Instead all lawmakers should be focus on other serious and important problems and issues facing the nation and the American people, instead of making a mountain out of a mole hill. It seems all this hum-drum over this canoe club if one follows the money it is easy to understand why these congressmen who want to benefit themselves at the expense of neglecting their congressional duties and obligations to their country and the American people. These congressmen have priorities a lot more serious and demanding than something as minuscule as a Paddling Club.

Why the media is not picking up on the reason for all this nonsense is of great concern. The Congress should get their act together and instead of going after a small canueing club, they should be going after these crazy lunitics terrorist who wants to kill Americans. Maybe all the egotiscal complainers about terrorist on the loose should stop the endless talking and catch the next flight to the middle east and raise hell with the people who wants to kill all Americans, of course you should do all this after you vacuum your home to help your mom.

It seems the Democrats will never learn that doing stupid stuff like going after a small Paddling Club shows just how insincere and serious they are about solving and correcting the very serious problems facing this country and the American people. If they keep this sort of humdruming and attacking others the Democratic party will become the laughing stock around the world. When the Comptroller General says the U.S. government is on a “burning platform” of fiscal instability and these sour yahoos are concerned with Paddling Clubs......give me a break do what you were elected to do work for the benefit and security of the United States and the American people. Busy body congressmen and women need to get off the backs of the paddling club that are just doing their part for Americans health and fitnes and let the free market do it’s work. Maybe someone should ask the callgirls about paddling before one takes sides on the issues.

Then there is this Louisiana Republican Senator who exposed his past with an escort service run by the so called “ D.C. Madam”, where records shows he was involved with this group of perverts. This Senator was one of the chief accuser of former President Bill Clinton during his Monica Lewinsky sex scandal. This Republican was forced to step down after Huster magazine threatened to publish evidence of his marital infidelity, to which the Senator admitted upon his resignation. Ah, the bitter smell of hypocrisy sure make the nostrils flare. The Christian right seem not to care if people lie to them. One should assume thats why there’s no outrage over the Iraq war on the christain right, and this pervert Senator probably will not even lose their support. Isn’t it ironical that Hillary Clinton caught hell from the Republicans over her “ stand by your man” comments but I kinda doubt that this perverted Senator’s wife will not be bashed over this, it seems the Republicans are a lot more civil with their own. The very idea of two same-sex partners living in a monogamous relationship wanting to get married has caused this perverted Senator much anguish. All the time one would think it was the “same-sex” part that bothered him; apparently it’s the “monogarmy part. One would think that this Senator is truly sorry, he is sorry because he got caught. This is just one of many examples of a Republican defending the sanctity of marriage. Nearly all these Republicans in our government are hypocrites, they profess to be christains, but are always the first to throw stones, very shameful and hateful. I would have to guess that the Republican’s motto for success is “do as I say,not as I do”. It is past time for someone to start paying for what the Republicans did to President Clinton and the Democrats in Congress should make it one of its priorities to see to it that no other President will be put through what President Clinton had to endure while in office.

If the Republicans would keep out of our bedrooms, we’d keep out of theirs!!!! It seems the requirements for being a Republican is know how to steal, cheat, lie and sleep around, have no morals, values, intergrity or shame. And further, to disgrace our fore fathers and those who have better qualities for the job. The mainstream media is fast becoming the ministry of propaganda for this administration and the Republican party and is one of the biggest problems in this country, because the media is so caught up in lusting after the almighty dollar and so spineless as to report only as ordered. The Republican Guide seems to be: “ advocates for sanctity of marriage equals adulterer; protects children equals pedophile; gay-basher equals being gay; fair and balanced equals biased and partisan; support our troops equals support Walter Reed cover up; pro-marriage, pro-guns, pro right to life equals pro Guilani; hate flip-flop equals prevent Democrats from voting, family values person equals multiply divorce; a uniter not a divider equals a divider; strong on law and order equals pro amnesty for illegals; anti-amnesty for illegal immigrants equals pro pardon for Scooter Libby.

Why are these Republicans leaders leaking state secrets? It seems Republicans can commit treason and if they wrap themselves in the flag while they do it, its all right. They will never stop if the American people and Congress don’t hold them accountable. Nearly all Republicans are untrustworthy, more dangerous than a cobra snake and arsenic. One does not publicly accuse other people of doing things that you are doing in secret, its so hypocritical and evil. These Republicans are astounding even when they are caught blatantly want to blame the Clintons and Democrats. They are so decietful, corrupt and crooked its a wonder that every government building in Washington D.C. is not leaning right of course. These Republican hypocrites will use any means necessary to achieve their ends, legal or illegal. They have no morals, ethics, or conscience. Who needs terrorist, when Bush, Cheney, Rowe, Armitage, Libby, Hoekstra, Boehner, and their likeness, are doing just fine destroying this country all by themselves. The Republicans are always saying “do as I say, not as I do” how pertinacious and stupidfied. You can fool some of the people some of the time and Republicans all they need is enough of the “fooled” to vote so they can get elected, then they do as they please. This is the way it has been thoughout history. So, to all you Democrats I would say get with the program and rid this evil from our government and begin doing what you were elected to do, form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. And folks, if the Democrats can do this then we will be well on our way to becoming the greatest nation on the face of this earth. William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

We as Americans must come together to preserve the readiness of our armed forces, the greatest military in history, for our troops and our national security. It looks as if President Bush will not increase gas taxes to fix bridges, badly in need of repair. There is more than 73,000 bridges in the United States which are rated “structureally defincient”. Instead of proposing his own plan to repair the nation’s infrastruture, he just keeps on attacking the spending priorties of Congress. It seems Bush again with the backing of the “rubber stamper” Republicans all they seem to do is to lecture Congress about proper investment for our country, then Bush ups and goes on another vaction, so far he has taken 418 days of vaction since he illegally in my opinion became President. It seems George Bush blows taxpayer money in Iraq while the nation is deteriorating. Maybe it is a good idea if Bush and Cheney stayed on vaction and let the Speaker of the House run the country. In my opinion, under this tyrant Bush things like helping the veterans, fair pay for our troops especially the lower rank ones is not on his or the “rubber stampers” Republican agenda.

The nation’s pine forest are dying in part due to global warming that Bush still denies is even happening and always is against anything that would alleviate this real crisis. America’s once well rounded and the best in the world public education system while under Bush and his “rubber stampers” Republicans let the education system slip-slide and fall way behind in the education of the American people, and college for most Americans is becoming a thing of the past. The endless mind-blogging phenomenon brought on by George Bush throughout our government should be brought to and end the sooner the better.

The Democrats who supported Bush’s Bill on immigration need to re-think this issue, because the Democratic Party have always stood on the side of the poor and hard-working labours and professionals workers of Americans. This idea that illegal immigrants taking jobs away from Americans under the false assumption that its good for our country is luncy and in my opinion down right unamerican. The true and blue and faithful Democrats who stand by the working man and his family should confront and get in the face of these sour Democrats and demand that they as Democrats should get on the side of the American people, especially the hard-working American laborers and their families and put an end to this monstrosity catastrophe that Bush has perpetrated upon the American people.

The United States government is on a “burning platform of unsustainable policies and practices with fiscal deficits, chronic healthcare underfunding, immigration and over-seas military commitments threatening a crisis if action is not taken soon” so says the top U.S. government inspector. It seems the modern day conservative “rubber stamper” Republicans and George Bush are in search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. As James Madison once said:
“ the strongest passions and most dangerous weaknesses of the human breast; ambition, avarice, the honorable or venal love of fame, are all in conspiracy against the desire and duty of peace”. America under Bush has become a democracy no more, but in reality has become a fascist state ruled by a egotiscal tyrant with a “rubber stamper” Rebublican party of elite rich, powerful, and corrupt individuals and corporations among others who have this country under the rule of corporatism which in the past Benito Mussolini once described fascism as “corporatism since it is a marriage between the state and business”. All anyone has to do is examine the current businesses such as the Haliburton, Inc., Enron Inc., the oil and gas industry, the pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, etc. and yes the U.S. government that is being headed up by the “ Decider” George Bush and his corrupt elite rich and powerful Republican “rubber stampers” among others that support and dictates how our laws are written and how they are enforced. It is very clear to me and I hope all Americans can plainly see that we Americans are now under the rule of corporatism and/or fascism. The Democratic Party along with the American people need to put and end to this madness. Impeach Bush and Cheney and send all these corrupt elite rich and evil-doer Republicans to prison at hard labor for a long long time. This foregoing above article is the firm belief and opinion of William in Alabama.

perry6911 said...

Is the United States Congress going to over-ride Bush’s veto of the Children’s Health care Bill? Health care for American is being attacked, particularly health care for millions of uninsured children. President Bush is threatening to veto a bill that would insure millions of American children because he says it’s “an incremental step toward the goal of government-run health care for every American”. This it seems is just another attempt by Bush at fulfilling his commitment and servitude to the elite rich and corrupt individuals and corporations among others who are responsible for his appointment to the Presidency by a Republican controlled Supreme Court. The Children’s Health Care Bill has been passed by Congress and has immense support among the American people.

The Republicans in Congress will be under immense pressure from Bush and the elite rich and corrupt individuals, corporations and others to not support an over-ride of Bush’s veto. Bush seems not to care about millions of children who are uninsured and anyone can plainly predict that he will be applying all the pressure at his disposal and using every political and non-political avenue to sway these subservient Republicans not to vote to over-ride his veto.

If the Bill fails millions of children will continue to be uninsured because their families can’t afford the rising health insurance cost. Further, if this Bill fails health care for all American will come to a halt. In the past nearly all the Republicans in Congress have stood by Bush even if it was bad for the country or whether it was right or wrong. The American people
one would hope will take notice of these Republicans vote not to over-ride Bush’s veto and come next year election hopefully will do something about it.

The United States has the finest and most advanced health care system in the world but many millions of Americans do not have access to it and cannot afford the high cost of insurance. All Americans should let Congress know that going along with Bush’s veto this time will abruptly end the fight for all American to have available to them affordable and proper health care. The American people know that rising health care costs, not health coverage is the chief health care concern. The American people also wants the government to play a leading role in providing health care for all. The American people overwhelmingly agree that access to health care should be a right and the public at large say it is willing to pay more in taxes to provide every American with health care coverage. In conclusion, if Bush’s veto is sustained it will be a very sad day again in America. William in Alabama

perry6911 said...

Wrong Vs. Right On Immigration
Wrong vs. Right: Commonly used attacks for illegal immigration
Information provided by: http://political/newsalabama.blogspot.com
FACT: Immigrants do not pay taxes because it is against the law for and illegal immigrant to be inside the United States and therefore are not by law cut income taxes as some people claim. Even if they were someway cut taxes in federal, state and local taxes it would not begin to pay for the cost and damages done to the citizens of the United States. These illegal immigrants are costing the United States taxpayers between$560 billion and one (1) trillion dollars in the past 15 years. The notion that there is a suspense file (taxes that cannot be matched to workers name and Social Security numbers) is lunacy and down right unlawfully and un-American in my opinion. These so called illegal un-documented guest-workers have cost the American people great harm, damages, lost of tax revenues and lives and should the illegal that come to our country should be punished and deported. They have cost the citizens of the United States trillions of dollars.
FACT: If immigrants want to unite with their people they should go to where ever they are and commence uniting or in the alternative help them seek citizenship to live in this country legally and become a legal citizen. The augment that illegal immigrants make up a larger share of the U.S. labor force is completely false and misleading in my opinion. I will agree that the U.S. leaders and policy makers have abused the legal way to entered this country (Mostly Republicans) by ignoring the Constitution of the United States and the laws, rule and regulations thereof. These illegal immigrants seem not to want to learn English are to become Americans. Legal immigrants should learn how to read, write, and understand English. Illegal immigrants pose a great risk to the United States national security and tears at the social fabric of the nation.
FACT: The immigrants of today are no different than those 150 years ago that entered into the United States legally, but those that enter illegally should be treated the same as those of past years, that is if they entered illegally they were deported and some had other punishment place upon them. This illegal immigrant of today should be met with the same tactics, deportation and punishment for violations of the United States Constitution and the laws thereof. These illegal immigrants are nothing more than a cheap labor source and vote pandering facade for the elite rich and corrupt Republicans and their comrades who want to exploit the hard working American citizens. These illegal immigrants will never be vindicated or saluted by me and I would hope the majority of the American people. The border patrol is in the hands of the elite rich and corrupt Republican including the “decider” George Bush who in my opinion allow these illegal to enter the United States causing great harm and damages to the American citizens.
FACT: The amount these illegal immigrants spend on their household in this country is minuscule when compared to the harm and damages they cost the American citizens. All illegal immigrants should go back to their country of origin and get involved in building up their own country for themselves and their posterity. If they truly want to become American citizens then they should go through legal system that controls entrance into the United States to become a citizen. This illegal offense and practices of flooding this country with low-wage and unskilled workers should be stopped and the government officials who have allowed this calamity should be brought to the bar of justice and dealt with severely.
Fact: Illegal immigrants take jobs away from the American worker and are one of the causes of the decline in the American economy and jobs for the legal immigrants and all American citizens. If this sort of illegal immigration continues here in the United States the American people will find themselves in a situation reminiscent of the Great Depression of the 1920s and 1930s years. The lunacy idea that illegal immigrants helps create jobs or help form new business is down right hog-wash and is just more propaganda from these elite rich and corrupt Republican in my opinion.
Fact: Illegal immigrants are a drain on the U.S. economy and do not fill any gaps left by native-born workers as some claim. Most illegal immigrants fill jobs in the trades and service industry and replace the American worker for the elite to have lower wage cost. The illegal immigrants never start up their own businesses, most of them work as laborers who can’t speak, read or understand the English language and are very dangerous to public safety and national security.
FACT: The legal immigrants of today are no different than those 150 years ago. The different is the illegal immigrants of today do not come to this country legally as the immigrants did in years past. The illegal immigrants of today are nothing more than a cheap labor source and voting pandering facade for the elite rich and corrupt Republicans and their comrades who want to exploit and harm the American people in my opinion. This illegal immigrant will never be vindicated or saluted by me and I hope the majority of the American citizenry.
FACT: As I have stated before and will repeat below:
The people of the United States have had an immigration policy here in the United States for almost as long as we have been a country. I understand and do sympathize with nearly all people who want a better life for themselves and their children. Nevertheless, the United States has enough poverty all ready and cannot afford or tolerate the flood of illegal into our country. We have for a very long time had a mechanism to allow immigrates to legally enter into this country and I would like to remind all Americans that former President Theodore Roosevelt ideas on immigration is correct and true when he in a letter shortly before his death in January of 1919 wrote: In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith and becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American and nothing but and American. ... There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man, who says he or she is American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for one flag, the American flag. ... We have but one language here and that is the English language...and we have room for one sole loyalty and it is a loyalty to the American people? That was correct and true then and is today still correct and true.
NAME: William Alford Perry
MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 73, West Bloc ton, Alabama 35184
TELEPHONE NUMBER: 205-938-7943